* 分工明确但不呆板明确的分工可以让每一位成员清楚的知道自己要做什么,什么时候做完,做到什么承度。这样就能够避免由于分工不明确而造成的部分人员闲置的问题。如果你还不太清楚怎样进行分工,那么你可以尝试给每一个任务都指定一个负责人,这是最简单的方法了。这里强调不能呆板的意思是说,当分工确定后,如果某一任务的负责人员遇到了某种困难而无法按期完成的时候,应该适当的调整分工或者让其它成员帮助他们完成。不要死守原来的分工。
* 加强团队成员的日常交流不时的安排一些聚会或者组织素质拓展训练,一起吃饭,打打球,都是很好的加强团队成员间交流的方法。不要小看这一点,这是非常重要的。团队成员的日常交流可以让他们更加亲近,从而在工作中更容易进行合作。如果平时他们之间就有默契的话,在工作时的表现就更容易提高。
* 说话时多使用我们在你说话的时候多使用我们这个代词,不要使用我、你、他或者直呼姓名,也要鼓励你的团队成员也这样做。这样可以帮助你的团队成员们形成一种集体意识,让他们从团队的角度去想问题,而不是总从自己出发。
* 让每个人感觉到自己很重要你要让你团队中的每一个人都感到自己很重要,这样他们做事才会更有成就感,也更有紧迫感。一个人一旦觉得自己不重要,往往会非常沮丧,从而失去激情,这会导致工作效率和创造力的显著下降。
* 做好自己的事情团队合作中,最起码的事情就是把自己的事情做好。团队的任务都是有分工的,分配给自己的任务就要按时做好。只有这样,你才能不给别人带来麻烦;也只有在这个前提下,你才能去帮助其他成员的事情,否则你就有些轻重不分了。
* 信任你的伙伴既是团队成员,就要相信自己的伙伴,相信他们能够与你协调一致,相信他们会理解你,支持你。一个团队只有在信任的氛围中才可能有高效的工作。如果大家相互猜忌、互不信任,那么分工就不可能,因为总有一些任务依赖于别的任务;同时猜忌的气氛让每一个人都不能全心投入到工作中去,也不利于成员们工作能力的发挥。
* 为他人着想不要事事都从自己的角度考虑。如果有任何问题或者遇到什么问题,先从别人的角度想一想,看看怎样能让他人更加方便。这样的人在团队当中会很受欢迎,同时也更有亲和力,而亲和力对于团队合作来说是很重要的。
* 愿意多付出付出并不是什么坏事。多做一些,可以让团队的工作进展更快,你也得到更多的好评,能力上也有提高,何乐而不为呢?当然也不是付出的越多越好,如果所有的事都让你自己做了(虽然这一般是不可能的),其它的人一定会有意见的。
拓展阅读:《如何进行团队合作》- 还没想好
Sunday, August 31, 2008
The New Mental Diet
By: Brian Tracy
One of the most powerful personal programming activities you can engage in is positive self-talk. Be your own cheerleader and talk to yourself positively all of the time.
Think About Your Dreams
As it happens, the average person talks to himself in a negative way. As much as 94 percent of your inner dialogue tends to be about the things you fear, your worries, the people you're angry at, your problems, your concerns and so on. You have to consciously keep your words, your inner dialogue, consistent with what you wish to accomplish.
The Most Powerful Antidote
Psychologists have proven that the words, "I can do it," are the antidote to the fear of failure that often holds you back from trying. Repeat these words over and over to yourself whenever you feel fearful or doubtful about anything that you want to attempt. Say very enthusiastically to yourself, "I can do it, I can do it, I can do it!" When you start saying, "I can do it, I can do it," you drive that message deep into your subconscious mind. This message lowers your fears and builds your self-confidence.
Make A Million!
Another thing you can say to yourself is, "I make a million. I make a million." Impress that message into your subconscious mind. Whenever you think about your work, say over and over again, "I'm the best, I'm the best, I'm the best." Making any one of these three statements, or anything that is positive makes you feel good about yourself and causes you to be more motivated. You become more focused, more determined. Wealthy, successful people have a continuous inner dialogue that is positive and constructive and uplifting and consistent with their goals and objectives.
Feed Your Mind Continually
Feed your mind from morning to night with words, pictures, information and ideas consistent with your goals for financial success. Develop the habit of thinking positively and confidently about wealth accumulation. Read stories, books and articles about other successful people. Think about how you could be like them. Visualize yourself, imagine, fantasize, pretend in your mind that you are like the kind of people that you admire and respect and want to be like.
Select A Role Model
Psychologists have proven that role models are essential for magnetizing your mind with the qualities and characteristics that you wish to develop in yourself. Pick a person that you admire. Whenever you face any kind of difficult situation, ask yourself, how would this person act in this situation? What would this person do? How would this person behave? You'll find that when you think about how someone you admire might behave, your own thinking becomes better and you tend to act at your very best.
Become An Expert
Read everything you can find about your business. Become an expert in your field. The more you learn about your profession, your trade and your craft, the more confident you will become that you can do well in it.
Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do to put yourself on the new mental diet for financial success:
First, repeat to yourself, over and over again, the wonderful words "I can do it! I can do it! I can do it!" Whenever you are anticipating any new goal or opportunity. This affirmation builds your self-confidence and conditions you for success.
Second, monitor your mental diet the way you would your physical diet. Be sure that you feed yourself throughout the day with positive stories, words, pictures and conversations about the things you want to have in your life. Refuse to read, watch, listen to or discuss things that are negative or depressing. This will make a tremendous difference in how you feel and how you act.
One of the most powerful personal programming activities you can engage in is positive self-talk. Be your own cheerleader and talk to yourself positively all of the time.
Think About Your Dreams
As it happens, the average person talks to himself in a negative way. As much as 94 percent of your inner dialogue tends to be about the things you fear, your worries, the people you're angry at, your problems, your concerns and so on. You have to consciously keep your words, your inner dialogue, consistent with what you wish to accomplish.
The Most Powerful Antidote
Psychologists have proven that the words, "I can do it," are the antidote to the fear of failure that often holds you back from trying. Repeat these words over and over to yourself whenever you feel fearful or doubtful about anything that you want to attempt. Say very enthusiastically to yourself, "I can do it, I can do it, I can do it!" When you start saying, "I can do it, I can do it," you drive that message deep into your subconscious mind. This message lowers your fears and builds your self-confidence.
Make A Million!
Another thing you can say to yourself is, "I make a million. I make a million." Impress that message into your subconscious mind. Whenever you think about your work, say over and over again, "I'm the best, I'm the best, I'm the best." Making any one of these three statements, or anything that is positive makes you feel good about yourself and causes you to be more motivated. You become more focused, more determined. Wealthy, successful people have a continuous inner dialogue that is positive and constructive and uplifting and consistent with their goals and objectives.
Feed Your Mind Continually
Feed your mind from morning to night with words, pictures, information and ideas consistent with your goals for financial success. Develop the habit of thinking positively and confidently about wealth accumulation. Read stories, books and articles about other successful people. Think about how you could be like them. Visualize yourself, imagine, fantasize, pretend in your mind that you are like the kind of people that you admire and respect and want to be like.
Select A Role Model
Psychologists have proven that role models are essential for magnetizing your mind with the qualities and characteristics that you wish to develop in yourself. Pick a person that you admire. Whenever you face any kind of difficult situation, ask yourself, how would this person act in this situation? What would this person do? How would this person behave? You'll find that when you think about how someone you admire might behave, your own thinking becomes better and you tend to act at your very best.
Become An Expert
Read everything you can find about your business. Become an expert in your field. The more you learn about your profession, your trade and your craft, the more confident you will become that you can do well in it.
Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do to put yourself on the new mental diet for financial success:
First, repeat to yourself, over and over again, the wonderful words "I can do it! I can do it! I can do it!" Whenever you are anticipating any new goal or opportunity. This affirmation builds your self-confidence and conditions you for success.
Second, monitor your mental diet the way you would your physical diet. Be sure that you feed yourself throughout the day with positive stories, words, pictures and conversations about the things you want to have in your life. Refuse to read, watch, listen to or discuss things that are negative or depressing. This will make a tremendous difference in how you feel and how you act.
Using No As A Stepping Stone To Yes By Carol A Mason
I grew up in Chappaqua, New York. Chappaqua is an affluent suburb twenty-five miles north of New York City where I was exposed to pretty much any opportunity you can think of. I was accustomed to the good things in life, and this made me desire to attain all of this and more when I became an adult. Even as a young girl, I always dreamed big. I would daydream of being a super model and having my photo taken by all the important magazines, being a professional athlete competing in the Olympics, or a multimillionaire being chauffeured around in a limousine. I always knew that one day I would be successful, no matter what other people’s thought of me. My parents always encouraged me to pursue my dreams and never stood in my way.
My first dream at the age of twelve was being a professional tennis player. Since I started playing tennis when I was eleven at the age most people considered too late for professional competition, all I heard was that I could never be good enough to turn pro and shouldn’t waste my time and effort. I wasn’t going to let that stop me. My dream was like the bull’s-eye on a dartboard. My determination and focus was piercing. I was going to be a top player, no matter what sacrifices were required. I trained daily after school, went to weekly tennis lessons given by a top Australian coach, and played in a tournament practically every weekend.
A Vital Lesson
Along the way my tennis coach, Alan Lane, taught me a vital lesson that I still utilize to this day. He taught me to look in the mirror every morning and tell myself, “I love who I am,” as well as additional positive statements such as, “You are a great tennis player, and you will win matches. You have the potential to be the best tennis player ever.” If you follow this lesson as well you will be amazed at the way your subconscious mind changes its way of thinking, and you will start to see results. You have to love yourself before others can love you. You have to be grateful for all that you have before the universe will send more your way.
I spent the next few years playing in tournaments, and I achieved a top ranking on the East Coast. To date, I am the first and only female tennis player at Horace Greeley High School to go to the New York state finals. I played #1 singles for my high school and rarely lost a match. During my senior year I was approached by a sports agent who presented me with multiple full tennis scholarships to colleges I dreamed of attending. I’m not telling you this to brag, but rather to show you an example of how I overcame years of nos and never gave up. If you put your mind to something and stay focused, you too can achieve great things.
After playing college tennis for two years I knew I wanted to turn pro. This meant finding a sponsor to pay for everything. This is a tough task because sponsors pay for private coaching, entry fees to tournaments all around the world, and all travel expenses, which can amount to a minimum of $100,000. I cannot tell you how many wealthy individuals and corporations told me no. Desperate and determined, I proceeded to get dressed in my tennis best, printed out my tennis resume, and began to drive around to the wealthiest neighborhoods. I knocked on homeowners’ doors and gave them my speech.
One day I got the courage to call Nick Bollettieri, who coaches some of the world’s top tennis players and was always on TV. People thought I was crazy calling someone so famous. Nick told me he was coming to New York for the U.S. Open and would watch me play, and if he thought I had potential he would sponsor me. Well, I played my heart out, and he said yes! I can’t imagine my life today if I hadn’t made the decision to pick up the phone and make that call. Taking that risk gave me the reward of playing on the pro tour for four and a half years and traveling all over the world. Even though I didn’t reach the top 100 world rankings, I am proud of what I achieved. Even though all along I kept hearing how I would never achieve my dream, how nobody would sponsor me, how I started too late, etc., I made it happen and nobody can take that away from me. I learned how to channel those nos into finding that one yes. It was my perseverance that changed my life forever.
New Dreams
I stopped playing tennis when I was twenty-four years old and proceeded to my next dream in life, the dream of working on a trading floor. When I began to interview I was often told that I didn’t have the appropriate degree or family connections to get the position. I decided to accept a junior position, which I’m sure most people would snub their noses at, but at least I was working on the trading floor. I now had access to people who made decisions. I worked on the bond-trading floor, where there were only five women out of 500 employees. I asked the senior manager every single week if I could be given the opportunity to interview along with all the other men for an opening, and every week he told me no. He also told me that it was never going to happen, and that I should just accept it and quit.
This went on for the next year and a half – until finally one time he said yes! There were twenty-five candidates that interviewed for a retail government sales position, and I was offered the job! Again, even though for a year and a half all I heard was no, I kept believing in my dream. I knew one day I would finally be told yes. I often wonder how my life would have been different if I gave up right before the opportunity was offered. I often hear of people quitting days before their big break would have happened.
Back to the Corporate Grind
After five years working on the trading floor I moved to London, got married, and had my son Christopher. I then stayed home with my son for eight years and was content being the best mother I could be. Unfortunately, my marriage ended and I got a divorce. By then we had moved back to the U.S., and in order for my son to stay in the wonderful school system we cherished, I had no choice but to go back to work. Back to the corporate world I went. Back to a long commute, sixty-hour workweeks, stressful days, and constant rushing. Most importantly, I missed being home with my son. After dedicating myself to a top global bank for nine years, I was laid off without so much as a thank you. That’s when I made the decision that I wouldn’t go back into the corporate world; I had enough. I made the choice that I was going to be an entrepreneur and start building my own castle once again. I would find a home-based business that would enable me to stay home with my son and give me control of my finances and my future.
Success Is a Choice
When I shared my decision with my fellow coworkers, they told me I was crazy, that it was too risky, and that all home-based businesses were scams. I realized they were afraid of taking the risk, and I didn’t listen to their advice. After looking at many businesses, I joined Wealth Masters International. I now spend all the time I want with my son, work from the comfort of my home, and earn more money than I did in the corporate world. I have surrounded myself with like-thinking minds and fellow entrepreneurs with the same goal in life.
I will leave you with a thought. Success is a choice. If you don’t make a decision today, then nothing will ever change tomorrow. Believe in yourself, stopping listening to the nos, and say yes to the lifestyle of your dreams!
Author's Bio
Carol Mason is a former professional tennis player and Wall Street employee, single mother of her amazing son Christopher, and currently a successful home-based business entrepreneur. In 2007, she made the decision to take control of her finances and her future, and joined Wealth Masters International. To find out more about WMI’s products, go to,, or feel free to email Carol at You can also visit Carol’s blog:
My first dream at the age of twelve was being a professional tennis player. Since I started playing tennis when I was eleven at the age most people considered too late for professional competition, all I heard was that I could never be good enough to turn pro and shouldn’t waste my time and effort. I wasn’t going to let that stop me. My dream was like the bull’s-eye on a dartboard. My determination and focus was piercing. I was going to be a top player, no matter what sacrifices were required. I trained daily after school, went to weekly tennis lessons given by a top Australian coach, and played in a tournament practically every weekend.
A Vital Lesson
Along the way my tennis coach, Alan Lane, taught me a vital lesson that I still utilize to this day. He taught me to look in the mirror every morning and tell myself, “I love who I am,” as well as additional positive statements such as, “You are a great tennis player, and you will win matches. You have the potential to be the best tennis player ever.” If you follow this lesson as well you will be amazed at the way your subconscious mind changes its way of thinking, and you will start to see results. You have to love yourself before others can love you. You have to be grateful for all that you have before the universe will send more your way.
I spent the next few years playing in tournaments, and I achieved a top ranking on the East Coast. To date, I am the first and only female tennis player at Horace Greeley High School to go to the New York state finals. I played #1 singles for my high school and rarely lost a match. During my senior year I was approached by a sports agent who presented me with multiple full tennis scholarships to colleges I dreamed of attending. I’m not telling you this to brag, but rather to show you an example of how I overcame years of nos and never gave up. If you put your mind to something and stay focused, you too can achieve great things.
After playing college tennis for two years I knew I wanted to turn pro. This meant finding a sponsor to pay for everything. This is a tough task because sponsors pay for private coaching, entry fees to tournaments all around the world, and all travel expenses, which can amount to a minimum of $100,000. I cannot tell you how many wealthy individuals and corporations told me no. Desperate and determined, I proceeded to get dressed in my tennis best, printed out my tennis resume, and began to drive around to the wealthiest neighborhoods. I knocked on homeowners’ doors and gave them my speech.
One day I got the courage to call Nick Bollettieri, who coaches some of the world’s top tennis players and was always on TV. People thought I was crazy calling someone so famous. Nick told me he was coming to New York for the U.S. Open and would watch me play, and if he thought I had potential he would sponsor me. Well, I played my heart out, and he said yes! I can’t imagine my life today if I hadn’t made the decision to pick up the phone and make that call. Taking that risk gave me the reward of playing on the pro tour for four and a half years and traveling all over the world. Even though I didn’t reach the top 100 world rankings, I am proud of what I achieved. Even though all along I kept hearing how I would never achieve my dream, how nobody would sponsor me, how I started too late, etc., I made it happen and nobody can take that away from me. I learned how to channel those nos into finding that one yes. It was my perseverance that changed my life forever.
New Dreams
I stopped playing tennis when I was twenty-four years old and proceeded to my next dream in life, the dream of working on a trading floor. When I began to interview I was often told that I didn’t have the appropriate degree or family connections to get the position. I decided to accept a junior position, which I’m sure most people would snub their noses at, but at least I was working on the trading floor. I now had access to people who made decisions. I worked on the bond-trading floor, where there were only five women out of 500 employees. I asked the senior manager every single week if I could be given the opportunity to interview along with all the other men for an opening, and every week he told me no. He also told me that it was never going to happen, and that I should just accept it and quit.
This went on for the next year and a half – until finally one time he said yes! There were twenty-five candidates that interviewed for a retail government sales position, and I was offered the job! Again, even though for a year and a half all I heard was no, I kept believing in my dream. I knew one day I would finally be told yes. I often wonder how my life would have been different if I gave up right before the opportunity was offered. I often hear of people quitting days before their big break would have happened.
