Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Let's Get Real About the Law of Attraction By Elizabeth A. Grant

There is a universal law that is hardly ever talked about, but it's crucial to understand it if you are going to feel inner happiness, which is key to attracting outer abundance. It is the Law of Compensation.

Essentially, the Law of Compensation says that everything has a price. This is an essential concept for you to keep in mind relating to the Law of Attraction. You see, many Law of Attraction materials say that you can have, be or do anything you want in this life, and it comes to you like magic and you don't have to pay for it.

While it is true that when you have a deliberately created Law of Attraction experience, it feels truly magical, nothing is free. You may even attract a large sum of money with very little effort through the law of attraction. However, that does not mean it doesn't come with a price.

The universe is perfectly balanced. The yin and the yang. Nothing happens in one part of the world that doesn't effect the world somewhere else, in however small a way. It's because we are all one, operating from one energy field.

I want to talk about the Law of Compensation because I do not want you to be surprised nor disappointed when you discover it on your own ... when you become a deliberate creator of your reality, and then wonder why these "bad" things are happening to you.

Let me give you a few examples. First, let's say you work with the Law of Attraction correctly, meaning your thoughts and beliefs are lined up, and you take massive action forward toward your dream, and over the course of the next ten years, you increase your income from $50,000 to $5,000,000 per year. That would be quite an accomplishment!

Now you have the financial freedom you've always wanted. You are secure. You can travel to Paris on a whim. Your children can go to the best schools. You have the life you always dreamed of.

Do you think that large sum of money you're receiving has a price attached? Well, it does. For one thing, you may lose some of your middle class friends, who can't handle the disparity in your incomes. You may have distant cousins come out of the woodwork asking for what they perceive they are entitled to: loans, gifts, etc. People may steal from you.

Did you know that both Jack Canfield and James Arthur Ray have been embezzled from? And they both have a firm grasp on the Law of Attraction. See, that was the price they paid for becoming rich, and while it may have been frustrating, I'm sure before long they recognized it as such. Does this mean that every rich person is stolen from? Of course not. But they pay a price. It might be time away from their kids. Or more stress and pressure. They might feel disconnected to others. (There's a reason for the old saying, "It's lonely at the top.")

Let's talk about the Law of Compensation as it relates to something a little more day-to-day. When you acquire a flat screen television at a store, you pay for it; let's say $1600. That's the price. If you find a really cheap one, say $200, you'd probably think, "This is too good to be true!"

Yes, it is. What do you think the real price will be for getting a $200 flat screen TV? Most likely, such a TV will be poor quality. You may think you're paying only $200, but you will continue to pay in inconvenience, because it will break, or the picture will be fuzzy. In less than a year, it may have gone to TV heaven, and you'll have to buy a new one. Because high quality flat screen TVs don't cost $200. Maybe it will be worth it to you. That is where individual choice comes in. One price may seem tolerable or even a bargain to one person, yet intolerable to another.

How about in relationships? Everything has a price there, too. Say you're a single person. If you meet your perfect partner, your life will be enriched in so many ways (and if he or she is rich, even material wealth, right?). You might gain emotional security, a fun companion and a satisfying sex life, too.

But you will pay a price to have all that. You will have to give up some of your freedom, and you will have to compromise. You will have to take another person's feelings into consideration. You may have to eat food you don't like, or go to movies you don't like, or any number of other things. But it's worth it, because of what the person brings to your life.

If you don't pay that price, chances are, whether it's in one year, or 30 years, you'll lose the joy of having that person around. That will be your price. Because who would want to be with someone where they bring joy and give of themselves, and the person takes and takes and takes?

If you absolutely adore chocolate, and you eat a big bar of it every day, you will have to pay a price. You will either be fat, or you will have to work out extra hard to maintain your figure.

If someone gives you your dream car for your birthday, you will have to buy gas, pay for maintenance, and pay for insurance. Even if they cover all of these things for you, you will eventually have to pay a price. Maybe when that person wants you to go on a trip to the backwoods of Alaska, and you couldn't think of anything you'd rather not do more than that, you feel obligated to go. After all, they bought you a CAR. It's a small price to pay, right? (Does that phrase sound familiar? "It's a small price to pay for ..." See? You already knew about the Law of Compensation.)

For an actor, the price of massive success is total lack of privacy. Top Hollywood actors often feel they can't trust anyone anymore. They have difficulty developing deep friendships and finding someone they can share their innermost thoughts with, worried it might end up in the tabloids.

The price you pay for ensuring you will have enough to retire on is not having everything you want right now.

The price you pay for tube of toothpaste is $1.89.

The price you pay for writing a book is time spent away from friends and family. Or a night out on the town. Or sleep.

Does this help you understand something as it relates to the Law of Attraction? Because many Law of Attraction movies and books definitely missed this. They make it sound like a fairytale.

If you've had a Law of Attraction experience, you know it feels magical. You deliberately brought something into your life. Wow, what power you discover about yourself! Just understand that it's not a fairytale. Gratefully pay your price, knowing that you're simply experiencing the wisdom of the universe, the divine balance we all live within.

Author's Bio

Prior to experiencing a spiritual awakening in 2002, Elizabeth A. Grant lived in an almost constant state of depression and anxiety. Within four years, she was living in an almost constant state of bliss. Almost immediately, though, she noticed that manifesting her external life became virtually effortless, later learning that her inner happiness had put her in perfect harmony with universal laws of quantum physics, such as the law of attraction. Through her experiences, she developed Quantum Approach, a method to help others awaken and find their true nature -- one of happiness and bliss. Since then, she has helped clients find meaning in their lives and remain happy even amid seemingly chaotic external circumstances.

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