Wednesday, August 13, 2008

How can we get our downline motivated to act? - by Chris Widener

Obviously, this question comes from someone in network marketing, but the principle applies to almost everybody. It could be, "How do I get my employees to work harder?" or "How do I get my kids to behave?" The answer is found in a few basic motivational principles, but first, a caveat. How can you get anybody to do anything? You can't. The fact is that everybody chooses to do what he or she does. What you can do is show people "why" they should act. Having said that, here are a few ways:

1. Reward positive behavior. John Maxwell says that the greatest management secret in the world is, "What gets rewarded gets done." I agree. When someone does something well, reward them and reward them well. Do it so others can see. Then they will work to be rewarded well too.

2. Show the positive benefits. People are inherently selfish so the more you can show them how it will benefit them, the more apt they are to act. It isn't guaranteed but they are more apt to do so.

3. Motivate, motivate, motivate. Constantly putting good stuff their way will begin to change their mindset and attitudes, and in the long run, their actions. If you can't be the one, I would humbly suggest that you let them know about my free Ezine. Then I will motivate them regularly for you. Recommend good books, CDs, DVDs and resources. Be up when you are with them.

In the end though, you must remember that all people are responsible for themselves and there will be those who choose to just sit there. That is unfortunate. In that case I remind myself of the old A.L. Williams quote, "All you can do is all you can do, but all you can do is enough."

One last bit of advice: Pour the most energy into those who are working to build your organization. I say this to myself all of the time: "Build those who build the organization." In the long run, that is what will build a great organization. Hope that helps! -- CW

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