Back to the Corporate Grind
After five years working on the trading floor I moved to London, got married, and had my son Christopher. I then stayed home with my son for eight years and was content being the best mother I could be. Unfortunately, my marriage ended and I got a divorce. By then we had moved back to the U.S., and in order for my son to stay in the wonderful school system we cherished, I had no choice but to go back to work. Back to the corporate world I went. Back to a long commute, sixty-hour workweeks, stressful days, and constant rushing. Most importantly, I missed being home with my son. After dedicating myself to a top global bank for nine years, I was laid off without so much as a thank you. That’s when I made the decision that I wouldn’t go back into the corporate world; I had enough. I made the choice that I was going to be an entrepreneur and start building my own castle once again. I would find a home-based business that would enable me to stay home with my son and give me control of my finances and my future.
Success Is a Choice
When I shared my decision with my fellow coworkers, they told me I was crazy, that it was too risky, and that all home-based businesses were scams. I realized they were afraid of taking the risk, and I didn’t listen to their advice. After looking at many businesses, I joined Wealth Masters International. I now spend all the time I want with my son, work from the comfort of my home, and earn more money than I did in the corporate world. I have surrounded myself with like-thinking minds and fellow entrepreneurs with the same goal in life.
I will leave you with a thought. Success is a choice. If you don’t make a decision today, then nothing will ever change tomorrow. Believe in yourself, stopping listening to the nos, and say yes to the lifestyle of your dreams!
Author's Bio
Carol Mason is a former professional tennis player and Wall Street employee, single mother of her amazing son Christopher, and currently a successful home-based business entrepreneur. In 2007, she made the decision to take control of her finances and her future, and joined Wealth Masters International. To find out more about WMI’s products, go to,, or feel free to email Carol at You can also visit Carol’s blog:
LAW OF ATTRACTION -- When The Law Of Attraction ISN'T Working: How To Break Free Of Self-Sabotage - By Sonia M. Miller
You’ve probably heard people say, “The Universe abhors a vacuum.” Well, I’ve come to know that the Universe actually loves a vacuum. This is because the Universe is about expansion and the vacuum gives the Universe a place to expand into.
This is good news for you because every time you let yourself dream for a better life, you are expanding. And every time you expand, a vacuum is created. The vacuum is indeed necessary. Just like the crab that sheds its shell many times throughout its life in order to create a larger shell for its growing body, we must let go of the smaller version of ourselves over and again in order to grow. Did you know that once the crab releases its shell, he inflates his body with water to become bigger than he really is so that the new shell will form large enough for him to grow into? We do the same thing when harnessing the power of the Law of Attraction. We reach for our dreams, something bigger than we are at the time. We take inspired action. And we think and feel as if we were already that version of ourselves. In so doing, we must let go of the former version, becoming vulnerable until our new reality manifests; like the crab who seeks shelter until his new shell forms.
Let Go and Welcome the Vacuum
This vacuum is a predictable, albeit uncomfortable part of the manifestation process. When you understand that it is a necessary part of growth, and utilize the tools that can make the discomfort tolerable, you can move steadily toward your dream. When however, you fear the vacuum and misinterpret it as a “bad” thing, you are in danger of losing your dream to self-sabotage.
For example, let’s say you dream of a successful relationship. Yet, no matter what you do, it eludes you. You’ve come to realize that you keep experiencing the same bad relationship over and again, but with different people. In order to let yourself have a better relationship, you will have to let go of something you’re attached to. Perhaps you’re terrified of being alone. You must let go of the belief that any relationship is better than no relationship. You must be willing to be alone (i.e. experience the vacuum), in order to let a better relationship in.
Maybe you want to experience financial prosperity. The Universe sends you leads in the form of opportunities and ideas. You’re inspired and know exactly what you need to do. You understand that you’ll have to risk, believe that you’ll be okay no matter what, and walk in faith until the results appear. In order to do this, you must let go of the illusion that your security comes from your savings account or a steady paycheck. You must expand your definition of security.
Sometimes the vacuum looks like one giant “I don’t know.” Possibly you’ve struggled with your weight all your life, or battled a certain family member for years, or been plagued by low self-esteem as long as you can remember. Regardless of the strategies you’ve tried, you keep hitting the same brick wall. One day, you throw your hands up and declare, “I just don’t know what to do!” This is good! This is the vacuum. You’ve let go of the idea that you should know how to handle your challenge.
What to Do With the Vacuum
So what do you do with the vacuum?
1) You allow it with non-resistance,
2) You do whatever you have to do to soothe your fears, doubts and insecurities, and
3) You stay focused on where you are going.
You must accept the vacuum and trust that it is a good thing. It may feel anything but good. You may feel lost. You may feel fear. You may even feel like a part of you is dying. All of that is normal and okay. Throughout life we go through numerous mini deaths and rebirths. This is the natural cycle of life.
The truth is that you will not die or drown in the void. However, this is exactly what many of us fear. In actuality, you will be okay if you simply float around in the void for a while. This feeling of nothingness is the vacuum. And remember, the Universe loves a vacuum. If you’re patient and trust, the Universe will give you something. And if you don’t fill it with the old way of being, the Universe will provide a new and better way. The key is to let the Universe provide!
How to Navigate the Vacuum
In times of vulnerability you have a choice. You can either reach for the old familiar way of being or you can reach for something new, positive and productive. The old way leads to self-sabotage. You will simply go back to what you know and repeat your pattern once again. When, however, you intentionally reach for something new, you will stay on course to your dream:
-Seek out like-minded people or support groups.
-Stay inspired with a constant stream of books or audios.
-Take classes to keep you growing.
-Find a coach, counselor, teacher or healer to help you stay on track.
In other words, do whatever it takes to feed your faith until the new you emerges.
And I’ll tell you this: It will often feel like the new reality isn’t coming fast enough. In addition to befriending the vacuum, you must let go of control. You have to live with the vacuum for however long it takes. Use the vacuum period to become the person in your dream. If you’ve been living with the financial vacuum caused by building your dream business and the debt is getting scary, don’t let fear cause the old you to focus on debt. Instead reach for that which will allow you to BE the new you. I assure you, Donald Trump deals with astronomical amounts of debt, but he never focuses on it. He focuses on what he is building with total faith and confidence.
If you’re fed up with being alone and are starting to think you will never have the relationship of your dreams, use the vacuum period to fall in love with yourself and your life. Become a person who is in love. Refrain from filling the void with any old toad. By allowing the vacuum to exist, the Universe will send you a better version of you-in-love (i.e. Prince or Princess Charming).
You may or may not be able to love the vacuum the way the Universe does. But if you can accept it, and work with it as a natural part of the manifestation process, you will have mastered a common form of metaphysical self-sabotage and opened the floodgates for the Law of Attraction to bless your life!
Author's Bio
International Life Coach, Sonia M. Miller, is author of "The Attraction Distraction: Why the Law of Attraction Isn't Working for You and How to Get Results - Finally!" For her F.R.E.E. Law of Attraction success kit with Prosperity Audio and special report entitled, "How to Unleash the Magic When the Law of Attraction Doesn't Work for You!" go to:
This is good news for you because every time you let yourself dream for a better life, you are expanding. And every time you expand, a vacuum is created. The vacuum is indeed necessary. Just like the crab that sheds its shell many times throughout its life in order to create a larger shell for its growing body, we must let go of the smaller version of ourselves over and again in order to grow. Did you know that once the crab releases its shell, he inflates his body with water to become bigger than he really is so that the new shell will form large enough for him to grow into? We do the same thing when harnessing the power of the Law of Attraction. We reach for our dreams, something bigger than we are at the time. We take inspired action. And we think and feel as if we were already that version of ourselves. In so doing, we must let go of the former version, becoming vulnerable until our new reality manifests; like the crab who seeks shelter until his new shell forms.
Let Go and Welcome the Vacuum
This vacuum is a predictable, albeit uncomfortable part of the manifestation process. When you understand that it is a necessary part of growth, and utilize the tools that can make the discomfort tolerable, you can move steadily toward your dream. When however, you fear the vacuum and misinterpret it as a “bad” thing, you are in danger of losing your dream to self-sabotage.
For example, let’s say you dream of a successful relationship. Yet, no matter what you do, it eludes you. You’ve come to realize that you keep experiencing the same bad relationship over and again, but with different people. In order to let yourself have a better relationship, you will have to let go of something you’re attached to. Perhaps you’re terrified of being alone. You must let go of the belief that any relationship is better than no relationship. You must be willing to be alone (i.e. experience the vacuum), in order to let a better relationship in.
Maybe you want to experience financial prosperity. The Universe sends you leads in the form of opportunities and ideas. You’re inspired and know exactly what you need to do. You understand that you’ll have to risk, believe that you’ll be okay no matter what, and walk in faith until the results appear. In order to do this, you must let go of the illusion that your security comes from your savings account or a steady paycheck. You must expand your definition of security.
Sometimes the vacuum looks like one giant “I don’t know.” Possibly you’ve struggled with your weight all your life, or battled a certain family member for years, or been plagued by low self-esteem as long as you can remember. Regardless of the strategies you’ve tried, you keep hitting the same brick wall. One day, you throw your hands up and declare, “I just don’t know what to do!” This is good! This is the vacuum. You’ve let go of the idea that you should know how to handle your challenge.
What to Do With the Vacuum
So what do you do with the vacuum?
1) You allow it with non-resistance,
2) You do whatever you have to do to soothe your fears, doubts and insecurities, and
3) You stay focused on where you are going.
You must accept the vacuum and trust that it is a good thing. It may feel anything but good. You may feel lost. You may feel fear. You may even feel like a part of you is dying. All of that is normal and okay. Throughout life we go through numerous mini deaths and rebirths. This is the natural cycle of life.
The truth is that you will not die or drown in the void. However, this is exactly what many of us fear. In actuality, you will be okay if you simply float around in the void for a while. This feeling of nothingness is the vacuum. And remember, the Universe loves a vacuum. If you’re patient and trust, the Universe will give you something. And if you don’t fill it with the old way of being, the Universe will provide a new and better way. The key is to let the Universe provide!
How to Navigate the Vacuum
In times of vulnerability you have a choice. You can either reach for the old familiar way of being or you can reach for something new, positive and productive. The old way leads to self-sabotage. You will simply go back to what you know and repeat your pattern once again. When, however, you intentionally reach for something new, you will stay on course to your dream:
-Seek out like-minded people or support groups.
-Stay inspired with a constant stream of books or audios.
-Take classes to keep you growing.
-Find a coach, counselor, teacher or healer to help you stay on track.
In other words, do whatever it takes to feed your faith until the new you emerges.
And I’ll tell you this: It will often feel like the new reality isn’t coming fast enough. In addition to befriending the vacuum, you must let go of control. You have to live with the vacuum for however long it takes. Use the vacuum period to become the person in your dream. If you’ve been living with the financial vacuum caused by building your dream business and the debt is getting scary, don’t let fear cause the old you to focus on debt. Instead reach for that which will allow you to BE the new you. I assure you, Donald Trump deals with astronomical amounts of debt, but he never focuses on it. He focuses on what he is building with total faith and confidence.
If you’re fed up with being alone and are starting to think you will never have the relationship of your dreams, use the vacuum period to fall in love with yourself and your life. Become a person who is in love. Refrain from filling the void with any old toad. By allowing the vacuum to exist, the Universe will send you a better version of you-in-love (i.e. Prince or Princess Charming).
You may or may not be able to love the vacuum the way the Universe does. But if you can accept it, and work with it as a natural part of the manifestation process, you will have mastered a common form of metaphysical self-sabotage and opened the floodgates for the Law of Attraction to bless your life!
Author's Bio
International Life Coach, Sonia M. Miller, is author of "The Attraction Distraction: Why the Law of Attraction Isn't Working for You and How to Get Results - Finally!" For her F.R.E.E. Law of Attraction success kit with Prosperity Audio and special report entitled, "How to Unleash the Magic When the Law of Attraction Doesn't Work for You!" go to:
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Be A Negative Optimist
By: Brian Tracy
The most important quality for success in entrepreneurship and in life is the quality of optimism. Optimists have an unrealistic expectation of success. As a resultthey are willing to try far more things without becoming discouraged. In additionbecause of their unrealistically positive attitudethey are willing to persist much longer than the average person. Optimism is a wonderful quality as long as you have it under control.
Temper Your Optimism
In order to be successful in businessand in any activity where your money is involvedyou must temper your optimism with negativism. You must be enthusiastic about the possible upside of the investment but you must be skepticalcriticalsuspicious and demanding about all the different ways that your money can be lost.
Listen to Negative Viewpoints
Seek out and listen carefully to people who are negative toward your idea. Look for negative thinkersbecause their viewpoints can be invaluable and save you a fortune in time and money. I have a friend who is a lawyer. And he recommends and gives advice to many people on investments. And what he does is this. When someone comes and they want to make an investment that he's unsure abouthe saysall rightI want you to come to my office and I want you to sit behind my desk. And then I'm going to come in and I'm going to present this investment to you and I want you to critique this investment as if you were me.
Help Others to Evaluate Honestly
And he says that when his clients begin critiquing the investments they're thinking about going intowhen they begin becoming negative thinkers about the investmentshe says they are astonished at how bad the investments really are. He said he has saved his clients millions of dollars by forcing them to be negative thinkers about their own ideassimply by switching roles and sitting in front of the desk while they sit behind the desk.
Keep Your Mind Open
But don't be overly influenced by negative thinkers. Just take their viewpoints into consideration. There's a famous story of Mary Hudsonwho started off with 200 dollars in the middle of the Depression and leased a gas station that two men had gone broke running at two different occasions. And from that she built a company called Hudson Oilwhich is now the biggest independent distributor of gas and oil in the United States. From a 200 dollar investmenteven though everybody told her she would fail. So rememberlisten to negative thinkersbut don't necessarily accept their advice.
Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do immediately to get these ideas into action.
Firstview your idea as if you were an outside consultant. Ask"What are all of the possible risks or flaws in this cause of action?"
Secondseek out the opinions of others. Listen without responding or defending. Thank them for their input. They may save you a lot of money.
The most important quality for success in entrepreneurship and in life is the quality of optimism. Optimists have an unrealistic expectation of success. As a resultthey are willing to try far more things without becoming discouraged. In additionbecause of their unrealistically positive attitudethey are willing to persist much longer than the average person. Optimism is a wonderful quality as long as you have it under control.
Temper Your Optimism
In order to be successful in businessand in any activity where your money is involvedyou must temper your optimism with negativism. You must be enthusiastic about the possible upside of the investment but you must be skepticalcriticalsuspicious and demanding about all the different ways that your money can be lost.
Listen to Negative Viewpoints
Seek out and listen carefully to people who are negative toward your idea. Look for negative thinkersbecause their viewpoints can be invaluable and save you a fortune in time and money. I have a friend who is a lawyer. And he recommends and gives advice to many people on investments. And what he does is this. When someone comes and they want to make an investment that he's unsure abouthe saysall rightI want you to come to my office and I want you to sit behind my desk. And then I'm going to come in and I'm going to present this investment to you and I want you to critique this investment as if you were me.
Help Others to Evaluate Honestly
And he says that when his clients begin critiquing the investments they're thinking about going intowhen they begin becoming negative thinkers about the investmentshe says they are astonished at how bad the investments really are. He said he has saved his clients millions of dollars by forcing them to be negative thinkers about their own ideassimply by switching roles and sitting in front of the desk while they sit behind the desk.
Keep Your Mind Open
But don't be overly influenced by negative thinkers. Just take their viewpoints into consideration. There's a famous story of Mary Hudsonwho started off with 200 dollars in the middle of the Depression and leased a gas station that two men had gone broke running at two different occasions. And from that she built a company called Hudson Oilwhich is now the biggest independent distributor of gas and oil in the United States. From a 200 dollar investmenteven though everybody told her she would fail. So rememberlisten to negative thinkersbut don't necessarily accept their advice.
Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do immediately to get these ideas into action.
Firstview your idea as if you were an outside consultant. Ask"What are all of the possible risks or flaws in this cause of action?"
Secondseek out the opinions of others. Listen without responding or defending. Thank them for their input. They may save you a lot of money.
1. 我对我现在的财政状况满意吗?
2. 再多点钱我能活得更快乐吗?
3. 我的脑子里是不是始终有财政的问题?
4. 钱一直是我生活最重要的东西吗?
5. 对钱的追求一直让我感到不安吗?
6. 我会舍弃原则去挣更多的钱吗?
原文:The Truth About Money and Happiness - PickTheBrain
1. 我对我现在的财政状况满意吗?
2. 再多点钱我能活得更快乐吗?
3. 我的脑子里是不是始终有财政的问题?
4. 钱一直是我生活最重要的东西吗?
5. 对钱的追求一直让我感到不安吗?
6. 我会舍弃原则去挣更多的钱吗?
原文:The Truth About Money and Happiness - PickTheBrain
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The Paradoxical Commandments by Dr. Kent M. Keith
1. People are illogical, unreasonable and self-centered (including me). Love them anyway.
2. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Do good anyway.
3. If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway.
4. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
5. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway.
6. The biggest people with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the littlest people with the littlest ideas. Think big anyway.
7. People favor underdogs, but follow only top dogs. Fight for a few underdogs anyway.
8. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway.
