Monday, June 16, 2008

No regrets

Life should be lived with no regrets.

But most of us are saddled with a past – a past that may involve regrets about courses not taken, people not met, choices made or not made.

Most of us have regrets.

So for those of us who do have a few regrets lurking around, let me suggest a course of action – for you and me.

1. Ask forgiveness from those you’ve hurt, if necessary, and then forgive yourself. Most of the time, we’re limiting our future by miring ourselves in the past. Rather than spend time regretting the past, choose to forgive yourself and move on. Learn from your past blunders, but don’t spend time living them out.

2. Resolve to live your life in such a way that regret will not be part of your future. Seize every good opportunity, live each day to the fullest, love deeply and wisely. Plan each day, and follow your plan to achieve the best results possible.

3. Reverse the golden rule – treat yourself as others would treat you. Most of us are too hard on ourselves – we condemn ourselves for slight imperfections that would be overlooked – or enjoyed – by others. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt, and treat yourself as you would treat another person.

4. Even remembering rule number 3, don’t give in to mediocrity in your life. Choosing a mediocre or substandard life will never give you the kind of self-respect you deserve. Don’t throw yourself easy pitches – make them challenging, but develop the ability to hit the challenging pitches that come your way.

5. Learn from your past mistakes. The past is only worthy of one thing – learning from it. Sure, you’ve done dumb things in the past – but you can learn from those errors, and refuse to make those mistakes in the future. Remember the old adage: “To err is human, to forgive divine; neither is the policy of the United States Marines.”

6. Don’t keep doing dumb things. It simply amazes me the number of truly stupid things that people do. Choose to work smart and be smart.

7. Choose the positive side. You’re going to provide a lot more worth if you’re positive in your activities. Choose the positive side.

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