Tuesday, June 24, 2008

How To Change From Hating Selling To Loving It!

Are you a self-employed professional who hates selling? Do you procrastinate selling more than anything else in your business? Do you force yourself to sell? Wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t feel that way? I promise there is a solution!

Maybe you've tried positive thinking or affirmations before having a sales conversation with a potential client. But that didn’t really work, did it? You still feel the same — you still hate selling.

Here are 5 tips, which, if applied, will have a dramatic impact on your perspective about selling. You will actually start to get excited about selling your services. Read on...

Tip 1: Be "you" when selling

A lot of people associate selling with being a "used car salesman" and don’t want others to think of them that way. The last thing you want is for people to think you are a pushy, aggressive “salesperson”, so to stop people thinking of you that way you simply avoid and resist selling, right? Not a good idea, if you want clients!

It's definitely true that there are a lot of stereotyped salespeople out there. It is true that some can be pushy, manipulative aggressive, etc. What is also true is that there are a lot of open, honest, authentic salespeople too. These are the truly successful salespeople, and their track records prove it.

Acknowledge that you are not a stereotypical salesperson. Acknowledge that you are an open, honest, authentic person. Know that you if you are open, honest and "yourself" when selling, you will be more successful. Be yourself and you will start to feel a lot more relaxed and less stressed about selling.

Tip 2: Find passion for what you are selling

Find out what big problems you can solve for your clients. Next, ask yourself if you are passionate and enthusiastic about solving these problems. If the answer is yes, think about all the great results and benefits people will gain from your services. Your passion and enthusiasm will then naturally start to shine through. By the way, if you are not passionate about solving these problems for your clients, I suggest you find something else to do.

Tip 3: See selling as serving

When you sell your services, you are helping people. Simply said: selling is solving problems, selling is helping, selling is serving. Now how do you feel about selling when you see it from this perspective?

Tip 4: See your purpose is to help as many people as you can

Understand that is your purpose, your moral obligation to have as many sales conversations as possible with as many people as possible. You owe it to people to provide them with your expertise and your wisdom. You have an ethical responsibility to make sure they know you and they know that you are available to help them. Now how do you feel about selling when you see it from this perspective?

Tip 5: Learn a sales method

Much fear and dislike of selling arises because we simply don’t know how to sell. If you don’t know how to do something, it is very natural to be fearful. It's nature’s way of protecting you. But you will be amazed to find out if you learn a simple sales method, a lot of that fear will go away.

Find and learn a sales method that is in alignment with who you are and your values. I highly recommend you learn one that is designed for non-salespeople, otherwise you run the risk of learning “techniques” which may be manipulative in nature.

By putting these 5 tips into practice, you will actually start looking forward to having sales conversations with prospective clients. You will start to love it! And sales will start to happen naturally.

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