9. People really need help, but may attack you if you do help them. Help them anyway.
10. Give the world the best you have and you will get kicked in the teeth. Give the best you have anyway.
2. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Do good anyway.
3. If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway.
4. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
5. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway.
6. The biggest people with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the littlest people with the littlest ideas. Think big anyway.
7. People favor underdogs, but follow only top dogs. Fight for a few underdogs anyway.
8. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway.
9. People really need help, but may attack you if you do help them. Help them anyway.
10. Give the world the best you have and you will get kicked in the teeth. Give the best you have anyway.
The Seven C's of Success by Chris Widener
Get ready to sail the Seven C's - the Seven C's of Success that is. Learn to navigate your ship of destiny in these seven "C's" if you want to be a total success. Here they are, in alphabetical order:
1. Caring - I believe that to be a true success in this world we must have a bigger vision than simply accomplishing a goal for ourselves or simply lining our own pockets. I believe that successful people have a deep care for others. Yes, they are aggressive, but they are not aggressive to the point that they run roughshod over others.
Question: What is your care factor? Have you placed people in their proper place, as people worthy of dignity, respect, and proper treatment? Or have you begun to treat others as a means to an end for yourself?
2. Character - Becoming a success is more than increasing the digits in your bank account. In fact, I believe ANYONE can increase his or her bank account with a simple plan. Financial development is the easy part. Character development is the hard part, letting each and every experience shape and mold us as we experience them, always moving toward our goal and never allowing negative circumstances to destroy us but make us better people. This is what true success is about!
Question: How is your character? Are you becoming a better person with each passing experience? Are you becoming a rock of wisdom and experience, deepening your foundation of character?
3. Choice - Eisenhower reminded us that our histories are written by choice, not by chance. Every movement you make toward your ultimate success and destiny will be because you choose to move toward it. The actions that you choose, each and every day will add up, over the long-term, to your final destination. The power we have as humans to choose is one of the greatest gifts known to mankind.
Question: Do you choose success with each and every choice you make? Each choice you make either moves you toward your goal or away from it. Which do you choose?
4. Concentration - Often those who fail do so because they lose their concentration. Something else comes along and becomes their newfound fancy. They move from whim to whim, tossed to and fro by the strong blowing winds. The successful person however, stands firm, with their eyes transfixed on the goal. One of my favorite posters as a boy was of George Brett of the Kansas City Royals Baseball Team. The picture was taken just as the bat was hitting the ball. Where were George's eyes? Straight down the barrel of the bat, looking at the point where the ball and bat came together. Now that is concentration!
Question: How is your concentration? Do you stick to your goal and focus firmly on it, or do you let your mind and heart wander from whim to whim?
5. Confidence - Success comes to those who have the confidence to try, and more than that, the confidence to win. Confidence is something that you can grow in your mind and heart. Each passing victory that you achieve builds more and more confidence in you to draw from the next time you go to fight another battle on your journey to success. Do what you can to build confidence inside of yourself so you will be able to dip deeply into that well when you need it!
Question: How is your confidence? Do you believe that you can achieve what you conceive? Are you winning victories that you can then draw on later?
6. Consistency - People who become a success realize that to a great degree, success is a formula. At the very least it is sticking to doing the right things for a long enough period of time for them to create their destiny. This is consistency. They consistently do the things that will bring them their success. Tiger Woods hits hundreds of practice balls each and every day. He doesn't do 100 one day, then two days off, then 500 balls, then a day off, then 300 balls, then three days off. No, he
knows the power of consistency and has achieved a level of success that that consistency formulated for him.
Question: How is your consistency? Are you consistent? Are you doing the things you need to do each and every day that will bring your goal to you?
7. Courage - Successful people are brave people. They know that even success has its challenges, yet they face them head on and move forward anyway. No mountain is too high, nor river too wide, nor foe too large for the person who will choose to live out their dreams! They are courageous people who continue on even when others have quit. And for that they receive their reward!
Question: How about you? Are you courageous? Are you willing to face the obstacles and move forward in spite of the fear that may try to well up within you? Be courageous and you will succeed!
There they are, the Seven C's of Success. Set sail today!
1. Caring - I believe that to be a true success in this world we must have a bigger vision than simply accomplishing a goal for ourselves or simply lining our own pockets. I believe that successful people have a deep care for others. Yes, they are aggressive, but they are not aggressive to the point that they run roughshod over others.
Question: What is your care factor? Have you placed people in their proper place, as people worthy of dignity, respect, and proper treatment? Or have you begun to treat others as a means to an end for yourself?
2. Character - Becoming a success is more than increasing the digits in your bank account. In fact, I believe ANYONE can increase his or her bank account with a simple plan. Financial development is the easy part. Character development is the hard part, letting each and every experience shape and mold us as we experience them, always moving toward our goal and never allowing negative circumstances to destroy us but make us better people. This is what true success is about!
Question: How is your character? Are you becoming a better person with each passing experience? Are you becoming a rock of wisdom and experience, deepening your foundation of character?
3. Choice - Eisenhower reminded us that our histories are written by choice, not by chance. Every movement you make toward your ultimate success and destiny will be because you choose to move toward it. The actions that you choose, each and every day will add up, over the long-term, to your final destination. The power we have as humans to choose is one of the greatest gifts known to mankind.
Question: Do you choose success with each and every choice you make? Each choice you make either moves you toward your goal or away from it. Which do you choose?
4. Concentration - Often those who fail do so because they lose their concentration. Something else comes along and becomes their newfound fancy. They move from whim to whim, tossed to and fro by the strong blowing winds. The successful person however, stands firm, with their eyes transfixed on the goal. One of my favorite posters as a boy was of George Brett of the Kansas City Royals Baseball Team. The picture was taken just as the bat was hitting the ball. Where were George's eyes? Straight down the barrel of the bat, looking at the point where the ball and bat came together. Now that is concentration!
Question: How is your concentration? Do you stick to your goal and focus firmly on it, or do you let your mind and heart wander from whim to whim?
5. Confidence - Success comes to those who have the confidence to try, and more than that, the confidence to win. Confidence is something that you can grow in your mind and heart. Each passing victory that you achieve builds more and more confidence in you to draw from the next time you go to fight another battle on your journey to success. Do what you can to build confidence inside of yourself so you will be able to dip deeply into that well when you need it!
Question: How is your confidence? Do you believe that you can achieve what you conceive? Are you winning victories that you can then draw on later?
6. Consistency - People who become a success realize that to a great degree, success is a formula. At the very least it is sticking to doing the right things for a long enough period of time for them to create their destiny. This is consistency. They consistently do the things that will bring them their success. Tiger Woods hits hundreds of practice balls each and every day. He doesn't do 100 one day, then two days off, then 500 balls, then a day off, then 300 balls, then three days off. No, he
knows the power of consistency and has achieved a level of success that that consistency formulated for him.
Question: How is your consistency? Are you consistent? Are you doing the things you need to do each and every day that will bring your goal to you?
7. Courage - Successful people are brave people. They know that even success has its challenges, yet they face them head on and move forward anyway. No mountain is too high, nor river too wide, nor foe too large for the person who will choose to live out their dreams! They are courageous people who continue on even when others have quit. And for that they receive their reward!
Question: How about you? Are you courageous? Are you willing to face the obstacles and move forward in spite of the fear that may try to well up within you? Be courageous and you will succeed!
There they are, the Seven C's of Success. Set sail today!
7 Differences When Selling to Companies - By Tessa Stowe
If you are selling to companies, chances are you are selling to multiple buyers. In some ways everything is the same when selling to multiple buyers as opposed to single buyers, and then again everything is different.
Selling to multiple buyers is the same as selling to single buyers in that for both you need: a sales process, sales skills and a sales philosophy. So the fundamentals of selling are the same.
Even though the sales fundamentals are exactly the same, the fact that you are selling to multiple buyers by its nature makes it different. You need to take into account these differences if you are selling to companies and multiple buyers.
So what are these differences?
Here are seven important differences when selling to companies and multiple buyers:
1. You need to have conversations with multiple people to find out what the problem is and its impact. You need to have multiple conversations with as many people (roles) as necessary to put the 'problem puzzle' together. I say 'problem puzzle' as each person you talk to will have their own unique perspective about the problem. When you are selling to a single buyer you can obtain all the information you need from that single person and you only have to deal with one perspective - much easier.
2. It costs a lot more time, money and resources to sell to multiple buyers as opposed to a single buyer. It becomes even more critical when selling to multiple buyers to have a formal qualification system in place and for you to apply it consistently. (I recommend having a three-filter qualification system: one filter for the company, one for the opportunity and one for your competition.)
3. You need to get a collection of "yes's" which eventually culminate into the final "yes" from the person who makes the final decision. You need to get "yes's" from the people who will use what you are offering, from those who influence the decision as well as from the final decision maker. One "yes" is no longer good enough as it is when selling to a single buyer plus not all "yes's" are created equal. You need to find out all the people involved that you need to get a "yes" from and which series of "yes's" lead to the final "yes." You need to work out the "yes puzzle."
4. You need to learn the jargon for the company and for the role played by each person with whom you will speak. For example a CFO talks in financial jargon and a VP of Marketing talks in marketing jargon and hence if you are to communicate you need to talk in their jargon (and not yours!). One language does not fit all when selling to multiple buyers.
5. Multiple buyers are normally involved when the risk is higher and there will be a tendency to go with the lowest risk solution. Hence when selling to multiple buyers you need to put more emphasis than you do when selling to a single buyer on showing that you are the least risk solution that can deliver the outcome they are looking for.
6. You have a LOT more information to distill in order to get the total picture when selling to multiple buyers as opposed to a single buyer. With a single buyer you can probably get away with informal notes. With multiple buyers you need a system that works for you and helps you capture all the information you collect so you can analyze and share it. (I say 'works for you' as a lot of sales force management systems don't work for salespeople and eventually become ineffective.)
7. When selling to multiple buyers you need a strategy tailored for that specific opportunity. When selling to single buyers you can probably have a general strategy that you can apply to all single buyer opportunities. Having a single strategy for selling to companies and multiple buyers will be a disaster. You need to spend the time to decide your strategies for each multiple buyer opportunity and you need to continually fine-tune each of your strategies throughout the sale. You will need multiple strategies: a competitive strategy, a pricing strategy, a solution strategy and a "why buy from us" strategy etc.
If you want to sell to companies and multiple buyers, you will need to take these differences into account and adapt your tactics and strategies accordingly.
There is, of course, another big difference that was not covered in the list above. That is when you are selling to companies and multiple buyers typically the rewards and prices are much higher. So even though there is more effort required in selling to companies and in adapting your strategies and tactics accordingly, the extra rewards should make it very worth your while.
About the Author:
Tessa Stowe teaches small business owners and recovering salespeople simple steps to turn conversations into clients without being sales-y or pushy. Her FREE monthly Sales Conversation newsletter is full of tips on how to sell your services by just being yourself. Sign up now at
Selling to multiple buyers is the same as selling to single buyers in that for both you need: a sales process, sales skills and a sales philosophy. So the fundamentals of selling are the same.
Even though the sales fundamentals are exactly the same, the fact that you are selling to multiple buyers by its nature makes it different. You need to take into account these differences if you are selling to companies and multiple buyers.
So what are these differences?
Here are seven important differences when selling to companies and multiple buyers:
1. You need to have conversations with multiple people to find out what the problem is and its impact. You need to have multiple conversations with as many people (roles) as necessary to put the 'problem puzzle' together. I say 'problem puzzle' as each person you talk to will have their own unique perspective about the problem. When you are selling to a single buyer you can obtain all the information you need from that single person and you only have to deal with one perspective - much easier.
2. It costs a lot more time, money and resources to sell to multiple buyers as opposed to a single buyer. It becomes even more critical when selling to multiple buyers to have a formal qualification system in place and for you to apply it consistently. (I recommend having a three-filter qualification system: one filter for the company, one for the opportunity and one for your competition.)
3. You need to get a collection of "yes's" which eventually culminate into the final "yes" from the person who makes the final decision. You need to get "yes's" from the people who will use what you are offering, from those who influence the decision as well as from the final decision maker. One "yes" is no longer good enough as it is when selling to a single buyer plus not all "yes's" are created equal. You need to find out all the people involved that you need to get a "yes" from and which series of "yes's" lead to the final "yes." You need to work out the "yes puzzle."
4. You need to learn the jargon for the company and for the role played by each person with whom you will speak. For example a CFO talks in financial jargon and a VP of Marketing talks in marketing jargon and hence if you are to communicate you need to talk in their jargon (and not yours!). One language does not fit all when selling to multiple buyers.
5. Multiple buyers are normally involved when the risk is higher and there will be a tendency to go with the lowest risk solution. Hence when selling to multiple buyers you need to put more emphasis than you do when selling to a single buyer on showing that you are the least risk solution that can deliver the outcome they are looking for.
6. You have a LOT more information to distill in order to get the total picture when selling to multiple buyers as opposed to a single buyer. With a single buyer you can probably get away with informal notes. With multiple buyers you need a system that works for you and helps you capture all the information you collect so you can analyze and share it. (I say 'works for you' as a lot of sales force management systems don't work for salespeople and eventually become ineffective.)
7. When selling to multiple buyers you need a strategy tailored for that specific opportunity. When selling to single buyers you can probably have a general strategy that you can apply to all single buyer opportunities. Having a single strategy for selling to companies and multiple buyers will be a disaster. You need to spend the time to decide your strategies for each multiple buyer opportunity and you need to continually fine-tune each of your strategies throughout the sale. You will need multiple strategies: a competitive strategy, a pricing strategy, a solution strategy and a "why buy from us" strategy etc.
If you want to sell to companies and multiple buyers, you will need to take these differences into account and adapt your tactics and strategies accordingly.
There is, of course, another big difference that was not covered in the list above. That is when you are selling to companies and multiple buyers typically the rewards and prices are much higher. So even though there is more effort required in selling to companies and in adapting your strategies and tactics accordingly, the extra rewards should make it very worth your while.
About the Author:
Tessa Stowe teaches small business owners and recovering salespeople simple steps to turn conversations into clients without being sales-y or pushy. Her FREE monthly Sales Conversation newsletter is full of tips on how to sell your services by just being yourself. Sign up now at
The Ultimate Sales Tip - Give Up the Need to Sell - Ike Krieger
Most business people will tell you that selling is not their favorite activity. Let’s explore a way to look at the process of sales a bit more favorably.
Whether we like it or not---“we’re all in sales”. Most of us have an internal dialogue about both selling and closing that is less than positive. Most of us approach the sales portion of our business hoping we’re not “coming off like a salesman.”
Most of us hate to be sold to. Most of us have to sell to live. Most of us realize that in order to keep our business afloat, we need to sell. I suggest that you give up that need to sell.
Please notice that I didn’t ask you to give up the commitment to sell, but rather the need to sell. The hardest time to do anything is when you need to.
In the revised edition of his book “Man’s Search for Meaning”, the noted psychiatrist and author Victor Frankl coined the term “Paradoxical Intentionality”. He defines “Paradoxical Intentionality” as “The twofold fact that fear brings about that which one is afraid of, and that hyper-intention makes impossible that which one wishes.”
In other words, if you need to do something it makes the task much more difficult. Frankl’s thesis can best be illustrated by an example with which we all can identify.
The last time you needed to get to sleep because you had something important to do the next morning… how easy was it to get to sleep? The last time you needed to stay awake for the end of a film… how easy was it to stay awake?
So I repeat… give up the need to sell. Be committed 150% to making the sale but avoid becoming tied to the “outcome” of making the sale.
This is contrary to what many of us have been taught. However, if you view yourself as a “problem solver” rather than a “maker of sales” this concept will make much greater sense.
I define a problem as, “something that exists when there is a difference between what you have and what you want.” My definition of business is, “The ability to solve other people’s problems and get and make a profit.”
Closing is “the ability to create an environment in which the prospect can come to the conclusion that our product or service will solve his/her problem.”
Based on these definitions, our job becomes a process in which we first uncover whether the prospect has the type of problems our business solves. Next we have to find out if the prospect truly believes that a problem exists (and it’s important to let the prospect be the judge.)
If the prospect believes that there is a problem, and that the problem is likely to cause monetary or emotional sacrifices, he or she will be more open to having someone who can be trusted help solve the problem. In other words, the prospect begins to close the deal.
Your prospect will begin to convince and influence you that there is a need for your help. He or she will become the source of the sales presentation and the close. As backwards sounding as this may seem… it’s really the way it works.
Because the responsibility of convincing and influencing is assumed willingly by the prospect nearly all of the stress and negativity we associate with selling literally disappears.
Use this approach to selling and you’ll see a big difference. Instead of a day filled with trying to sell things to people, you will get to solve people’s problems. This is a much more enjoyable way to approach the selling part of your business.
In summary… give up the need to sell and think of yourself as a magical problem solver.
About the Author:
Ike Krieger is a speaker, author and mentor. Ike provides tips, tools, ideas and resources that focus on sales and business networking success. Ike will help you get in front of more of your ideal contacts, and then turn your contacts into contracts...or clients... more easily and more often.™ - Subscribe to Ike's mailing list
Whether we like it or not---“we’re all in sales”. Most of us have an internal dialogue about both selling and closing that is less than positive. Most of us approach the sales portion of our business hoping we’re not “coming off like a salesman.”
Most of us hate to be sold to. Most of us have to sell to live. Most of us realize that in order to keep our business afloat, we need to sell. I suggest that you give up that need to sell.
