Sunday, September 28, 2008

Soulful Living By Natasha Dern

As we progress on the spiritual path, periodic withdrawal from the world, in time, becomes a necessity. The occasional retreat from the world will benefit us; we will come out stronger and clearer. If we desire to find the highest within ourselves we must separate ourselves from the clamorous atmosphere of the world, in search of the quieter places within. Most often our inner voice will speak to us in absolute quietness. When we cultivate time for silence we begin to learn the art of being still, the art of being alone, and the art of communion with God. This discipline will help balance us and ground us.

When we are engaged in endless activities, whether work or social, without solitude and inner withdrawal we become unbalanced, tense and disoriented. We need to retreat occasionally to cleanse ourselves inwardly, to conserve our energies, to examine ourselves and to practice the art of deep reflection. It is not suggested that we should neglect our outer life for the inner one, but we must turn our attention inward on a regular basis if we wish to live peacefully.

While we may struggle to attain a healthy balance between the outer and inner life, the more we allow people to crowd our life, the less chance we will have to know ourselves. Mother Teresa tells us: ‘We need to find God, and He cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence’. It is, therefore, an error to perceive the practice of withdrawal or solitude as a form of loneliness, for to feel lonely means we are cut off from the higher power. The practice of solitude will help to develop us on many levels. It will enlighten us in ways that no book or teacher or philosophy could, for it involves the intuition and not the intellect. We may read countless books on philosophy, mysticism, spirituality, and yet not be familiar with their deeper reality. We must make the time to create the space of revelation, wisdom and understanding. We will learn the greatest truths in moments of solitude and silence. It opens our heart to the universe, and thus enables us to receive pertinent information about our lives. We must value these moments, to honor them and to protect them.

The practice of solitude connects us to the depths of our being. This connection will deepen our character, augment our power, and solidify our substance. These moments have the power to transform our hardness, our rigidity, and our defenses into resiliency, flexibility and fluidity. It is through these sacred moments that we are able to see everything that we are unwilling to let go of, everything that we are unwilling to release and heal. However, with enough courage, these moments will help empty out, cleanse, and restore a new sense of faith and trust in life.

The experience of solitude will reveal our capacity to have, be and become anything we desire. Our imagination stirs to life, our heart begins to sing, our souls begin to navigate our lives. When we really quiet our minds and listen, really listen, we will hear a still small voice reciting a prayer on our behalf. When we hear the prayer, we will weep in joy and melt into an ocean of love.

Our imagination is a gift that God gave us for creating. We are meant to use this gift to envision the best possible life we can, to uplift ourselves and others, to create a life of purpose. The universe doesn’t encourage us to settle for the tried and true, to settle for anything less than the best, to follow the ways of others, but to find a path that will authenticate us. The universe encourages us to be bold, to be wild, to be outrageous. It encourages us to think like a pioneer, a warrior, a goddess, a saint. Why not? We are encouraged to think big, to dream big, and to let our imagination explode with possibilities and ignite our passions. We are encouraged to throw our fears to the wolves and reclaim our power. To live without excuses, to dream without limitations, to achieve without apologies. We are encouraged to strive for the heavens and beyond. We weren’t meant to live a complacent and boring life, but a life filled with the riches of the kingdom.

Socrates, the great Athenian philosopher, said: “The unexamined life is not worth living”. Self- knowledge is the delicious fruit of solitude. When we have insight about ourselves, about our true purpose, we become empowered. Armed with this kind of wisdom we are more productive in the world. We seek to support and encourage people and causes that make a difference for all of humanity. Solitude is a time for examining our lives, our motives, our longings and our aspirations. It serves our evolution from the inside and out.

Listed below are the four steps to soulful living that have proved effective for me personally, and that I feel will work for many people. The four steps are meant to be contemplated individually during moments of solitude.

DESIRE: What are your soul desires? How can you tell the difference between soul desire and ego desire? The process of discriminating between the two begins by listening to your heart. The brilliant Joseph Campbell tells us: “Follow your bliss”. When you follow your bliss, you become authentic, creative and fulfilled.

You are born a creator. Your soul is here to find and create ways to improve the world. Your cooperation in this endeavour is greatly appreciated. When you allow the space and time to commune with your soul, you’ll be amazed at the dormant talents, skills and abilities that come to light. Simply allow ‘your bliss’ to create through you, to bless you, and empower you. Your willingness to do the will of your soul leads you on your path to bliss.

INTENTION: Your intentions create your reality and your present reality is a direct result of your intentions. Intentions are based on two principles: Getting or Giving. If your life at present is unfulfilling then it is wise to investigate which one of the principles you are nourishing with your thoughts, feelings, emotions and choices. The nature of the soul is to GIVE and SHARE, the nature of the ego is to TAKE and HOARD.

When you operate at the ego level, you are bound in a state of trying to find people, things and objects to fulfill you. Because your consciousness is directed outwards in a relentless search to satisfy your ego’s appetite, you remain hungry and thirsty.

When you operate at the soul level, you grow in generosity, kindness and love. These qualities will compel you to find and create ways to give to others, to add meaning in their lives, and to uplift their spirits. The power to touch someone’s life in a positive way is very rewarding; it fulfills the deepest part of your being. It feeds and nourishes your soul.

PURPOSE: The process of eliminating false desires and intentions will free your mind to contemplate the ageless question: “Why am I here?” When you identify your authentic desires and intentions, your soul purpose will be revealed. Dormant qualities will come to light, creativity will flourish, inspiration will illuminate your path, and a deep sense of well being will permeate your life.

Buddha tells us: “Your work is to discover your work, and then, with all your heart, to give yourself to it”. In other words, the work Buddha is referring to is your soul purpose. The discovery of your work is truly of the utmost importance. Everyone, including yourself, contains this work, this innate gift which has the power to heal, transform and enlighten, not just yourself but others. When you utilize your innate gift you become a beacon of light to humanity.

ACTION: When each step is contemplated individually, you gain more insight about yourself and receive guidance about your path. At this stage, deep within your consciousness, your spiritual resources, your soul and God join forces to help you create a new vision for your life. This new vision gives you clarity and you are better able to see, know and plan your course of action. The universe will lead you to the people, places and information that will help expand your vision and bring it to fruition. At this point you have nothing to fear because you know the hand of the Divine is working within your life and affairs. You feel reassured and confident that your destiny is unfolding as it should.

Meanwhile, all you have to do is remain willing and open, flow and adapt, and you will be in awe of what transpires in your life. With each new realization you will be guided to take action and implement your wisdom in the world. The universe illuminates your mind for a reason, it seeks to use you as a channel to enlighten and share your bounty with others. The importance of action brings the previous steps into physical manifestation, whereby you begin to live your best life, your soulful life. If you wish to bring forth the highest within you, then it is best to wait, listen and receive guidance from your soul. This discipline of mind and patience of heart will reward you, in the end, with priceless treasures.

It takes great courage to manifest your spiritual potential. Amelia Earhart tells us: “Courage is the price that life exacts for granting peace”. In other words, to follow the footsteps of your soul requires courage, and courage alone grants you peace.

Author's Bio

Natasha Dern is an entrepreneur, writer, speaker, and radio personality. Her company, Bedhar Investments, Inc., is an integrated content company devoted to awakening and enriching lives with original and valuable information (content) about transformation and human potential.

Through her company (BII), Natasha Dern is committed to teaching, disseminating, providing and inspiring with ideas, content and products through multiple platforms to facilitate transformation and evolution of human consciousness.

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