What Are Success Enhancements?
There are really two key elements to achieving success.
The first, as we've described, is the practice of goal setting, which is simply:
Setting Objectives,
Developing compelling Reasons for wanting the Objectives,
Breaking the Objectives down into not so overwhelming Subgoals,
Breaking the Subgoals down into easy-to-accomplish Tasks.
The second key element involves training your mind to think positively.
In order to accomplish what you set out to do, you must develop an
achievement mindset. While reviewing your Reasons, and checking off
completed Tasks are two things you should be doing to keep your mind focused
on the success you desire, there are five other Success Enhancements we
recommend you become familiar with:
Success Questions,
Success Stimulants,
Visualization Technique,
Reward Technique
When you are able to keep your mind on success, you will be virtually
certain to reach that success.
Success Questions are exceedingly powerful, and should be used
continuously throughout the life of your goal-setting routine.
These questions effectively control the focus of your thoughts, which should,
at all times, be directed towards the goals you've set for yourself.
Success Questions help you stay connected to your wish.
Success Questions are simply positive questions you write down to regularly
ask yourself whenever you've got spare time, when you start doubting yourself,
or anytime you feel the need to focus your thoughts.
They should be relevant to your goal-setting routine, and directly related to
particular goals you're working on.
The following are examples of positive Success Questions:
!What is the most important thing I could do right now?
!What should I be doing at this moment to increase my prospects for making
a sale?
!What can I do today to ensure I meet my investment goals?
!How can I earn $1 Million as a successful Realtor by my 40th birthday?
!Who should I talk to today that will help me learn everything about bonds?
!How can you add value to someone's life today?
!How can I have fun doing the things I need to do today?
Remember not only to make your Success Questions as positive as
possible, but also to write them down where you can regularly read them to
yourself. And then, do what is necessary to answer them.
How you can resist the temptation using Preference
Your wish is the ultimate desire that may form from time to time conflict with
something you want to do right now – let’s call that immediate desire.
Suppose your ultimate desire is to lose 30 pounds in six months, but your
immediate desire is to eat a hot fudge sundae that is melting in front of your
eyes. Chances are you’ll be inclined to satisfy your immediate craving at the
expense of your ultimate dream. That’s human nature.
You can try to overcome human nature, through iron willed self-discipline, but
that’s the hardest work on earth. Why not be smarter? Make your ultimate desire
and immediate desire change places. Turn the sundae into something you can
put off. Then turn your ideal weight into something you insist on right now.
Simply ask yourself a preference question: “At this instant, would I prefer to
be at my ideal weight or have a hot fudge sundae?”
If you choose the sundae, you might as well give up your wish to lose weight. If
you don’t prefer your ideal weight to a sundae today, when will you?
But if you choose your ideal weight over a sundae, you’re on the right track.
Success Stimulants are motivating statements that, like Success Questions,
help keep your mind focused on achievement.
These Success Stimulants can be phrases, biblical passages, inspirational
ideas, or positive thoughts you've read somewhere, or came up with yourself.
Wherever you find your Success Stimulants, they must be capable of
motivating you into action. Action that leads towards your goals.
Many successful people post inspirational messages in their workplace, and read
them when they find their mind wandering away from the achievement mindset
they want.
While this is a great idea, you should also write your personal Success
Stimulants down on blank business cards, for carrying with you to review
whenever you feel the need for a little inspiration.
The following are a few Success Stimulants we like:
“Before everything else, getting ready is the secret of success.”
“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.”
“Happiness is not a destination. It's a method of life.”
“You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do.”
“If you want to improve your odds, then improve yourself.”
If your Objective is something material, post a photo of the item where you've
written your Objective, or somewhere you're likely to see the picture regularly. As
a visual image can be incredibly motivating, we recommend using a picture of
your Objective just as you would a regular Success Stimulant.
You can also use inspirational posters to keep your mind focused.
Click here to view the examples of inspirational posters.
4. - Visualization Technique
The brain often thinks in pictures.
The human eye captures an incredible amount of information with just one
glance and relays it all to the brain that then translates that information into a
form we 'see'.
It would be more accurate to say we see with our brains than with our eyes.
The success technique to which I am referring is visualization. I guarantee, that
"visualizing your results is the key to realizing your results".
Visualizing is one of the most important techniques you will ever learn and
one that is utilized by all high performers.
One of the reasons goal setting doesn't work for people is because they don't
understand or utilize the power of this one critical factor. Often times, you may
set a goal, write it down, you may even read it aloud every day, but if you can't
see yourself in possession of your goal, you will never realize it long term.