Please notice that I didn’t ask you to give up the commitment to sell, but rather the need to sell. The hardest time to do anything is when you need to.
In the revised edition of his book “Man’s Search for Meaning”, the noted psychiatrist and author Victor Frankl coined the term “Paradoxical Intentionality”. He defines “Paradoxical Intentionality” as “The twofold fact that fear brings about that which one is afraid of, and that hyper-intention makes impossible that which one wishes.”
In other words, if you need to do something it makes the task much more difficult. Frankl’s thesis can best be illustrated by an example with which we all can identify.
The last time you needed to get to sleep because you had something important to do the next morning… how easy was it to get to sleep? The last time you needed to stay awake for the end of a film… how easy was it to stay awake?
So I repeat… give up the need to sell. Be committed 150% to making the sale but avoid becoming tied to the “outcome” of making the sale.
This is contrary to what many of us have been taught. However, if you view yourself as a “problem solver” rather than a “maker of sales” this concept will make much greater sense.
I define a problem as, “something that exists when there is a difference between what you have and what you want.” My definition of business is, “The ability to solve other people’s problems and get and make a profit.”
Closing is “the ability to create an environment in which the prospect can come to the conclusion that our product or service will solve his/her problem.”
Based on these definitions, our job becomes a process in which we first uncover whether the prospect has the type of problems our business solves. Next we have to find out if the prospect truly believes that a problem exists (and it’s important to let the prospect be the judge.)
If the prospect believes that there is a problem, and that the problem is likely to cause monetary or emotional sacrifices, he or she will be more open to having someone who can be trusted help solve the problem. In other words, the prospect begins to close the deal.
Your prospect will begin to convince and influence you that there is a need for your help. He or she will become the source of the sales presentation and the close. As backwards sounding as this may seem… it’s really the way it works.
Because the responsibility of convincing and influencing is assumed willingly by the prospect nearly all of the stress and negativity we associate with selling literally disappears.
Use this approach to selling and you’ll see a big difference. Instead of a day filled with trying to sell things to people, you will get to solve people’s problems. This is a much more enjoyable way to approach the selling part of your business.
In summary… give up the need to sell and think of yourself as a magical problem solver.
About the Author:
Ike Krieger is a speaker, author and mentor. Ike provides tips, tools, ideas and resources that focus on sales and business networking success. Ike will help you get in front of more of your ideal contacts, and then turn your contacts into contracts...or clients... more easily and more often.™ - Subscribe to Ike's mailing list
My favorite morals by Harvey Mackay
When I started writing my column 15 years ago, I decided to follow Aesop's lead and put a moral at the end of each lesson—and my readers often tell me that they remember those morals, as well as the 700-750 words that preceded them. We live in a world of ten-second sound bites, so messages wrapped up in tight little packages really grab attention. Here's a refresher course—some of my favorite morals from the last three years:
• A foot in the door is worth two on the desk.
• Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the mastery of it.
• Negativity makes a person look at the land of milk and honey and see only calories and cholesterol.
• The greatest undeveloped territory in the world lies under your hat.
• You're never old enough to stop learning.
• You don't have to shout to get your point across if you use the right words.
• A person without a sense of humor is like a car without shock absorbers—jolted by every pothole in the road.
• The more you exercise your networking muscles, the stronger they get.
• Live—and work—like your mother is watching.
• The person who is everywhere is nowhere.
• People like to do business with people they like.
• Money can buy a lot of things except common sense, which is free.
• Love your competitors. They are the only ones who make you as good as you can be.
• In business, you should walk your talk ... and know when to talk before you walk.
• If you want to be remembered for all the wrong reasons, say something stupid.
• Don't just mark time; use time to make your mark.
• Getting an idea should be like sitting down on a pin; it should make you jump up and do something.
• The hotter things get, the more important it is to keep your cool.
• Entrepreneurs are people who take the cold water thrown on their idea, heat it with enthusiasm, make steam and push ahead.
• Technology should improve your life, not become your life.
• Arrogance is believing that you are so high up you don't need an ear to the ground.
• The difference between failure and success is doing a thing nearly right and doing it exactly right.
• Control yourself: Remember, anger is just one letter short of danger.
• Keep an open mind. Your first job may not be your dream job, but it doesn't have to be a nightmare.
• If you want a place in the sun, you've got to expect a few blisters.
• Amateurs practice until they get it right. Professionals practice until they can't get it wrong.
• Remember the 10 most powerful two-letter words in the English language—If it is to be, it is up to me.
• What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us. What we have done for others lasts forever.
• Positive thinking turns obstacles into opportunities.
• Smart people spell service, "serve us."
• All the world's a stage, and most of us need more rehearsals.
• It's easier to prepare and prevent than to repair and repent.
• You can't count your days, but you can make your days count.
• Rough water is no place to check to see if you packed your life preserver.
• Stress often gives a little thing a big shadow.
• If you want to get a leg up, learn how to use effective body language.
• If you don't speak up, prepare to put up.
• Creativity has no script; it is inspired ad-libbing.
• The most powerful single thing you can do to influence others is to smile at them.
• Helping someone up won't pull you down.
• How people play the game shows something of their character. How they lose shows all of it.
• The wise person isn't the one who makes the fewest mistakes. It's the one who learns the most from them.
Mackay's Moral: One of my favorites: Some people succeed because they are destined to, but most people succeed because they are determined to.
• A foot in the door is worth two on the desk.
• Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the mastery of it.
• Negativity makes a person look at the land of milk and honey and see only calories and cholesterol.
• The greatest undeveloped territory in the world lies under your hat.
• You're never old enough to stop learning.
• You don't have to shout to get your point across if you use the right words.
• A person without a sense of humor is like a car without shock absorbers—jolted by every pothole in the road.
• The more you exercise your networking muscles, the stronger they get.
• Live—and work—like your mother is watching.
• The person who is everywhere is nowhere.
• People like to do business with people they like.
• Money can buy a lot of things except common sense, which is free.
• Love your competitors. They are the only ones who make you as good as you can be.
• In business, you should walk your talk ... and know when to talk before you walk.
• If you want to be remembered for all the wrong reasons, say something stupid.
• Don't just mark time; use time to make your mark.
• Getting an idea should be like sitting down on a pin; it should make you jump up and do something.
• The hotter things get, the more important it is to keep your cool.
• Entrepreneurs are people who take the cold water thrown on their idea, heat it with enthusiasm, make steam and push ahead.
• Technology should improve your life, not become your life.
• Arrogance is believing that you are so high up you don't need an ear to the ground.
• The difference between failure and success is doing a thing nearly right and doing it exactly right.
• Control yourself: Remember, anger is just one letter short of danger.
• Keep an open mind. Your first job may not be your dream job, but it doesn't have to be a nightmare.
• If you want a place in the sun, you've got to expect a few blisters.
• Amateurs practice until they get it right. Professionals practice until they can't get it wrong.
• Remember the 10 most powerful two-letter words in the English language—If it is to be, it is up to me.
• What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us. What we have done for others lasts forever.
• Positive thinking turns obstacles into opportunities.
• Smart people spell service, "serve us."
• All the world's a stage, and most of us need more rehearsals.
• It's easier to prepare and prevent than to repair and repent.
• You can't count your days, but you can make your days count.
• Rough water is no place to check to see if you packed your life preserver.
• Stress often gives a little thing a big shadow.
• If you want to get a leg up, learn how to use effective body language.
• If you don't speak up, prepare to put up.
• Creativity has no script; it is inspired ad-libbing.
• The most powerful single thing you can do to influence others is to smile at them.
• Helping someone up won't pull you down.
• How people play the game shows something of their character. How they lose shows all of it.
• The wise person isn't the one who makes the fewest mistakes. It's the one who learns the most from them.
Mackay's Moral: One of my favorites: Some people succeed because they are destined to, but most people succeed because they are determined to.
Help! I'm slumping, and I can't get a sale! by Jeffrey Gitomer
In a slump? Not making enough (or any) sales. Feel like you're unable to get out of the rut? Maybe you're not in a big slump, but just can't seem to hit the quota numbers. Let's be kind and call it "sales under-achievement."
Don't panic.
Don't press too hard.
Don't get down on yourself.
Don't get mad.
And above all -- don't quit.
What causes a slump? You do. Therefore, you are the best (only) person to fix it.
Here are the prime causes of sales slumps:
Poor belief system - I don't believe that my company or product is the best. I don't think that I'm the best.
Poor work habits - Getting to work late, or barely "on time," Not spending your time productively.
Misperceptions that lead to sour grapes - I think my prices are too high, or my territory is bad.
Outside pressure - Caused by money problems, family problems, or personal problems.
Poor personal habits - Too much drink, too much food, or too much after hours play.
Boss giving crap instead of support - Someone who says, "You better do it," instead of, "I know you can do it."
Events that go against you - New sales person passes you, someone else gets promoted and you knew it should have been you.
Customer cancels a big order - Weakening your personal belief or causing severe money problems -- or both.
Getting depressed - From any of the above.
When you're in a slump, you begin to press for orders instead of working your best game-plan (which is sell to help the other person and let your sincerity of purpose shine through). When you have the pressure to sell, the prospect senses it, and backs off.
Then things get worse. You can't seem to sell at all, and begin to panic. Oh my gosh, I can't sell a thing, I'll get fired, miss my house payment, can't pay my bills -- Aaaahhhhhh! False fear. Relax, you're better than that.
Here's a prescription to help cure sick sales:
• Get back to basics - Usually what's wrong is not complicated. In fact, you probably know what's wrong. Your problem is that you think it's someone else's fault. Wrong. List two or three areas that need immediate care. Have the guts to take action.
• Revisit your (or make a new) plan for success - Today.
• List 5 things you could be doing to work smarter/harder - Make a plan to work as smart as you think (or say) you are.
• Change your presentation - Try a different approach. Take the customer´s perspective.
• Talk to your five best customers - Ask them to evaluate your situation.
• Get someone you respect to evaluate you presentation - take them with you on sales calls. Get a coach.
• Visit your mentor - And have a new plan when you get there.
• Get to work an hour before everyone - Put in more productive time.
• Stay away from pity parties - Don't make a slump worse by whining or hanging around a bunch of negits and underachievers.
• Hang around positive, successful people - The best way to get to success.
• Have some fun -- Go to the comedy club, do a little extra of what you like to do best (unless too much fun is the cause of your slump).
• Spend 30 minutes a day (in the morning is best) reading about your positive attitude -- Then listen to attitude tapes and sales audios in the car all day.
• Listen to your favorite song just before the presentation - Go in to your next call singing.
• Take a few days off - Chill out, take stock, make a plan, re-group, re-energize, and return with renewed determination and better energy,
• Rearrange your office - Shake things up a little, make them look new.
• Audio record your presentations live - Then listen in the car immediately afterwards. Take notes. Act to correct.
• Video tape your presentation - Watch it with others who can give you constructive feedback.
• Take the best salesperson you know out on calls with you for a day - Get a written evaluation after each call.
• Take your boss with you on calls for a week - You'll get more feedback than you can handle, but it will help.
• Avoid negative talk and negative people like the plague - Find people who will encourage you, not puke on you.
When a baseball player is in a batting slump he will do anything to "change his luck." Things from superstition (rabbits foot, not shaving, wearing the same underwear) to changing batting stance, to video watching, to extra coaching. But the one thing that usually breaks the slump is extra batting practice -- to regain the groove. Fundamentals.
They, like you, have the professional ability, but temporarily lost it. They, like you, went back to the raw fundamentals to regain lost talent.
Other random notes on the truth about slumps:
The best way to get out of the rut is keep the slump in perspective. Once you accept the fact that it's no one's fault but your own, you can begin to recover. Be cool --- you're the greatest, if you think you are. -- Believe in the most important person in the world -- you.
In a sales slump?
Get fired up
or get fired.
Don't panic.
Don't press too hard.
Don't get down on yourself.
Don't get mad.
And above all -- don't quit.
What causes a slump? You do. Therefore, you are the best (only) person to fix it.
Here are the prime causes of sales slumps:
Poor belief system - I don't believe that my company or product is the best. I don't think that I'm the best.
Poor work habits - Getting to work late, or barely "on time," Not spending your time productively.
Misperceptions that lead to sour grapes - I think my prices are too high, or my territory is bad.
Outside pressure - Caused by money problems, family problems, or personal problems.
Poor personal habits - Too much drink, too much food, or too much after hours play.
Boss giving crap instead of support - Someone who says, "You better do it," instead of, "I know you can do it."
Events that go against you - New sales person passes you, someone else gets promoted and you knew it should have been you.
Customer cancels a big order - Weakening your personal belief or causing severe money problems -- or both.
Getting depressed - From any of the above.
When you're in a slump, you begin to press for orders instead of working your best game-plan (which is sell to help the other person and let your sincerity of purpose shine through). When you have the pressure to sell, the prospect senses it, and backs off.
Then things get worse. You can't seem to sell at all, and begin to panic. Oh my gosh, I can't sell a thing, I'll get fired, miss my house payment, can't pay my bills -- Aaaahhhhhh! False fear. Relax, you're better than that.
Here's a prescription to help cure sick sales:
• Get back to basics - Usually what's wrong is not complicated. In fact, you probably know what's wrong. Your problem is that you think it's someone else's fault. Wrong. List two or three areas that need immediate care. Have the guts to take action.
• Revisit your (or make a new) plan for success - Today.
• List 5 things you could be doing to work smarter/harder - Make a plan to work as smart as you think (or say) you are.
• Change your presentation - Try a different approach. Take the customer´s perspective.
• Talk to your five best customers - Ask them to evaluate your situation.
• Get someone you respect to evaluate you presentation - take them with you on sales calls. Get a coach.
• Visit your mentor - And have a new plan when you get there.
• Get to work an hour before everyone - Put in more productive time.
• Stay away from pity parties - Don't make a slump worse by whining or hanging around a bunch of negits and underachievers.
• Hang around positive, successful people - The best way to get to success.
• Have some fun -- Go to the comedy club, do a little extra of what you like to do best (unless too much fun is the cause of your slump).
• Spend 30 minutes a day (in the morning is best) reading about your positive attitude -- Then listen to attitude tapes and sales audios in the car all day.
• Listen to your favorite song just before the presentation - Go in to your next call singing.
• Take a few days off - Chill out, take stock, make a plan, re-group, re-energize, and return with renewed determination and better energy,
• Rearrange your office - Shake things up a little, make them look new.
• Audio record your presentations live - Then listen in the car immediately afterwards. Take notes. Act to correct.
• Video tape your presentation - Watch it with others who can give you constructive feedback.
• Take the best salesperson you know out on calls with you for a day - Get a written evaluation after each call.
• Take your boss with you on calls for a week - You'll get more feedback than you can handle, but it will help.
• Avoid negative talk and negative people like the plague - Find people who will encourage you, not puke on you.
When a baseball player is in a batting slump he will do anything to "change his luck." Things from superstition (rabbits foot, not shaving, wearing the same underwear) to changing batting stance, to video watching, to extra coaching. But the one thing that usually breaks the slump is extra batting practice -- to regain the groove. Fundamentals.
They, like you, have the professional ability, but temporarily lost it. They, like you, went back to the raw fundamentals to regain lost talent.
Other random notes on the truth about slumps:
The best way to get out of the rut is keep the slump in perspective. Once you accept the fact that it's no one's fault but your own, you can begin to recover. Be cool --- you're the greatest, if you think you are. -- Believe in the most important person in the world -- you.
In a sales slump?
Get fired up
or get fired.
Handling the Cold Potato
Do you have prospects that seem to give you the run- around? They expressed interest in your product or service when you first contacted them but now they don't return your calls, reply to your emails or seem interested in making a buying decision.
Persistence is an essential trait that successful sales people possess. The ability to stick with a specific task, continue in the face of adversity, or use different strategies to achieve your goal is critical if you want a long-term career in sales and business.
However, there is a distinct difference between this and beating your head against a wall trying to convince a prospect to buy your product or service. Recent conversations with some of my newsletter subscribers reminded me how often people get caught in the trap of thinking they can (or should) close every deal that comes their way. Simply put, there comes a time when you have to let go and give up.
However, if you're not quite prepared to do that, here are five suggestions that may turn that cold potato into a hot one.
1. Consider creating an email list and adding those people into a monthly email campaign. Some of them will have their situation change and still others are simply very busy with something that is more urgent. Without monthly email follow-up, you can lose the people that were temporarily distracted as well as those whose situation changed.
2. If you have another contact in the company ask them for input or to find out why the decision has been stalled. This is particularly effective if you have developed a good relationship with that person especially if they can act as your champion or cheerleader.
3. Develop a 'keep-in-touch' campaign to keep your name in their mind. They may not be ready to buy now, but their situation could change in the future and you want them to remember you. You can stay in touch via postcards, letters, articles, newsletters, etc.
4. Befriend the decision-maker's executive assistant and tap into that individual's insight and knowledge. In some cases, the E.A. can help you find a different way to approach the executive. In other situations, they might be able to give you a reason why the sale did not happen or even what you could do differently in the future.
5. Ask yourself 'How important is this sale?' If your answer is 'very important' determine what other actions or approaches you are willing to take to make the sale happen. If this was the most important sale of your career would you give up or would you find a creative way to pursue it?
When a hot prospect turns cold and you have done everything possible to move the sale forward but they aren't responding it's time to drop that cold potato and focus your attention on other opportunities. It is essential to recognize that you only have a limited number of hours in a given day, week or month. That means you need to invest this time wisely because once it is used up you can't get it back. Spinning your wheels trying to convince an unmotivated prospect to make a decision may not be the best way to use your time.
