Sunday, December 7, 2008

Without Courage, Wisdom Bears No Fruit. by Lolly Daskal

I am not here to give you promise for the future. Any promise for the future makes one secure- I am here simply to make you alert and aware. That is, to be here now, with all the insecurity that life is, with all the uncertainty that life is, with all the danger that life is.

I know you come here seeking some certainty, some creed, somewhere to belong, someone to rely upon, you come here out of fear, you are searching for a sort of beautiful imprisonment so that you can live without any awareness.

I would like to make you more insecure, more uncertain because that is how life is, when there is more insecurity and more danger the only way to respond to it is by Awareness.

There are two possibilities- either you close you eyes and become dogmatic, or if that doesn't change your life, you can simply close your eyes. It simply makes you stupid it simply makes you unintelligent. In your unintelligence you feel secure. All idiots feel secure. In fact ONLY idiots feel secure- a really alive man will always feel insecure. What security can there be?

Life is not a mechanical process, it cannot be certain. It is an unpredictable mystery. Nobody knows what is going to happen the next moment. Not even God that you think resides somewhere in the seventh heaven, not even he - if he is there- not even he knows what is going to happen!

Because if he knows what is going to happen then life is just bogus, then everything is written beforehand, then everything is destined beforehand. How can he know what is going to happen then next moment, then life is just a dead, mechanical process. Then there is no freedom, and how can life exist without freedom? Then there is no possibility to grow or not to grow. If everything is predestined, then there is no glory, no grandeur. Then you are just robots.

No, nothing is secure. That is my message. Nothing can be secure, because a secure life will be worse than death. Nothing is certain. Life is full of uncertainties, full of surprises - that is its beauty! You can never come to a moment when you can say, "Now I am certain." When you say you are certain, you simply declare your death; you have committed suicide.

Life goes on moving with a thousand and one uncertainties. That's its freedom. Don't call it insecurity.

Freedom creates fear. People talk about freedom, but they are afraid. And a man is not yet a man if he is afraid of freedom. I give you freedom; I don't give you security. I give you understanding; I don't give you knowledge. Knowledge will make you certain. If I can give you a formula, a set formula, that there is hell and heaven, and these are the good acts and these are the bad acts; do the sin and you will be in hell; do what I call, the virtuous acts and you will be in heaven - finished! - Then you are certain. - they don't want freedom, they want fixed formulas.

Don't cling to any certainty. Life is uncertain - its very nature is uncertain. And an intelligent man always remains uncertain.

This very readiness to remain in uncertainty is courage. This very readiness to be in uncertainty is trust. And intelligent person is one who remains alert whatsoever the situation - and responds to it with his whole heart. Not that he knows what is going to happen, not that he knows, "Do this and that will happen." Life is not a science; it is not a cause and effect chain. Heat the water to a hundred degrees and it evaporates - it is a certainty. But in real life, nothing is certain like that.

Each individual is a freedom, an unknown freedom. It is impossible to predict, impossible to expect. One has to live in awareness and in understanding.

You come to me seeking knowledge; you want set formulas so that you can cling to them. I don't give you any. In fact, if you have any, I take them away! By and by, I destroy your certainty; by and by, I make you more and more hesitant; by and by, I make you more and more insecure. That is the only thing that has to be done. That's the only thing I need to do! - to leave you in total freedom. In total freedom, with all the possibilities opening, nothing fixed. You will have to be aware - nothing else is possible.

This is what I call understanding. If you understand, insecurity is an intrinsic part of life - and good that it is so, because it makes life a freedom, it makes life a continuous surprise. One never knows what is going to happen. It keeps you continuously in wonder. Don't call in uncertainty - call it wonder. Don't call it insecurity - call it freedom.

Have the freedom to go out into your business, with uncertainty, and do not be afraid in the process. Go forward in your personal life, with the freedom of wonderment. You need courage to see things differently, courage to go against the crowd, courage to take a different approach, courage to stand alone if you have to, courage to choose activity over inactivity. And lastly, being successful at what you do doesn't just relate to the ability to make money. Being good at what you do also means feeling good enough about yourself, having enough self worth to want to seek advantages and opportunities that will make a difference in your future. And by doing so you will increase your confidence, your courage, your creativity and your self-worth, and your leadership nature. Be courageous, Be alive, take the chance on a life of magnificence, a life you could never have imagined.

Author's Bio
Lolly specializes in solving issues that directly affect people who have not reached the success level they desire and assists them to achieve their desired goals.
In Lolly's business she looks to attract: "People who have the desire to change their lives-People who look to improve their financial situation-People who are coachable and trainable-People who can use a very simple and lucrative system to achieve success"

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