Interesting story about a Japanese winner in marathons. His secret is the WISDOM. Nobody know what he mean in his interview session after winning the marathon. Most people think it's the stamina and endurance. Sprint and speed is lesser factor for winning. He repeat that word (WISDOM) in interview in other marathon that he won. 10 years later, his auto-biography reveal it.
"……Before the marathon, I will survey the route and noted the landmarks….At start of the race, I will rush to the 1st landmark. From there, I will rush to 2nd landmark. Throughout the race, I break the route into many stop points with those landmarks as my goals……I learned that from my experience of target at final point at 40 over km away wear me out before mid of the marathon…It scared me by anticipating long journey to reach the goal…."
This remind me of CHUNKING mentioned by Tony Robbin. You can find out further from "Time of Life" CD (if recalled correctly). ;-)
Using landmark teaching, just ackowledge the internal dialog that arise and clear it to stand for the possiblity.
Experience and enjoy the journey to live for the moment with small goals before your ultimate goal is the key. Sometime a little wisdom help….
Have fun and Enjoy…..
1984年,在东京国际马拉松邀请赛中,名不见经传的日本选手山田本一出人意外地夺得了世界冠军。当记者问他凭什么取得如此惊人的成绩时,他说了这么一句话:凭智慧战胜对手。 当时许多人都认为这个偶然跑到前面的矮个子选手是在故弄玄虚。马拉松赛是体力和耐力的运动,只要身体素质好又有耐性就有望夺冠,爆发力和速度都还在其次,说用智慧取胜确实有点勉强。 两年后,意大利国际马拉松邀请赛在意大利北部城市米兰举行,山田本一代表日本参加比赛。这一次,他又获得了世界冠军。记者又请他谈经验。 山田本一性情木讷,不善言谈,回答的仍是上次那句话:用智慧战胜对手。这回记者在报纸上没再挖苦他,但对他所谓的智慧迷惑不解。 10年后,这个谜终于被解开了,他在他的自传中是这么说的:每次比赛之前,我都要乘车把比赛的线路仔细地看一遍,并把沿途比较醒目的标志画下来,比如第一个标志是银行;第二个标志是一棵大树;第三个标志是一座红房子……这样一直画到赛程的终点。比赛开始后,我就以百米的速度奋力地向第一个目标冲去,等到达第一个目标后,我又以同样的速度向第二个目标冲去。40多公里的赛程,就被我分解成这么几个小目标轻松地跑完了。起初,我并不懂这样的道理,我把我的目标定在40多公里外终点线上的那面旗帜上,结果我跑到十几公里时就疲惫不堪了,我被前面那段遥远的路程给吓倒了。 在山田本一的自传中,发现这段话的时候,我正在读法国作家普鲁斯特的《追忆似水流年》,这部作者花了16年写成的7卷本巨著,有很多次让我望而却步,要不是山田本一给我的启示,这部书可能还会像一座山一样横在我的眼前,现在它已被我踏平了。
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