Many people fail to realize just how valuable their time is. If you spend an inordinate amount of time trying to close a sale that has a low probability of success, then you are not generating a high payoff on your time. That means you need to engage in activities that will have the highest payoff. A simple rule of thumb to follow is asking, "What is the best use of my time, right now?" You should also consider the potential value of each sales opportunity. Chasing a high-value sale is a better use of your time than following up on a sale that is of low value (revenue and/or profit). A good friend of mine used to go after every sale that came his way. However, after several years of chasing leads that led to few sales, he now targets his efforts on the high- value opportunities. This has substantially increased his revenues in a very short time.
While it is mentally difficult to drop a potential sale, this strategy will free up your time to focus on higher quality leads which will lead to higher sales. When you have done everything in your power to capture that sale but it has completely stalled or hit a dead end, then you need to make an all-important decision. Is it worth your time and effort to continue following that lead? Only you can make that choice.
© 2008 Kelley Robertson, All rights reserved.
Kelley Robertson, author of The Secrets of Power Selling helps sales professionals and businesses discover new techniques to improve their sales and profits. Receive a FREE copy of 100 Ways to Increase Your Sales by subscribing to his free newsletter available at www. Kelley conducts workshops and speaks regularly at sales meetings and conferences. For information on his programs contact him at 905-633-7750 or Kell
Persistence is an essential trait that successful sales people possess. The ability to stick with a specific task, continue in the face of adversity, or use different strategies to achieve your goal is critical if you want a long-term career in sales and business.
However, there is a distinct difference between this and beating your head against a wall trying to convince a prospect to buy your product or service. Recent conversations with some of my newsletter subscribers reminded me how often people get caught in the trap of thinking they can (or should) close every deal that comes their way. Simply put, there comes a time when you have to let go and give up.
However, if you're not quite prepared to do that, here are five suggestions that may turn that cold potato into a hot one.
1. Consider creating an email list and adding those people into a monthly email campaign. Some of them will have their situation change and still others are simply very busy with something that is more urgent. Without monthly email follow-up, you can lose the people that were temporarily distracted as well as those whose situation changed.
2. If you have another contact in the company ask them for input or to find out why the decision has been stalled. This is particularly effective if you have developed a good relationship with that person especially if they can act as your champion or cheerleader.
3. Develop a 'keep-in-touch' campaign to keep your name in their mind. They may not be ready to buy now, but their situation could change in the future and you want them to remember you. You can stay in touch via postcards, letters, articles, newsletters, etc.
4. Befriend the decision-maker's executive assistant and tap into that individual's insight and knowledge. In some cases, the E.A. can help you find a different way to approach the executive. In other situations, they might be able to give you a reason why the sale did not happen or even what you could do differently in the future.
5. Ask yourself 'How important is this sale?' If your answer is 'very important' determine what other actions or approaches you are willing to take to make the sale happen. If this was the most important sale of your career would you give up or would you find a creative way to pursue it?
When a hot prospect turns cold and you have done everything possible to move the sale forward but they aren't responding it's time to drop that cold potato and focus your attention on other opportunities. It is essential to recognize that you only have a limited number of hours in a given day, week or month. That means you need to invest this time wisely because once it is used up you can't get it back. Spinning your wheels trying to convince an unmotivated prospect to make a decision may not be the best way to use your time.
Many people fail to realize just how valuable their time is. If you spend an inordinate amount of time trying to close a sale that has a low probability of success, then you are not generating a high payoff on your time. That means you need to engage in activities that will have the highest payoff. A simple rule of thumb to follow is asking, "What is the best use of my time, right now?" You should also consider the potential value of each sales opportunity. Chasing a high-value sale is a better use of your time than following up on a sale that is of low value (revenue and/or profit). A good friend of mine used to go after every sale that came his way. However, after several years of chasing leads that led to few sales, he now targets his efforts on the high- value opportunities. This has substantially increased his revenues in a very short time.
While it is mentally difficult to drop a potential sale, this strategy will free up your time to focus on higher quality leads which will lead to higher sales. When you have done everything in your power to capture that sale but it has completely stalled or hit a dead end, then you need to make an all-important decision. Is it worth your time and effort to continue following that lead? Only you can make that choice.
© 2008 Kelley Robertson, All rights reserved.
Kelley Robertson, author of The Secrets of Power Selling helps sales professionals and businesses discover new techniques to improve their sales and profits. Receive a FREE copy of 100 Ways to Increase Your Sales by subscribing to his free newsletter available at www. Kelley conducts workshops and speaks regularly at sales meetings and conferences. For information on his programs contact him at 905-633-7750 or Kell
Conductor as Transformational Leader - By Hugh Ballou
Examine the word Transform. It is not merely change, or we would use that word. It is a verb with an expanded vision and is much more transcendent. It implies a deeper, more fundamental alteration of our very form (trans – form). The continuing process of transformation begins with the moment of inspiration and continues in us through times of action, rest, and reflection. The conductor is in a unique position to effect and change lives positively for the faith journey. Musical conductors are fine-tuned instruments.
Building a choral ensemble as transformation
Conductors understand transformation experientially. The very nature of our work is that of transformation.
A group of singers shows up for rehearsal. They come to sing -- each with a different perspective and possibly a different level of talent. The skilled choral conductor listens, instructs, motivates, encourages, and affirms the changes that are necessary to mold this unrelated group of singers into a unified sound. The product is called an ensemble. We strive for that unity as an ensemble each time we rehearse or perform.
The magic of transformation is absolutely necessary in the world of music. Transformation happens not by chance but by intention, not only from the leader, but from the participants as well. The results are cumulative. Once the sense of ensemble is achieved and experienced first hand, it can be believed.
So why are we not committed to building that sense of ensemble in all that we undertake? Maybe it's an education issue for those whom we lead. Maybe it's a lack of understanding that this is a transferable concept from musical groups to other groups.
Why is that concept so foreign to all of us? And why does the concept seem unattainable? We can believe in the universal power of transformation. Are we willing to try? Are we willing to teach?
Becoming a Transformational Leader
Transform means change. How does the leader inspire, enable, and empower others to bring change into an organization? By encouraging, sharing, coaching, trusting, modeling, valuing, reinforcing, and many others. Being a Transformational Leader is similar in many ways to being a Charismatic Leader. The major difference is the focus of the Transformational Leader on working through people and not through one's own power.
The Transformational Leader produces through people. The ideal model for this is the choral ensemble. The chorus is inspired and enabled by the enthusiasm and charisma of the director/leader. There is a shared vision because they are working from the same piece of music as interpreted by the conductor. They are empowered to produce to the best of their ability by the positive direction of their leader. There is constant nurture and encouragement, both verbally and visually. The role of the leader is to model as well as inspire and encourage.
Building Leaders
Get to know all the people in the group over which you have leadership responsibility. Know their skills and desires. Know who can do what task and who will likely want to do what task. A leader must be an example of the traits they expect their volunteers and staff to manifest in their duties. A good leader must also know what to ask from people and where to assign them. Do not expect a duck to act like an eagle. All of the positive modeling in the world will not change that kind of reality.
Leadership is about relationship and personal fulfillment. If they feel affirmed and you have earned the right to ask through relationship, then they will be more willing to do more for you.
Build leaders by matching tasks with a person's skills and desires, by giving clear directions, by giving all the needed support, and finally, by following up with support and affirmation for a job well done.
Surround yourself with successful people
If you want to constantly improve your skills and your efficiency, then associate with people you admire or from whom you can learn. If you have trouble with efficiency -- if you think that you waste time -- then do not associate with others who have not learned to use their time efficiently. If someone is constantly trying to catch up with their duties or is constantly complaining about not having enough time to get things done, then they will most likely not be the person who can help you. Every day has the same number of hours for each of us. We must figure out for ourselves just how to use that time. Associate with people who have balanced schedules, who are busy, but who know how to organize their time and their tasks so that life is not constantly out of control.
Learn to grow by learning to learn from the actions of others who you admire.
About the Author:
As author of 5 books on Transformational Leadership, Hugh Ballou works as executive coach, process facilitator, trainer, and motivational speaker teaching leaders in many diverse fields how to use fine-tune skills employed every day by orchestral conductors. For more information about Hugh and his newest book, "Transforming Power," visit
Building a choral ensemble as transformation
Conductors understand transformation experientially. The very nature of our work is that of transformation.
A group of singers shows up for rehearsal. They come to sing -- each with a different perspective and possibly a different level of talent. The skilled choral conductor listens, instructs, motivates, encourages, and affirms the changes that are necessary to mold this unrelated group of singers into a unified sound. The product is called an ensemble. We strive for that unity as an ensemble each time we rehearse or perform.
The magic of transformation is absolutely necessary in the world of music. Transformation happens not by chance but by intention, not only from the leader, but from the participants as well. The results are cumulative. Once the sense of ensemble is achieved and experienced first hand, it can be believed.
So why are we not committed to building that sense of ensemble in all that we undertake? Maybe it's an education issue for those whom we lead. Maybe it's a lack of understanding that this is a transferable concept from musical groups to other groups.
Why is that concept so foreign to all of us? And why does the concept seem unattainable? We can believe in the universal power of transformation. Are we willing to try? Are we willing to teach?
Becoming a Transformational Leader
Transform means change. How does the leader inspire, enable, and empower others to bring change into an organization? By encouraging, sharing, coaching, trusting, modeling, valuing, reinforcing, and many others. Being a Transformational Leader is similar in many ways to being a Charismatic Leader. The major difference is the focus of the Transformational Leader on working through people and not through one's own power.
The Transformational Leader produces through people. The ideal model for this is the choral ensemble. The chorus is inspired and enabled by the enthusiasm and charisma of the director/leader. There is a shared vision because they are working from the same piece of music as interpreted by the conductor. They are empowered to produce to the best of their ability by the positive direction of their leader. There is constant nurture and encouragement, both verbally and visually. The role of the leader is to model as well as inspire and encourage.
Building Leaders
Get to know all the people in the group over which you have leadership responsibility. Know their skills and desires. Know who can do what task and who will likely want to do what task. A leader must be an example of the traits they expect their volunteers and staff to manifest in their duties. A good leader must also know what to ask from people and where to assign them. Do not expect a duck to act like an eagle. All of the positive modeling in the world will not change that kind of reality.
Leadership is about relationship and personal fulfillment. If they feel affirmed and you have earned the right to ask through relationship, then they will be more willing to do more for you.
Build leaders by matching tasks with a person's skills and desires, by giving clear directions, by giving all the needed support, and finally, by following up with support and affirmation for a job well done.
Surround yourself with successful people
If you want to constantly improve your skills and your efficiency, then associate with people you admire or from whom you can learn. If you have trouble with efficiency -- if you think that you waste time -- then do not associate with others who have not learned to use their time efficiently. If someone is constantly trying to catch up with their duties or is constantly complaining about not having enough time to get things done, then they will most likely not be the person who can help you. Every day has the same number of hours for each of us. We must figure out for ourselves just how to use that time. Associate with people who have balanced schedules, who are busy, but who know how to organize their time and their tasks so that life is not constantly out of control.
Learn to grow by learning to learn from the actions of others who you admire.
About the Author:
As author of 5 books on Transformational Leadership, Hugh Ballou works as executive coach, process facilitator, trainer, and motivational speaker teaching leaders in many diverse fields how to use fine-tune skills employed every day by orchestral conductors. For more information about Hugh and his newest book, "Transforming Power," visit
Think like Superman... - By Dan Robey
I want you to start thinking like you are Superman.
Sound crazy?
Sound a little nutty?
It's powerful.
It's based in quantum physics science.
It will change your life.
Read on...
If there were any person, real or fictional, whose qualities you could instantly possess, who would that person be?
I would like to put forth the proposition that "Superman" would be the perfect person.
Now you are probably thinking I have lost it, right?
Read on, I think you will like what you are about to hear.
Superman is a fictional Marvel comic book superhero widely considered to be one of the most famous and popular of such characters and an American cultural icon.
He is indestructible, the Man of Steel; he can stop a freight train in its tracks...great powers to have in this day and age, wouldn't you say?
OK, Dan, this is sounding crazier by the minute. How is it based in science, and how can it change my life?
This is where it gets fun.
(For all my female subscribers, don't worry; we have not left you out. There is also a female version of Superman named Supergirl; she has the same powers that Superman has. You will refer to her as you do this mental exercise.)
This is where you will learn about the scientific marvels of the human body (no pun intended).
First, let's look at the qualities that Superman/Supergirl possesses, that you want to make yours. I will refer to Superman for the rest of this article; just replace with Supergirl if you are of the female gender.
1. Superman is powerful.
2. Superman is virtually indestructible
3. Superman can stop bullets.
4. Superman has supernatural powers.
5. Superman can stop a speeding freight train.
6. Superman jumps into immediate action when troubles arise.
OK, we know that Superman has incredible supernatural powers. How can that help us?
What good will it do us to simply think we are Superman?
Here is where science comes in.... This is the part where you will be AMAZED when you learn about the supernatural powers "YOU" already possess!
Best-selling author and M.D., Dr. Deepak Chopra, tells us that our brains make certain chemicals called Neuro Peptides. These are literally the molecules of emotion (Fear, Joy, Love, Etc.).
These molecules of emotion are not contained in your brain only; they actually circulate throughout your entire body.
Your immune cells, which are protecting you from diseases like infection and cancer and many other illnesses, are also contained throughout your body.
Deepak tells us that the amazing part about of these cells of emotion and immune system support is that they are intelligent cells.
They are thinking cells!
He also tells us that these immune cells, which are protecting you from disease, are constantly eavesdropping on the conversation that you are having with yourself.
Your self-talk.
They listen in and adjust their behavior based on what they hear from you...their master.
So imagine what would happen if you started to think like Superman.
Here are some of the thoughts you might have during the day:
"I am indestructible."
"The challenges I face day to day are easily overcome. After all I am Superman/Supergirl."
"I have supernatural powers."
"I have incredible strength."
"Nothing can stop me...nothing."
The billions of thinking cells in your body listen.
Their mission is to complete the picture of you they see when they hear your self-talk.
They must obey.
Since you are Superman you cannot get sick. Your immune system cells are now fortifying themselves to make sure of that.
They are making you stronger every day!
You have the ability to fight off all attacks, physical, disease, illness...after all, you are Superman.
Superman is confident; your cells of emotion relating to confidence will now create more Neuro Peptide chemicals that promote feelings of power.
Superman is fearless; your cells of the emotion relating to fear will now create more Nuro Peptide chemicals that promote feelings of well-being.
A feeling that you fear nothing.
Go for it!
About the Author:
Dan Robey is the author of the book "The Power of Positive Habits," a new program that shows you how to put your mind and body on autopilot to reach your goals automatically. You can learn more about this new book and purchase it at
Sound crazy?
Sound a little nutty?
It's powerful.
It's based in quantum physics science.
It will change your life.
Read on...
If there were any person, real or fictional, whose qualities you could instantly possess, who would that person be?
I would like to put forth the proposition that "Superman" would be the perfect person.
Now you are probably thinking I have lost it, right?
Read on, I think you will like what you are about to hear.
Superman is a fictional Marvel comic book superhero widely considered to be one of the most famous and popular of such characters and an American cultural icon.
He is indestructible, the Man of Steel; he can stop a freight train in its tracks...great powers to have in this day and age, wouldn't you say?
OK, Dan, this is sounding crazier by the minute. How is it based in science, and how can it change my life?
This is where it gets fun.
(For all my female subscribers, don't worry; we have not left you out. There is also a female version of Superman named Supergirl; she has the same powers that Superman has. You will refer to her as you do this mental exercise.)
This is where you will learn about the scientific marvels of the human body (no pun intended).
First, let's look at the qualities that Superman/Supergirl possesses, that you want to make yours. I will refer to Superman for the rest of this article; just replace with Supergirl if you are of the female gender.
1. Superman is powerful.
2. Superman is virtually indestructible
3. Superman can stop bullets.
4. Superman has supernatural powers.
5. Superman can stop a speeding freight train.
6. Superman jumps into immediate action when troubles arise.
OK, we know that Superman has incredible supernatural powers. How can that help us?
What good will it do us to simply think we are Superman?
Here is where science comes in.... This is the part where you will be AMAZED when you learn about the supernatural powers "YOU" already possess!
Best-selling author and M.D., Dr. Deepak Chopra, tells us that our brains make certain chemicals called Neuro Peptides. These are literally the molecules of emotion (Fear, Joy, Love, Etc.).
These molecules of emotion are not contained in your brain only; they actually circulate throughout your entire body.
Your immune cells, which are protecting you from diseases like infection and cancer and many other illnesses, are also contained throughout your body.
Deepak tells us that the amazing part about of these cells of emotion and immune system support is that they are intelligent cells.
They are thinking cells!
He also tells us that these immune cells, which are protecting you from disease, are constantly eavesdropping on the conversation that you are having with yourself.
Your self-talk.
They listen in and adjust their behavior based on what they hear from you...their master.
So imagine what would happen if you started to think like Superman.
Here are some of the thoughts you might have during the day:
"I am indestructible."
"The challenges I face day to day are easily overcome. After all I am Superman/Supergirl."
"I have supernatural powers."
"I have incredible strength."
"Nothing can stop me...nothing."
The billions of thinking cells in your body listen.
Their mission is to complete the picture of you they see when they hear your self-talk.
They must obey.
