Monday, November 17, 2008

Stop Them Ignoring You! by Rod Moore

Getting the ATTENTION of your target market today is harder than ever. If you have been to one of my Attraction Marketing Seminars you will know what I mean by this.

In fact if I had to sum up why The Attraction Marekting System is so powerful it is because of its ability to GET & HOLD THE ATTENTION OF YOUR TARGET MARKET! If you are unable to get and hold the attention of your target market then your marketing efforts will be wasted.

It is getting tougher than ever before. Today people are overwhelmed with marketing messages and quickly develop MADD syndrome (Marketing Attention Deficit Disorder). They switch off, tune out and blatantly ignore your efforts to sell your products or services to them.

Today we demand more of those who provide us with products and services. We no longer are satisfied with someone who we think can get the job done. We want specialists. Technology has empowered us to search out very specific solutions to what we perceive as our very specific problems or challenges.

It is also easier than ever for your target market to IGNORE you. If you rely on email marketing to get your message out then you know what I mean. One click of the mouse button and you and your painstakingly well thought out marketing message are in the trash can permanently deleted.

So how you stop your target market ignoring you?

How do you get and hold their ATTENTION?

Excellent questions. This is the essence of the work that I do with my clients. Let me share with you a few key points to consider:

1/ Segment Your Target Market - Most small business owners have to broad a view of their target market. That used to be okay. Today though markets are segmenting into more narrowly defined slithers with highly specific problems looking for highly specific solutions. They gravitate and are attracted to specialists and experts.

2/ Deeper Understanding - As you segment your market you must seek to understand your market better than they understand themselves. Here is a key ... we are all driven to avoid or get out of PAIN. The problem or challenge we have is stimulating our desire to change. If you focus on articulating that PAIN better than your target market can then they will begin to believe that you understand them and what they are going through. This leads to you being positioned as the solution provider they seek.

3/ Recognised Authority - You will further enhance your appeal in the marketplace when you develop a strategy to become the recognised authority. Two ways to accelerate this ... one is through publishing content and making it freely available. This could be in the form of articles you write, your blog, writing a book etc. The second way is to speak at seminars, events, association meetings etc. There is an automatic perception, rightly or wrongly, that if someone stands up to speak in front of a group on a topic they must be an expert.

4/ Develop Relationships - Instead of focusing on trying to sell your products or services to everyone shift your focus to the development of the right relationships with people. I have just got of a coaching call with a client who I shared with the critical factor of success ... the size of your database and the quality of the relationships you have with that database.

5/ Know You, Like You, Trust You - With each relationship you create your goal is to move them through the phases of know you, like you and trust you. Once your prospective client has moved through these phases they are more likley to engage your services and refer you on. You can fast track this through providing the opportunity for them to interact with you. This can be achieved through things like teleseminars, actual seminars, and providing continual value.

If you focus on these five key areas then I can assure you that you will begin to hold the ATTENTION of your Target Market. Once they perceive you as the SOLUTION to their PROBLEMS they will find it difficult to ignore your message. Now they may not do business with you straight away but when the time is right for them they will come to you presold.

This is certainly the case in our business and in many of our clients business who have implemented these five keys. Now obviously there is more to it and we reveal more details in The Attraction Marketing System - Home Study Guide.

The key is for you to develop the right marketing strategy and implement it. Now is the time to do this. Your competitors are probably not thinking strategically right now so this is your chance to captivate and dominate the marketplace.

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