Visualizing is your key to success for two reasons:
1. Your mind thinks in pictures and images;
2. Your subconscious mind drives your behavior.
When something is hammered into your mind in clear detail, it becomes part of
your reality.
Your subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between something that is
real and something vividly imagined. Whatever picture (goal) you consistently
think about will drive your actions to create that exact picture.
When you continually see yourself in possession of your goal, your subconscious
mind will move you into actions that align with the mental image you hold.
Visualization step-by-step
1. Create a clear mental picture.
You must associate a picture to your goal. You should picture yourself in your
vision, rather than watching yourself achieve your goal. This "fine point"
separates the masters from the masses.
You must create a picture that is so real you believe you already have
achieved your success.
2. You must "experience" your vision.
You must be in your picture, looking through your own eyes, seeing, hearing
and feeling everything as if you have already achieved your goal. You must
create the emotion of the moment in your own body.
The more realistic you make your mental practice, the more firmly you fix the
“experience” in your brain.
3. Visualize your goal at every opportunity.
Bring up your mental picture while…
…waiting at a stoplight,
…when you're on a break,
…before your next meeting.
The more frequently you plant your picture into your subconscious mind, the
more rapidly you will begin to realize increased results in your life.
4. Visualize first thing in the morning and last thing at night.
The best time to visualize is in the morning right after you wake up and just
before you go to sleep. These are the times when your subconscious mind is
most open to influence. When your conscious mind relaxes, your subconscious
becomes very receptive to your thoughts, dreams, and ideas - particularly ideas
with high emotion.
So make a commitment right now to create your picture of achieving your
goal. All great masters have taught that…
“We become what we constantly think about”
Think about your goals to the exclusion of all else and watch your personal,
financial and sales results skyrocket!
5. - AFFIRMATION technique
Affirmations are words we say to ourselves. They’re verbal suggestions we
say silently or out loud.
The truth is that if you tell yourself something often enough, you’ll eventually
believe it.
Affirmations, or self-talk, is a very common activity.
“Things like this are always happening to me!”
“I just can’t lose weight!”
“I’m so clumsy!”
Does it sound familiar?
But we can affirm our strengths too. We can even affirm strengths we don’t
yet have.
Develop daily affirmations that support the goals you developed in your goal
setting. You need to figure out what you need to change about yourself to make it
easier to practice or keep the commitments you made in your goal-setting.
How to create an affirmation
1. Make it in Present Tense:
Affirmations are more effective when they are stated in the present tense. For
example; "I now have a wonderful job." Avoid affirming something in the future
tense, e.g. "I am going to have a wonderful job" or the results will always be
waiting to happen.
2. Make it Positive:
Create affirmations in the most positive terms that you can; avoiding negative
statements. Affirm what you do want, rather than what you do not want. For
example; "I don't want to smoke." This is a negative statement. Rather affirm; "I
now enjoy being a non-smoker." This statement is much more powerful as it is
positive and reinforces your desired goal.
3. Make it Short and Specific:
Short affirmations are easy to say, and have a far greater impact at a
subconscious level than those, which are long and wordy. Keeping them specific
and to the point adds power as the idea is uncluttered by extraneous elements.
4. Repeat is as often as you can:
The importance of repetition cannot be overemphasized. It imprints the
affirmations into your subconscious mind. Repeat it every day as often as you
5. Add Emotions:
Get involved, be passionate, use your emotions. Think carefully about the
meaning of the words as you repeat them rather than typing or saying them
"parrot fashion". Get involved.
6. Visualize:
It is important to see yourself as already having obtained your desired outcome.
While holding the image, bring to mind the feelings you would have when
accomplishing your goal.
Don’t worry about whether you believe an affirmation, worry about whether you
want to believe it.
As the days pass, you’ll find it easier to move your behavior into line with your
The trick is not to force yourself, but to listen to yourself.
Listen to your affirmation. Feel it. Then gradually change your behavior when it
feels right to do so.
6. - Reward Technique
Reward yourself frequently!
After successfully meeting a deadline or taking one step toward accomplishing
your goal, reward yourself.
You can reward yourself in so many ways…
Promise yourself dinner at your favorite restaurant.
Plan a small vacation
Throw a big party
Buy something for your home or for yourself
Watch your favorite movie
Do something that you don’t ordinarily do, some small things that you enjoy.
Reward yourself along the way and, especially, when you've achieved your goal.
If you reward yourself along the way, it will give you incentive to keep moving
If you've given yourself 6 months to achieve a goal, treat yourself to small
rewards once a month and to a larger one once you've met your goal.
If you know you get a reward at steps along the way, you'll continue to be fired
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