Since you are Superman you cannot get sick. Your immune system cells are now fortifying themselves to make sure of that.
They are making you stronger every day!
You have the ability to fight off all attacks, physical, disease, illness...after all, you are Superman.
Superman is confident; your cells of emotion relating to confidence will now create more Neuro Peptide chemicals that promote feelings of power.
Superman is fearless; your cells of the emotion relating to fear will now create more Nuro Peptide chemicals that promote feelings of well-being.
A feeling that you fear nothing.
Go for it!
About the Author:
Dan Robey is the author of the book "The Power of Positive Habits," a new program that shows you how to put your mind and body on autopilot to reach your goals automatically. You can learn more about this new book and purchase it at
Communication - A Leader's Key to Success by Dr. John C. Maxwell
For my whole life, I have opened my car door by inserting a metal key into a physical lock. Now, I can unlock the doors and start the car at the push of a button. It seems like magic to me, but it´s actually a simple application of science.
Keyless entry and keyless ignition are made possible when a transmitter within your key fob communicates with a radio receiver inside the car. Two conditions are necessary for this communication to take place: 1) the transmitter must be set to the same frequency as the receiver, and 2) the transmitter must send a uniquely coded message which the receiver has been programmed in advance to recognize.
Communication acts as a leader´s "keyless entry" into relationships. It can open the mind of an employer, the wallet of investors, and the hearts of loved ones. Talented communicators seem magical when they weave their words together. However, much like the concept of keyless entry, great communication depends on two simple skills—context and delivery. Context attunes a leader to the same frequency as his or her audience. Delivery allows a leader to phrase messages in a language the audience can understand.
As we explore context and delivery, we'll draw upon Steven K. Scott's book, The Richest Man Who Ever Lived. In the book, Scott offers commentary on the words of King Solomon, the wealthiest man in history. Renowned for his wisdom, Solomon writings are filled with advice about effective communication.
Listen before Speaking
"He that answers a matter before he hears it, it is folly and shame unto him." ~ Proverbs 18:13
Earn the right to be heard by listening to others. Seek to understand a situation before making judgments about it. As the Greek philosopher, Epictetus, observed, "We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak."
Understand Human Nature
"Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." ~ Proverbs 12:18
Words are powerful, and they can build up or tear down those who hear them. Regardless of your audience or avenue of communication, the following principles enable you to communicate constructively.
People are insecure. Leaders can bestow confidence by demonstrating their trust and belief in a person's abilities. People want to feel special. Leaders win a loyal following when they are generous with compliments and acts of appreciation. People are looking for a better future. Leaders inspire through an optimistic outlook and words of hope. People are selfish. Leaders learn to motivate when they begin speaking to the needs of their people.
Be Emotionally Aware
"Like one who takes away a garment on a cold day…is one who sings songs to a heavy heart." ~ Proverbs 25:20
Communicating within context involves taking the emotional temperature of others. Pay attention to facial expressions, voice inflection, and posture. They give clues to a person's mood and attitude.
Adopt an Appropriate Tone
"A soft answer turns away wrath but grievous words stir up anger." ~ Proverbs 15:1
When you're emotionally aware, you're halfway to effective communication, but you still have to deliver your words appropriately. Many times it's not what you say, but how you say it. Adopt a fitting tone to address the emotional state of those around you, and your words will have their desired effect.
Speak Persuasively
"The heart of the wise teaches his mouth and adds persuasiveness to his lips." ~ Proverbs 16:23
The National Storytelling Festival, held in Jonesborough, Tennessee features some of America's most captivating communicators. Listen for awhile, and you'll discover traits that allow them to persuade listeners to take interest in the stories they tell.
Enthusiasm. The storytellers obviously enjoy what they are doing, expressing themselves with joy and vitality.
Animation. The presentations are marked by lively facial expressions and gestures.
Audience Participation. Almost every storyteller involves the audience in some way, asking listeners to sing, clap, repeat phrases, or do sign language.
Spontaneity. None of the storytellers have notes.
The festival is truly an oral event. Storytellers didn't read their stories; they tell them, which allowed for eye contact.
Be Honest
"He who conceals his hatred has lying lips, and whoever spreads slander is a fool." ~ Proverbs 10:18
In an effort to persuade, leaders may be tempted to cross the line into manipulation. When doing so, facts may be fabricated or spun deceptively. Lies add complexity to life since the liar has to operate under the guise of falsehood. Eventually, lies are brought to light and undermine credibility. Leaders protect their character by using discretion in their language. They speak truthfully—even when honesty is costly.
Poor communication is the number one culprit of failed relationships—in business and at home. Since relationships are the foundation of success, leaders would be wise to invest in the communication skills of context and delivery. Master them, and you'll more easily gain favor, more readily make friends, and more effectively motivate others.
John C. Maxwell
Keyless entry and keyless ignition are made possible when a transmitter within your key fob communicates with a radio receiver inside the car. Two conditions are necessary for this communication to take place: 1) the transmitter must be set to the same frequency as the receiver, and 2) the transmitter must send a uniquely coded message which the receiver has been programmed in advance to recognize.
Communication acts as a leader´s "keyless entry" into relationships. It can open the mind of an employer, the wallet of investors, and the hearts of loved ones. Talented communicators seem magical when they weave their words together. However, much like the concept of keyless entry, great communication depends on two simple skills—context and delivery. Context attunes a leader to the same frequency as his or her audience. Delivery allows a leader to phrase messages in a language the audience can understand.
As we explore context and delivery, we'll draw upon Steven K. Scott's book, The Richest Man Who Ever Lived. In the book, Scott offers commentary on the words of King Solomon, the wealthiest man in history. Renowned for his wisdom, Solomon writings are filled with advice about effective communication.
Listen before Speaking
"He that answers a matter before he hears it, it is folly and shame unto him." ~ Proverbs 18:13
Earn the right to be heard by listening to others. Seek to understand a situation before making judgments about it. As the Greek philosopher, Epictetus, observed, "We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak."
Understand Human Nature
"Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." ~ Proverbs 12:18
Words are powerful, and they can build up or tear down those who hear them. Regardless of your audience or avenue of communication, the following principles enable you to communicate constructively.
People are insecure. Leaders can bestow confidence by demonstrating their trust and belief in a person's abilities. People want to feel special. Leaders win a loyal following when they are generous with compliments and acts of appreciation. People are looking for a better future. Leaders inspire through an optimistic outlook and words of hope. People are selfish. Leaders learn to motivate when they begin speaking to the needs of their people.
Be Emotionally Aware
"Like one who takes away a garment on a cold day…is one who sings songs to a heavy heart." ~ Proverbs 25:20
Communicating within context involves taking the emotional temperature of others. Pay attention to facial expressions, voice inflection, and posture. They give clues to a person's mood and attitude.
Adopt an Appropriate Tone
"A soft answer turns away wrath but grievous words stir up anger." ~ Proverbs 15:1
When you're emotionally aware, you're halfway to effective communication, but you still have to deliver your words appropriately. Many times it's not what you say, but how you say it. Adopt a fitting tone to address the emotional state of those around you, and your words will have their desired effect.
Speak Persuasively
"The heart of the wise teaches his mouth and adds persuasiveness to his lips." ~ Proverbs 16:23
The National Storytelling Festival, held in Jonesborough, Tennessee features some of America's most captivating communicators. Listen for awhile, and you'll discover traits that allow them to persuade listeners to take interest in the stories they tell.
Enthusiasm. The storytellers obviously enjoy what they are doing, expressing themselves with joy and vitality.
Animation. The presentations are marked by lively facial expressions and gestures.
Audience Participation. Almost every storyteller involves the audience in some way, asking listeners to sing, clap, repeat phrases, or do sign language.
Spontaneity. None of the storytellers have notes.
The festival is truly an oral event. Storytellers didn't read their stories; they tell them, which allowed for eye contact.
Be Honest
"He who conceals his hatred has lying lips, and whoever spreads slander is a fool." ~ Proverbs 10:18
In an effort to persuade, leaders may be tempted to cross the line into manipulation. When doing so, facts may be fabricated or spun deceptively. Lies add complexity to life since the liar has to operate under the guise of falsehood. Eventually, lies are brought to light and undermine credibility. Leaders protect their character by using discretion in their language. They speak truthfully—even when honesty is costly.
Poor communication is the number one culprit of failed relationships—in business and at home. Since relationships are the foundation of success, leaders would be wise to invest in the communication skills of context and delivery. Master them, and you'll more easily gain favor, more readily make friends, and more effectively motivate others.
John C. Maxwell
Michael Phelps - 5 Secrets of Success

As I'm sure you already know, on Sunday August 17th 2008, Michael Phelps achieved one of the greatest sporting records of all time by winning an incredible 8 gold medals in a single Olympic games.
Michael's performance was seen by millions of people around the world and we can all learn a great deal about achieving our own goals by analyzing his accomplishment. Here then, are five secrets of success that helped Michael Phelps to transform his dreams into reality.
Secret #1: Think BIG
The first step in Michael Phelps journey was to make the decision to pursue a dream that many people considered impossible. Instead of thinking negative thoughts and limiting his potential, Michael allowed himself to think big.
"If you dream as big as you can dream,
anything is possible."
- Michael Phelps
Your Turn:
In order to discover your real goals, let your imagination run free to dream as big as you can dream. Resist the temptation to limit yourself with negative thoughts. It is only by freeing your imagination that you can discover what it is that you really want from life.
Secret #2: Break it Down
Having identified his ultimate goal, Michael and his coach created a series of short term goals that would eventually lead him to his ultimate objective. In between the Olympics came the National championships, the Pan Pacific championships and the World championships. Each race of each event was a carefully planned stepping stone that would eventually lead Michael to achieve his ultimate goal of becoming the most successful Olympian of all time.
Your Turn:
After identifying your long term goal, take some time to break it down into a series of achievable short term goals. As you move forward, focus on achieving your short term goals one step at a time.
Secret #3: Use the Power of Visualization
One of the most powerful techniques used by elite athletes to achieve their goals is to visualize themselves succeeding each and every day. In his book 'Beneath the Surface', Michael Phelps writes, "When I'm about to fall asleep, I visualize to the point that I know exactly what I want to do: dive, glide, stroke, flip, reach the wall, hit the split time to the hundredth, then swim back again for as many times as I need to finish the race".
Your Turn:
Visualizing your goals before you sleep is a great way to program your subconscious mind. The more you visualize your dreams as a reality, the more motivated and determined you will become.
Secret #4: Put in the Hard Work
No matter how naturally talented Michael Phelps may be, the main reason he achieved his goals was because he was prepared to put in the thousands of hours of grueling hard work necessary to compete at the highest level. According to Michael, "In the four years between the Athens and Sydney Olympics I probably took four or five days off and none of those were holidays"
Your Turn:
Be prepared to put in the hard work required to transform your dreams into reality. There really is no such thing as getting something for nothing. In order to make your dreams a reality you will have to work hard.
Secret #5: Monitor Your Performance Metrics
Every elite athlete understands the importance of using metrics to monitor their performance and progress. Michael's coach Bob Bowman constantly monitors and reviews Michael's split times down to the hundredth of a second. This provides them both with tangible evidence of how Michael is progressing towards achieving his goals.
Your Turn:
As you work towards your goals, figure out your own key metrics. For example, if you are studying, record how many hours of productive work you do each day. Or if you are building a business, record how many potential customers you contact each week. Whatever your goal may be, you will get there faster by recording and constantly improving your performance metrics.
While you may not be pursuing an Olympic gold medal, always remember that your life goals are just as important. I’d like to encourage you today to use some of the same techniques Michael Phelps used to achieve his goals. If you can
(1) Think BIG
(2) Break it down
(3) Utilize the power of visualization
(4) Work hard and
(5) Monitor your performance metrics
you too can conquer the challenges that stand in your way and make your dreams a reality.
Until Next Time,
Dare To Dream!
How To Get Face To Face Over The Phone by Jim Klein
One disadvantage of selling by telephone is the lack of face to face contact. Mastering this phone skill will give you an advantage over most sales people.
When you are sitting with a prospect it's much easier to read their body language. You can see the look on their face when they're confused about something you said. You can see the delight when you hit a hot button for them. You can read the shifts in their body as they respond to your every word. Non verbal communication is missing when you sell by phone.
Selling over the phone puts you at a huge disadvantage because numerous studies have shown that 55% of what we communicate is non verbal. This phone skill will give you back that advantage you might have lost.
Asking The Right Questions
By asking questions that solicit a response from your prospect you will get an idea of what's going on inside the prospects mind. Normally you ask these questions during your presentation or while answering objections.
Let's say you are describing how your product or service will benefit the prospect and you haven't gotten any kind of verbal response from them. This is the time to ask a question like:
* Does that make sense to you?
* How does that sound?
* Are you with me so far?
If you are answering a question or concern you should ask a question that verifies that you have handled their objection, such as ...
* Does that answer your question?
You're looking for feedback from them so you can see what they are thinking and know how to proceed.
Let Your Ears Become Your Eyes
The second part of this phone skill is to listen carefully to their responses to your presentation and your questions. When you ask a question, shut up and listen.
Listen for two things. First what they say. When you get a response listen very carefully to the words they use and analyze and question them until you're clear what they are saying. Second, listen to the tone of their voice. Approximately 84% of what we communicate via the telephone is through the tone of our voice. If they answer a question one way, however the tone of their voice indicates something else. Stop and question further to get clarification until moving forward. Say something like...
* It sounds like you still have a concern.
This will show them that you're indeed paying attention and will get them to further clarify their position. If you get a very positive response with an I'm with you tone in their voice, you have a buying signal and should move forward with confidence.
Master this phone skill. By asking the right questions and letting yours ears become your eyes you will find your closing ratio on the phone will increase and so will your sales.
When you are sitting with a prospect it's much easier to read their body language. You can see the look on their face when they're confused about something you said. You can see the delight when you hit a hot button for them. You can read the shifts in their body as they respond to your every word. Non verbal communication is missing when you sell by phone.
Selling over the phone puts you at a huge disadvantage because numerous studies have shown that 55% of what we communicate is non verbal. This phone skill will give you back that advantage you might have lost.
Asking The Right Questions
By asking questions that solicit a response from your prospect you will get an idea of what's going on inside the prospects mind. Normally you ask these questions during your presentation or while answering objections.
Let's say you are describing how your product or service will benefit the prospect and you haven't gotten any kind of verbal response from them. This is the time to ask a question like:
* Does that make sense to you?
* How does that sound?
* Are you with me so far?
If you are answering a question or concern you should ask a question that verifies that you have handled their objection, such as ...
* Does that answer your question?
You're looking for feedback from them so you can see what they are thinking and know how to proceed.
Let Your Ears Become Your Eyes
The second part of this phone skill is to listen carefully to their responses to your presentation and your questions. When you ask a question, shut up and listen.
Listen for two things. First what they say. When you get a response listen very carefully to the words they use and analyze and question them until you're clear what they are saying. Second, listen to the tone of their voice. Approximately 84% of what we communicate via the telephone is through the tone of our voice. If they answer a question one way, however the tone of their voice indicates something else. Stop and question further to get clarification until moving forward. Say something like...
* It sounds like you still have a concern.
This will show them that you're indeed paying attention and will get them to further clarify their position. If you get a very positive response with an I'm with you tone in their voice, you have a buying signal and should move forward with confidence.
Master this phone skill. By asking the right questions and letting yours ears become your eyes you will find your closing ratio on the phone will increase and so will your sales.
Boosting the Customer's Self-Esteem
By: Brian Tracy
Listening Builds Self-Esteem
It has been said that, "Rapt attention is the highest form of flattery." When you listen intently to another person and it is clear that you genuinely care about what that other person is saying, his or her self-esteem goes up. His or her feeling of personal value increases. He or she feels more worthwhile and important as a human being. You can actually make another person feel terrific about himself or herself by listening in a warm, genuine, caring way to everything he or she has to say.
When a man and a woman go out for the first time, they spend an inordinate amount of time talking and listening to each other. They look into each other's eyes and hang on every word. They are each fascinated by the personality of the other. The more each listens to the other, the more positive and happy each of them feel and the stronger becomes the bonds of affection between them.
The Opposite of Listening is Ignoring
You always listen to that which you most value. You always ignore that which you devalue. The fastest way to turn a person off, to hurt their feelings and make them feel slighted and angry is to simply ignore what they are saying or interrupt them in the middle of a thought. Ignoring or interrupting is the equivalent of an emotional slap in the face. Men especially have to be careful about their natural desire to make a remark or an observation in the middle of a conversation. This can often cause the sales conversation to come to a grinding halt.
Action Exercises
Now, here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.
First, take every opportunity to make the other person feel important by listening attentively to what he or she says.
Second, avoid interrupting the other person by slowing down and pausing for a few moments after he or she has stopped speaking.
Listening Builds Self-Esteem
It has been said that, "Rapt attention is the highest form of flattery." When you listen intently to another person and it is clear that you genuinely care about what that other person is saying, his or her self-esteem goes up. His or her feeling of personal value increases. He or she feels more worthwhile and important as a human being. You can actually make another person feel terrific about himself or herself by listening in a warm, genuine, caring way to everything he or she has to say.
When a man and a woman go out for the first time, they spend an inordinate amount of time talking and listening to each other. They look into each other's eyes and hang on every word. They are each fascinated by the personality of the other. The more each listens to the other, the more positive and happy each of them feel and the stronger becomes the bonds of affection between them.
