Monday, February 16, 2009

9 Simple and Easy Ways to Increase Uour Intuition by Elizabeth Manuel

As I parked my car one day a year ago, I was urged very strongly to move my vehicle to a different spot. After work I came out, and surprise . . . no car! So why didn’t I listen? Because it would have been silly—I had no rational reason to move my car to a different spot.

I have mastered nine joyful ways to enhance my intuition, and I am delighted to share them with you.

When you decide to “listen” to your inner voice, you will hear this voice every single day. Decide, and it is done unto you. Deciding to really listen will increase your awareness of the times when you are following or ignoring your soul’s guidance. Think about “gut decisions.” The “gut” speaks from your soul.

Journaling is amazing. You get the opportunity to record the synchronicity, serendipity, and wonders of life. The more you acknowledge and appreciate the synchronicities, the more they happen. Every time you think something is a coincidence, think again. Write it down; read it over. The answers are everywhere. The proof is write in front of you. Write it down, and you will see it!

Laughter changes our body chemistry in a wonderful way. When we feel great, we are not resisting the flow of life, we are literally in the flow. Why? Because you become open and receptive to receiving your guidance. You listen and act with confidence, without second-guessing yourself. Life really isn’t so serious.

Diaphragmatic breathing is the answer. Breathe so that you belly pushes out like filling a balloon and draw it back to your spine on your exhale. The word breath comes from the root “ inspire” meaning to breathe in spirit. Spirit is where your intuition comes from. As humans we over ride our instinct by using our “reasoning mind”.

It is a very powerful way to align yourself with your intuition. Meditation helps you to know your true self. It will help you to pay attention to your inner voice. Regular meditation integrates the left and right brain hemispheres helping you to become more aware of your intuitive nudges. Taking just five to ten minutes a day to quiet your mind will produce immediate and lasting results.

Toning also known as chanting is a very interesting way of opening your intuitive channels. Toning helps to open your third eye. Located just between your brows. Try chanting AUM in three distinct syllables: Aaaaa ,Uuuuu, Mmmm. You will probably notice a tingling sensation in your third eye. It’s a fun and easy way to expand your inner capabilities.

Many times we gain powerful insights during periods of exercise because our conscious mind is so focused on the physical aspect of what we are doing. It allows the subconscious mind to generate ideas and information that can now “pop” to the surface. Ask yourself an important question immediately before your exercise session and then be pleasantly surprised how easily the answer shows up!

Play with simple a simple “guessing game” to increase and build your confidence in your intuition. When the phone rings, ask yourself, “who’s calling?” before you answer. If you are meeting with someone you have never met before. Ask yourself, “what does this person look like?” While driving; “guess” which way the car ahead of will turn and when.

Our bodies are comprised of 80% water and water is one of best conductors of energy. We need water for our cells to stay hydrated and to receive guidance in the form of intuition. Try replacing coffee with water or drink more water during the day to counteract dehydration. You will not only feel better and more energetic, you will have more clarity and your intuition will be clearer and more easily available.

Joy now fills my life. I rely on my intuition every day to make my life more joyful and easy. I now listen with full faith for my messages, and you can, too! Join me in sharing a magnificent, beautiful life.

Blessings to you!

Author's Bio
As Canada's leading happiness expert, Elizabeth has worked throughout Western Canada with educators, entrepreneurs, seniors, and people from all walks of life. She learned how to create happiness after spending 20 years in Corporate Canada leading sales initiatives, management roles & customer service training. Today, Elizabeth is the founder of MetaMind Consulting. She shares practical tools, solid research and mood boosting techniques, bringing smiles, contentment and prosperity into the lives of others. She prides herself on banishing your inner grouch and enhancing your greatness. Elizabeth has a black belt in the martial arts and is not afraid to use it in the name of happiness! Contact her at

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