The Opposite of Listening is Ignoring
You always listen to that which you most value. You always ignore that which you devalue. The fastest way to turn a person off, to hurt their feelings and make them feel slighted and angry is to simply ignore what they are saying or interrupt them in the middle of a thought. Ignoring or interrupting is the equivalent of an emotional slap in the face. Men especially have to be careful about their natural desire to make a remark or an observation in the middle of a conversation. This can often cause the sales conversation to come to a grinding halt.
Action Exercises
Now, here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.
First, take every opportunity to make the other person feel important by listening attentively to what he or she says.
Second, avoid interrupting the other person by slowing down and pausing for a few moments after he or she has stopped speaking.
From Motivation to Motive-Action by Denis Waitley
With the passing of every year, each of us needs to understand the magnitude of social and economic change in the world. In the past, change in business and social life was incremental and a set of personal strategies for achieving excellence was not required. Today, in the knowledge-based world, where change is the rule, a set of personal strategies is essential for success, even survival. Never again will you be able to go to your place of business on autopilot, comfortable and secure that the organization, state or government will provide for and look after you. You must look in the mirror when you ask who is responsible for your success or failure. You must become a lifelong learner and leader, for to be a follower is to fall hopelessly behind the pace of progress. The power brokers in the new global arena will be the knowledge facilitators. Ignorance will be even more the tyrant and enslaver than in the past. As you look in the mirror to see the 21st Century you, there will also be another image standing beside you. It is your competition. Your competition, from now on, will be a hungry immigrant with a wireless, hand-held, digital assistant. Hungry for food, hungry for a home, for a new car, for security, for a college education. Hungry for knowledge. Smart, quick thinking, skilled and willing to do anything necessary to be competitive in the world marketplace. Working long hours and Saturdays, staying open later, serving customers better and more cheerfully. To be a player in the 21st Century you have to be willing to give more in service than you receive in payment.
These are the new rules in the game of life. These are the actions you must take to be a leader and a winner in your personal and professional life. By mastering these profoundly simple action steps, you will be positioned to be a change master in the new century.
Action Step Number One - Consider Yourself Self-Employed, But Be a Team Player. What this means is that you are your own Chief Executive Officer of your future. Start thinking of yourself as a service company with a single employee. You're a small company that puts your services to work for a larger company. Tomorrow you may sell those services to a different organization, but that doesn't mean you´re any less loyal to your current employer. Taking responsibility for yourself in this way does mean that you never equate your personal long-term interests with your employer´s.
The first idea is resolving not to suffer the fate of those who lost their jobs and found their skills were obsolete. The second is to begin immediately the process of protecting yourself against that possibility – by becoming proactive instead of reactive.
Ask yourself these questions:
How vulnerable am I? What trends must I watch? What information must I gain? What knowledge do I lack?
Again, think of yourself as a company. Set up a training department in your mind and make certain your top employee is updating his or her skills. Make sure you have your own private pension plan, knowing that you are responsible for your own financial security.
Entrusting the government or an employer, other than yourself, with your retirement income is like hiring a compulsive gambler as your accountant.
You're the CEO of your daily life who must have the vision to set your goals and allocate your resources. The mindset of being responsible for your own future used to be crucial only to the self-employed, but it has become essential for us all.
-- Denis Waitley
These are the new rules in the game of life. These are the actions you must take to be a leader and a winner in your personal and professional life. By mastering these profoundly simple action steps, you will be positioned to be a change master in the new century.
Action Step Number One - Consider Yourself Self-Employed, But Be a Team Player. What this means is that you are your own Chief Executive Officer of your future. Start thinking of yourself as a service company with a single employee. You're a small company that puts your services to work for a larger company. Tomorrow you may sell those services to a different organization, but that doesn't mean you´re any less loyal to your current employer. Taking responsibility for yourself in this way does mean that you never equate your personal long-term interests with your employer´s.
The first idea is resolving not to suffer the fate of those who lost their jobs and found their skills were obsolete. The second is to begin immediately the process of protecting yourself against that possibility – by becoming proactive instead of reactive.
Ask yourself these questions:
How vulnerable am I? What trends must I watch? What information must I gain? What knowledge do I lack?
Again, think of yourself as a company. Set up a training department in your mind and make certain your top employee is updating his or her skills. Make sure you have your own private pension plan, knowing that you are responsible for your own financial security.
Entrusting the government or an employer, other than yourself, with your retirement income is like hiring a compulsive gambler as your accountant.
You're the CEO of your daily life who must have the vision to set your goals and allocate your resources. The mindset of being responsible for your own future used to be crucial only to the self-employed, but it has become essential for us all.
-- Denis Waitley
Boost Your Productivity
By: Brian Tracy
Push to the Top
All successful people are very productive. They work longer hours and they work better hours. They get a lot more done than the average person. They get paid more and promoted faster. They are highly respected and esteemed by everyone around them. They become leaders and role models. Inevitably, they rise to the top of their fields and to the top of their income ranges, and so can you.
Everything is Learnable
Every single one of these tested and proven strategies for managing your time and doubling your productivity is learnable through practice and repetition. Each of these methods will eventually become a habit of both thinking and working.
The Payoff is Remarkable
When you begin applying these techniques to your work and to your life, your self-esteem, self-confidence, self-respect and sense of personal pride will go up immediately. The pay off for you will be tremendous, for the rest of your life.
Make A Decision!
Every positive change in your life begins with a clear, unequivocal decision that you are going to either do something or stop doing something. Significant change starts when you decide to either get in or get out, either fish or cut bait.
The Vital Quality of Success
Decisiveness is one of the most important qualities of successful and happy men and women, and decisiveness is developed through practice and repetition, over and over again until it becomes as natural to you as breathing in and breathing out.
Why People Are Poor
The sad fact is that people are poor because they have not yet decided to be rich. People are overweight and unfit because they have not yet decided to be thin and fit. People are inefficient time wasters because they haven't yet decided to be highly productive in everything they do.
Become An Expert
Decide today that you are going to become an expert in time management and personal productivity, no matter how long it takes or how much you invest in it. Resolve today that you are going to practice these principles, over and over again until they become second nature.
Action Exercises
Here are two steps you can take immediately to put these ideas into action.
First, hold your own feet to the fire. Resolve to start earlier, work harder and stay later. Don't let yourself off the hook.
Second, become an expert in time management. Learn and practice time management techniques every day until they become habits.
Push to the Top
All successful people are very productive. They work longer hours and they work better hours. They get a lot more done than the average person. They get paid more and promoted faster. They are highly respected and esteemed by everyone around them. They become leaders and role models. Inevitably, they rise to the top of their fields and to the top of their income ranges, and so can you.
Everything is Learnable
Every single one of these tested and proven strategies for managing your time and doubling your productivity is learnable through practice and repetition. Each of these methods will eventually become a habit of both thinking and working.
The Payoff is Remarkable
When you begin applying these techniques to your work and to your life, your self-esteem, self-confidence, self-respect and sense of personal pride will go up immediately. The pay off for you will be tremendous, for the rest of your life.
Make A Decision!
Every positive change in your life begins with a clear, unequivocal decision that you are going to either do something or stop doing something. Significant change starts when you decide to either get in or get out, either fish or cut bait.
The Vital Quality of Success
Decisiveness is one of the most important qualities of successful and happy men and women, and decisiveness is developed through practice and repetition, over and over again until it becomes as natural to you as breathing in and breathing out.
Why People Are Poor
The sad fact is that people are poor because they have not yet decided to be rich. People are overweight and unfit because they have not yet decided to be thin and fit. People are inefficient time wasters because they haven't yet decided to be highly productive in everything they do.
Become An Expert
Decide today that you are going to become an expert in time management and personal productivity, no matter how long it takes or how much you invest in it. Resolve today that you are going to practice these principles, over and over again until they become second nature.
Action Exercises
Here are two steps you can take immediately to put these ideas into action.
First, hold your own feet to the fire. Resolve to start earlier, work harder and stay later. Don't let yourself off the hook.
Second, become an expert in time management. Learn and practice time management techniques every day until they become habits.
How to Become Rich and Retire Young by Robert Kiyosaki
The following is the story of how my wife Kim, my best friend Larry Clark and I, began our journey from broke, to rich, to retired in less than 10 years. When Kim and I started, we were nearly out of money and filled with doubt. We all have doubts. The difference is what we do with those doubts.
In December 1984, Kim, Larry and I were on a skiing holiday. At night we would discuss our plans for the future. Kim and I were on our last few dollars and Larry was in the process of building another business. On New Years Day, we tried to set some goals. Larry wanted to do more than just set goals for the coming year, he wanted us to set goals that changed our lives.
"Why don't we write a plan on how we can all become financially free?" he urged.
I had talked about it and dreamt about it. But the idea of being financially free was always in the future, not today.
"Let's write it down," Larry said. "Once we write it down, we have to do it, and we'll support each other on the journey."
Kim and I looked at each other doubtfully. "It's a good idea but I think I would rather just focus on surviving for the next year."
"Come on," said Larry. "Let's go for freedom. I don't want to spend my life working just to pay bills. I want to live. I want to be rich. I want to travel the world while I'm young enough to enjoy it."
I recalled the words of my rich dad: "The biggest challenge you have is your own self-doubt and your laziness. It is your self-doubt and your laziness that define and limit who you are. It is your self-doubt and laziness that deny you the life you want."
It was time to choose. "OK, let's set the goal to be financially free." That was New Year's Day 1985. In 1994 Kim and I were free. Larry went on to build his company, which became one of Inc. Magazine's fastest growing companies of the year in 1996. Larry retired in 1998 at the age of 46 after selling his company.
How did we do it?
It's not about how we did it. It's about why we did it. From 1985 to 1994, Kim, Larry, and I focused on rich dad's three paths to great wealth:
Increasing business skills
Increasing money management skills
Increasing investment skills
The why is because I wanted to challenge my own self-doubts, my laziness and my past. It was the why that gave us the power to do the how.
My arguments against Larry's idea were things like: "But we don't have any money"; "I can't do that"; "I'll think about it next year, or once Kim and I get settled".
Rich dad had told me: "Whenever someone says something like 'I can't afford it', or 'I can't do it' to something they want, they have a big problem. Why in the world would someone say 'I can't afford it' or 'I can't do it' to something they want? Why would someone deny themselves the things they want? It makes no logical sense."
My own whys
I was fed up with being broke and always struggling for money.
I was tired of being average.
My parents had struggled under a mountain of bills.
Most painful of all, my beautiful wife Kim was in this financial mess because she loved me.
Things got worse for us before they got better. Kim and I lived in a car for about three weeks after our money ran out. So things did not get better just because we made the decision to retire rich, but it was the reasons why that kept us going.
Rich dad used to say: "If you want something, be passionate. Passion gives energy to your life." Passion is a combination of love and hate. "If you want something you do not have, find out why you love what you want and why you hate not having what you want. When you combine those two thoughts, you will find the energy to go get anything you want."
For example, I would create the following list:
Being rich
Being free
Buying anything I want
Expensive things
Having other people do what I don't want to do
Being poor
Being required to work
Not having what I want
Cheap things
Doing things I don't want to do
So sit quietly to find and define your loves and hates. Then write down your whys. Write down your dreams, goals and plans on becoming financially free, retiring early and retiring as young as possible. Once it is in writing, you may want to show it to a friend who will support you in achieving your dreams. Take a look at this paper with your dreams, goals and plans on a regular basis. Talk about it often, ask for support, be willing to continually learn, and before you know it, things will begin to happen.
I have heard many people say: "Money doesn't buy happiness." That statement has some truth to it. But what money does do is buy me the time to do what I love and pay other people to do what I hate doing.
In December 1984, Kim, Larry and I were on a skiing holiday. At night we would discuss our plans for the future. Kim and I were on our last few dollars and Larry was in the process of building another business. On New Years Day, we tried to set some goals. Larry wanted to do more than just set goals for the coming year, he wanted us to set goals that changed our lives.
"Why don't we write a plan on how we can all become financially free?" he urged.
I had talked about it and dreamt about it. But the idea of being financially free was always in the future, not today.
"Let's write it down," Larry said. "Once we write it down, we have to do it, and we'll support each other on the journey."
Kim and I looked at each other doubtfully. "It's a good idea but I think I would rather just focus on surviving for the next year."
"Come on," said Larry. "Let's go for freedom. I don't want to spend my life working just to pay bills. I want to live. I want to be rich. I want to travel the world while I'm young enough to enjoy it."
I recalled the words of my rich dad: "The biggest challenge you have is your own self-doubt and your laziness. It is your self-doubt and your laziness that define and limit who you are. It is your self-doubt and laziness that deny you the life you want."
It was time to choose. "OK, let's set the goal to be financially free." That was New Year's Day 1985. In 1994 Kim and I were free. Larry went on to build his company, which became one of Inc. Magazine's fastest growing companies of the year in 1996. Larry retired in 1998 at the age of 46 after selling his company.
How did we do it?
It's not about how we did it. It's about why we did it. From 1985 to 1994, Kim, Larry, and I focused on rich dad's three paths to great wealth:
Increasing business skills
Increasing money management skills
Increasing investment skills
The why is because I wanted to challenge my own self-doubts, my laziness and my past. It was the why that gave us the power to do the how.
My arguments against Larry's idea were things like: "But we don't have any money"; "I can't do that"; "I'll think about it next year, or once Kim and I get settled".
Rich dad had told me: "Whenever someone says something like 'I can't afford it', or 'I can't do it' to something they want, they have a big problem. Why in the world would someone say 'I can't afford it' or 'I can't do it' to something they want? Why would someone deny themselves the things they want? It makes no logical sense."
My own whys
I was fed up with being broke and always struggling for money.
I was tired of being average.
My parents had struggled under a mountain of bills.
Most painful of all, my beautiful wife Kim was in this financial mess because she loved me.
Things got worse for us before they got better. Kim and I lived in a car for about three weeks after our money ran out. So things did not get better just because we made the decision to retire rich, but it was the reasons why that kept us going.
Rich dad used to say: "If you want something, be passionate. Passion gives energy to your life." Passion is a combination of love and hate. "If you want something you do not have, find out why you love what you want and why you hate not having what you want. When you combine those two thoughts, you will find the energy to go get anything you want."
For example, I would create the following list:
Being rich
Being free
Buying anything I want
Expensive things
Having other people do what I don't want to do
Being poor
Being required to work
Not having what I want
Cheap things
Doing things I don't want to do
So sit quietly to find and define your loves and hates. Then write down your whys. Write down your dreams, goals and plans on becoming financially free, retiring early and retiring as young as possible. Once it is in writing, you may want to show it to a friend who will support you in achieving your dreams. Take a look at this paper with your dreams, goals and plans on a regular basis. Talk about it often, ask for support, be willing to continually learn, and before you know it, things will begin to happen.
I have heard many people say: "Money doesn't buy happiness." That statement has some truth to it. But what money does do is buy me the time to do what I love and pay other people to do what I hate doing.
If You Can't Stand the Heat... - By Keith A. Shaw
...then get out of the kitchen.
So goes the phrase associated with U.S. President Harry S. Truman. What Truman was trying to say was "Don't persist with a task if the pressure of it is too much for you," the suggestion being that if you can't cope, you should leave the work to someone who can get it done.
Hmmm...I guess it works if you are one of those individuals who EASILY GIVES UP or one of those who finds plenty of EXCUSES (such as blaming others or your current situation or environment) as to why you do not pursue your dreams, wishes, and goals.
However, if you are like many of the "Motivated Mind Body Spirit Central" readers of my newsletter and articles around the world, who:
- Are driven from within on their quest for success,
- Have a burning desire to live their lives to the max,
- Welcome and easily overcome challenges through perseverance and determination and,
- Are not afraid to ask for what they want in life...
...then you know that this is not the case in your life. You always ask for more. You always shoot for the moon. And you know that the word "impossible" was never intended for you.
However, there is not a day that goes by that I see many people who use words such as "CAN'T," "BUT," and "IF" copiously in their conversations. If you, too, are like these people, then I STRONGLY encourage YOU to continue to read on!
To get you started and motivate you on "Your Quest for Success," here is my version of this quote (with apologies to Mr. Truman)...
"If you can't stand the heat, then find a way to get used to, and beat it!"
The word "can't" is one of the most disempowering words known to humankind. To me, "can't" means one of two things:
Meaning Number One:
You don't want to do something (even when you know it is good for you to do it)...
Of course, I am not talking about illegal or immoral things, where a person's moral compass would not allow them to do something that would be in conflict with their values. What I am referring to is having the courage to step out of your comfort zone and finding the information and tools you need to get the task at hand done, no matter how hard, or painful it might be.
Meaning Number Two:
You do not know HOW to do or get something done. Perhaps, as with Meaning Number One, you do not have the confidence or courage to take that very first step.
Here's my straightforward 5-step plan as to how to take control of your life and prepare yourself to "beat the heat":
Step One: You need to create a burning desire for change within you. Become dissatisfied with your current situation and where you are in life. Create within yourself the courage and confidence to become a "CAN"-do type that others will gravitate to. No matter if you lack education, technical skills, or others areas of expertise, you must never let these be stumbling blocks. And with that in mind, read on to Step Number Two.
Step Two: Create a "game plan" with clearly-defined goals. Whether your goals are personal, professional, financial, or other, take the time to write then down in a clearly written, realistically achievable plan. Then as you take action to achieve your goals, also take time to visualize yourself meeting or even better yet, beating your plan. Visualization can be a powerful tool.
Step Three: Remember you are "bigger" than you know. You are just as good as anyone else. Never shoot for less than the moon. Become a person for whom the word impossible is not meant for.
Step Four: Expect, welcome, and overcome challenges. Remember what does not "kill" us, makes us stronger.
Step Five: Never be afraid to ask for what you want. If you do not ask, then 110% of the time, the answer will be "no."
The Roman philosopher, Seneca, who lived from 4 B.C. to 65 A.D., said, "Most powerful is he that has himself in his own power."
By using "Shaw's five-step plan," you will soon develop the power of confidence and courage that will inspire you to take action. You will feel more excitement and clarity in your life every day. You will be motivated like never before and easily "beat the heat."
Copyright 2008 by Keith A. Shaw and, LLC. All rights reserved. No portion of this article may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means -- electronic, mechanical, photocopying, audio or video recording, or otherwise -- without the written permission of the author and publisher.
About the Author:
Keith A. Shaw is president of, headquartered in Mount Laurel, New Jersey. He is an authority on motivation, success, self-improvement, health, and wellness.
So goes the phrase associated with U.S. President Harry S. Truman. What Truman was trying to say was "Don't persist with a task if the pressure of it is too much for you," the suggestion being that if you can't cope, you should leave the work to someone who can get it done.
Hmmm...I guess it works if you are one of those individuals who EASILY GIVES UP or one of those who finds plenty of EXCUSES (such as blaming others or your current situation or environment) as to why you do not pursue your dreams, wishes, and goals.
However, if you are like many of the "Motivated Mind Body Spirit Central" readers of my newsletter and articles around the world, who:
- Are driven from within on their quest for success,
- Have a burning desire to live their lives to the max,
- Welcome and easily overcome challenges through perseverance and determination and,
- Are not afraid to ask for what they want in life...
...then you know that this is not the case in your life. You always ask for more. You always shoot for the moon. And you know that the word "impossible" was never intended for you.
However, there is not a day that goes by that I see many people who use words such as "CAN'T," "BUT," and "IF" copiously in their conversations. If you, too, are like these people, then I STRONGLY encourage YOU to continue to read on!
To get you started and motivate you on "Your Quest for Success," here is my version of this quote (with apologies to Mr. Truman)...
"If you can't stand the heat, then find a way to get used to, and beat it!"
The word "can't" is one of the most disempowering words known to humankind. To me, "can't" means one of two things:
Meaning Number One:
You don't want to do something (even when you know it is good for you to do it)...
Of course, I am not talking about illegal or immoral things, where a person's moral compass would not allow them to do something that would be in conflict with their values. What I am referring to is having the courage to step out of your comfort zone and finding the information and tools you need to get the task at hand done, no matter how hard, or painful it might be.
Meaning Number Two:
You do not know HOW to do or get something done. Perhaps, as with Meaning Number One, you do not have the confidence or courage to take that very first step.
Here's my straightforward 5-step plan as to how to take control of your life and prepare yourself to "beat the heat":
Step One: You need to create a burning desire for change within you. Become dissatisfied with your current situation and where you are in life. Create within yourself the courage and confidence to become a "CAN"-do type that others will gravitate to. No matter if you lack education, technical skills, or others areas of expertise, you must never let these be stumbling blocks. And with that in mind, read on to Step Number Two.
Step Two: Create a "game plan" with clearly-defined goals. Whether your goals are personal, professional, financial, or other, take the time to write then down in a clearly written, realistically achievable plan. Then as you take action to achieve your goals, also take time to visualize yourself meeting or even better yet, beating your plan. Visualization can be a powerful tool.
Step Three: Remember you are "bigger" than you know. You are just as good as anyone else. Never shoot for less than the moon. Become a person for whom the word impossible is not meant for.
Step Four: Expect, welcome, and overcome challenges. Remember what does not "kill" us, makes us stronger.
Step Five: Never be afraid to ask for what you want. If you do not ask, then 110% of the time, the answer will be "no."
The Roman philosopher, Seneca, who lived from 4 B.C. to 65 A.D., said, "Most powerful is he that has himself in his own power."
By using "Shaw's five-step plan," you will soon develop the power of confidence and courage that will inspire you to take action. You will feel more excitement and clarity in your life every day. You will be motivated like never before and easily "beat the heat."
Copyright 2008 by Keith A. Shaw and, LLC. All rights reserved. No portion of this article may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means -- electronic, mechanical, photocopying, audio or video recording, or otherwise -- without the written permission of the author and publisher.
About the Author:
Keith A. Shaw is president of, headquartered in Mount Laurel, New Jersey. He is an authority on motivation, success, self-improvement, health, and wellness.
Activate Your Intuition: Creating Sacred Space to Unleash Your Inner Wisdom - By Laura Alden Kamm
It can be said that wisdom is a combination of knowledge, experience, and understanding of life as you know it. Within this wisdom you can access striations of compassion, patience, appreciation, and grace. You naturally feel compassion if a friend's pet dies if you have experienced that sadness, too. You have tolerance for an elderly man who shuffles across the intersection; though he may keep you from making that all important left-hand turn, as perhaps you have had shuffling parents. Once, on a cross country flight, a seasoned flight attendant commented to me, "If you can sit up and take fluids, it's a good day!" She knows. She has wisdom. Wisdom highlights the common threads of our humanity.
Your acquired, life-seasoned wisdom is certainly born from these three components -- knowledge, experience, and understanding. Yet, you have a deeper wisdom. It lies at such a depth that when it suddenly emerges it can stun or shock you. This wisdom sparks you to say, "Where did that come from?" Now, you're really speaking from that place of inner wisdom; the variety of which is the deepest treasure you hold. It is the sum of your soul's knowledge, experience, and understanding, marbled with the lessons learned from this life. This level of wisdom is delivered by your inner voice, your intuition. It is the voice of the eternal you, and you have access to it at any moment, 24/7. With it, you can solve all manner of problems.
So how do you access and activate your inner oracle, guru, and self-contained life coach? We have all experienced it popping to the surface when it is needed by either ourselves or a loved one. But is that all we get? Don't get me wrong; it's wonderful when we receive or can pass on impromptu wisdom. However, can we create on-demand wisdom? The answer is yes!
To create on-demand, repeatable, and accurate wisdom you need to be willing to put in some practice time in order build your intuitive skill. Yes, we all have soulful wisdom; the hard part is accessing it, trusting it, and managing the skill that brings it forward. Enlightenment is easy; maintaining it is difficult. When we hold a new way of thinking, especially one that we believe will make our life easier, clearer, and more gratifying, we tend to become impatient. Impatience is the antithesis of inner wisdom. You have to give yourself, and your inner wisdom, space and patience in order for it to become accessible and at your beck and call.
One key to strengthening your inner wisdom and intuitive voice is to create an environment in which you can meditate, visualize, and pray. This always plays a crucial role in the efficacy of your practice. Later on, as your intuition and spiritual nature develops and seasons, you will be able to stay calm and centered even in the most distracting situations and environments. It is best to have a sacred space in your own home in which to practice. Creating this type of space in your home will lead to a calmness and centeredness in your being and in your life, no matter where life takes you.
Your sacred space does not have to consist of an entire room or wing of the house; it can be simply a tabletop in your favorite room. Creating sacred space in your bedroom is always nice because as you enter sleep and the dream state, you already have a wonderful energy of consciousness surrounding you. Your consciousness is highly suggestible when you are in the sleep state, so why not be the one who creates the space in which your consciousness rests?
If you are really crowded for space, or housemates don't understand or resonate with your spiritual quest, you don't have to create a permanent sacred place. What truly matters is what resides in your own heart space -- although having a sacred space in your home can lift you out of the occasional shadowed corner of the human experience and assist you through the periodic darkened night of the soul.
If space is limited or there are other constraints, you can create a portable altar. Simply take a small piece of cloth -- a square foot works well -- and set your sacred items on top of it to create a spiritual space. When you are not engaged in a sacred practice, you can simply wrap up your items and store them in the cloth. Place the bundle in a dresser drawer or a box when not in use. When you are ready to meditate, pray, or do whatever practice you use to enhance your spiritual growth, place your altar items reverently on the cloth before you begin. When you are finished, thank and bless the items for their assistance, gently wrap them back up in the cloth, and put them away.
What things might you put on your altar? A good foundation is important, so it is nice to have a decorative piece of fabric or cloth upon which to set your items. It is preferable to select something made of a natural or organic fabric such as cotton or silk. This type of cloth is easily available and comes in a wide variety of colors and patterns.
Items that you set upon your altar should have significant meaning for you; they need to touch your soul. You might want to have a bouquet of fresh flowers, or, if space is limited, even a single flower. Items such as rocks, crystals, fossils, or feathers that you have found or purchased from an interesting place add grounded earth energy.
You can place any size picture of a loved one or of an exalted master that touches you on your altar. Pictures of masters such as Jesus, Mary, Lord Buddha, Hindu gods or goddesses, Saints from any religion, a cherished guru (teacher), or pictures of indigenous guides and symbols are all appropriate. After all, this is your sacred space, and your altar should bring to it the energies and levels of consciousness that are meaningful to you. Furthermore, having such masters present will help you stay focused on whatever level of consciousness you would like to resonate with and therefore achieve. When you sit quietly, pray, or meditate, you are invoking the connection to your soul's consciousness through the vehicle of your intuition.
It is also important to know that your sacred space -- whether it is contained within a drawer, sits upon a tabletop, or is spread throughout your living space -- will most likely change as you change. As your spirit grows and soars, the demonstration of how you express your spirit and spirituality will change accordingly. All things are impermanent. Think of the beautiful and meaningful sand paintings of the Native Americans, or of the colorful sand mandalas of the Tibetan Buddhists. They are sacred spaces filled with holy artistic meanings, created to evoke energies and certain levels of consciousness for particular events. These beautiful creations are used for worship in their cultural context, and then destroyed, releasing the spirit and displaying a nonattachment to form.
As you begin the journey to discover the power and intelligence of your intuition, it is best to have a quiet, sacred space to which you can retreat. Your spiritual and emotional intelligence will open, evolve, and you will experience the world in a different way. A way that involves the use of your intuition, spiritual knowing, and healing abilities. Your intuition, your inner wisdom, is your soul's consciousness. Your willingness to create a sacred space in your living room confirms your willingness to create emotional and spiritual space in your heart and in your life. Your personality helps shape this space. It doesn't have to look like a hilltop monastery or the Vatican. Allow it to reflect what exists deep within you.
It is totally up to you to choose to listen and respond to your wisdom. Your intuitive wisdom is a powerful tool that you can sharpen and hone to the point that you can rely on it in the context of your daily life. The decision to open to and trust what you intuitively receive is entirely yours. My prayer is that you will take this simple tool, one with which you were born, and work with it, develop it, and commit to its use. If you do, you will have clarity, purposeful direction, and your life will change.
About the Author:
Laura Alden Kamm is a medical intuitive, spiritual teacher, and the author of "Intuitive Wellness: Using your Body's Inner Wisdom to Heal," "Unlocking Your Intuitive Power" How to Read the Energy of Anything," and "Color Intuition: Mastering Energy of Color for Higher Awareness, Extraordinary Perception, and Healing." Doctors have described Laura as "a walking MRI" for the remarkable accuracy of her intuition. Laura has treated over 17,000 individual clients, trains corporate executives in Innovative Problem Solving, and has taught hundreds of classes, speaking to packed houses throughout the world.
Your acquired, life-seasoned wisdom is certainly born from these three components -- knowledge, experience, and understanding. Yet, you have a deeper wisdom. It lies at such a depth that when it suddenly emerges it can stun or shock you. This wisdom sparks you to say, "Where did that come from?" Now, you're really speaking from that place of inner wisdom; the variety of which is the deepest treasure you hold. It is the sum of your soul's knowledge, experience, and understanding, marbled with the lessons learned from this life. This level of wisdom is delivered by your inner voice, your intuition. It is the voice of the eternal you, and you have access to it at any moment, 24/7. With it, you can solve all manner of problems.
So how do you access and activate your inner oracle, guru, and self-contained life coach? We have all experienced it popping to the surface when it is needed by either ourselves or a loved one. But is that all we get? Don't get me wrong; it's wonderful when we receive or can pass on impromptu wisdom. However, can we create on-demand wisdom? The answer is yes!
To create on-demand, repeatable, and accurate wisdom you need to be willing to put in some practice time in order build your intuitive skill. Yes, we all have soulful wisdom; the hard part is accessing it, trusting it, and managing the skill that brings it forward. Enlightenment is easy; maintaining it is difficult. When we hold a new way of thinking, especially one that we believe will make our life easier, clearer, and more gratifying, we tend to become impatient. Impatience is the antithesis of inner wisdom. You have to give yourself, and your inner wisdom, space and patience in order for it to become accessible and at your beck and call.
One key to strengthening your inner wisdom and intuitive voice is to create an environment in which you can meditate, visualize, and pray. This always plays a crucial role in the efficacy of your practice. Later on, as your intuition and spiritual nature develops and seasons, you will be able to stay calm and centered even in the most distracting situations and environments. It is best to have a sacred space in your own home in which to practice. Creating this type of space in your home will lead to a calmness and centeredness in your being and in your life, no matter where life takes you.
Your sacred space does not have to consist of an entire room or wing of the house; it can be simply a tabletop in your favorite room. Creating sacred space in your bedroom is always nice because as you enter sleep and the dream state, you already have a wonderful energy of consciousness surrounding you. Your consciousness is highly suggestible when you are in the sleep state, so why not be the one who creates the space in which your consciousness rests?
If you are really crowded for space, or housemates don't understand or resonate with your spiritual quest, you don't have to create a permanent sacred place. What truly matters is what resides in your own heart space -- although having a sacred space in your home can lift you out of the occasional shadowed corner of the human experience and assist you through the periodic darkened night of the soul.
If space is limited or there are other constraints, you can create a portable altar. Simply take a small piece of cloth -- a square foot works well -- and set your sacred items on top of it to create a spiritual space. When you are not engaged in a sacred practice, you can simply wrap up your items and store them in the cloth. Place the bundle in a dresser drawer or a box when not in use. When you are ready to meditate, pray, or do whatever practice you use to enhance your spiritual growth, place your altar items reverently on the cloth before you begin. When you are finished, thank and bless the items for their assistance, gently wrap them back up in the cloth, and put them away.
What things might you put on your altar? A good foundation is important, so it is nice to have a decorative piece of fabric or cloth upon which to set your items. It is preferable to select something made of a natural or organic fabric such as cotton or silk. This type of cloth is easily available and comes in a wide variety of colors and patterns.
Items that you set upon your altar should have significant meaning for you; they need to touch your soul. You might want to have a bouquet of fresh flowers, or, if space is limited, even a single flower. Items such as rocks, crystals, fossils, or feathers that you have found or purchased from an interesting place add grounded earth energy.
You can place any size picture of a loved one or of an exalted master that touches you on your altar. Pictures of masters such as Jesus, Mary, Lord Buddha, Hindu gods or goddesses, Saints from any religion, a cherished guru (teacher), or pictures of indigenous guides and symbols are all appropriate. After all, this is your sacred space, and your altar should bring to it the energies and levels of consciousness that are meaningful to you. Furthermore, having such masters present will help you stay focused on whatever level of consciousness you would like to resonate with and therefore achieve. When you sit quietly, pray, or meditate, you are invoking the connection to your soul's consciousness through the vehicle of your intuition.
It is also important to know that your sacred space -- whether it is contained within a drawer, sits upon a tabletop, or is spread throughout your living space -- will most likely change as you change. As your spirit grows and soars, the demonstration of how you express your spirit and spirituality will change accordingly. All things are impermanent. Think of the beautiful and meaningful sand paintings of the Native Americans, or of the colorful sand mandalas of the Tibetan Buddhists. They are sacred spaces filled with holy artistic meanings, created to evoke energies and certain levels of consciousness for particular events. These beautiful creations are used for worship in their cultural context, and then destroyed, releasing the spirit and displaying a nonattachment to form.
As you begin the journey to discover the power and intelligence of your intuition, it is best to have a quiet, sacred space to which you can retreat. Your spiritual and emotional intelligence will open, evolve, and you will experience the world in a different way. A way that involves the use of your intuition, spiritual knowing, and healing abilities. Your intuition, your inner wisdom, is your soul's consciousness. Your willingness to create a sacred space in your living room confirms your willingness to create emotional and spiritual space in your heart and in your life. Your personality helps shape this space. It doesn't have to look like a hilltop monastery or the Vatican. Allow it to reflect what exists deep within you.
It is totally up to you to choose to listen and respond to your wisdom. Your intuitive wisdom is a powerful tool that you can sharpen and hone to the point that you can rely on it in the context of your daily life. The decision to open to and trust what you intuitively receive is entirely yours. My prayer is that you will take this simple tool, one with which you were born, and work with it, develop it, and commit to its use. If you do, you will have clarity, purposeful direction, and your life will change.
About the Author:
Laura Alden Kamm is a medical intuitive, spiritual teacher, and the author of "Intuitive Wellness: Using your Body's Inner Wisdom to Heal," "Unlocking Your Intuitive Power" How to Read the Energy of Anything," and "Color Intuition: Mastering Energy of Color for Higher Awareness, Extraordinary Perception, and Healing." Doctors have described Laura as "a walking MRI" for the remarkable accuracy of her intuition. Laura has treated over 17,000 individual clients, trains corporate executives in Innovative Problem Solving, and has taught hundreds of classes, speaking to packed houses throughout the world.
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