Monday, March 31, 2008

Three Key Words to Remember: Weigh, Count and Measure by Jim Rohn

Three Key Words to Remember: Weigh, Count and Measure by Jim Rohn

Three key words to remember: weigh, count and measure. Now why weigh, count and measure? To see what your results are from your activity, your attitude and your philosophy. If you find that the results are not to your liking there are only three places to look. Your philosophy needs to be fine-tuned; your attitude needs to be strengthened or your disciplines need extra skill. But that's it. Activity, attitude and philosophy create results.

Now on results I teach that life expects you to make measurable progress in reasonable time. But, you must be reasonable with time. You can't say to someone every five minutes, how are you doing now? That's too soon to ask for a count. Guy says, "I haven't left the building yet, give me a break!" Now you can't wait five years - that's too long. Too many things can go wrong waiting too long for a count to see how you're doing.

Here are some good time frames:

Number one - at the end of the day. You can't let more than a day go by without looking at some things and making progress. New Testament says - if you are angry, try to solve it before the sun goes down. Don't carry anger for another day. It may be too heavy to carry. If you try to carry it for a week, it may drop you to your knees. So some things you must get done in a day.

Here's the next one - a week. We ask for an accounting of the week so we can issue the pay. And whatever you've got coming that's what you get; when the week is over. Now in business there are two things to check in the course of the week. Your activity count and your productivity count. Because activity leads to productivity we need to count both to see how we're doing.

My mentor taught me that success is a numbers game and very early he started asking me my numbers. He asked, "How many books have you read in the last ninety days?" I said, "Zero"; he said, "Not a good number." He said, "How many classes have you attended in the last six months to improve your skills?" And I said, "Zero." He said, "Not a good number." Then he said, "In the last six years that you've been working, how much money have you saved and invested?" I said, "Zero" and he said, "Not a good number." Then here's what he said, "Mr. Rohn, if these numbers don't change your life won't change. But" he said, "If you'll start improving these numbers then perhaps you'll start to see everything change for you."

Success and results are a numbers game. John joins this little sales company. He's supposed to make 10 calls the first week just to get acquainted with the territory. So on Friday we call him in and say what? "How many calls?" He says, "Well." You say, "John, 'well' won't fit in the little box here. I need a number." Now he starts with a story. And you say, "John, the reason I made this little box so small is so a story won't fit. All I need is a number because if you give us the number we're so brilliant around here we could guess the story." It's the numbers that count. Making measurable progress in reasonable time.

Here's the best accounting. The accounting you make of yourself. Don't wait for the government to do it, don't wait for the company to do it. But you've got to add up some of your own numbers and ask, "Am I making the progress I want and will it take me where I want to go now and in the future?" You be the judge!

To Your Success,
Jim Rohn





























Sunday, March 30, 2008


从未卖出保单 却成业务名师 蔡明敏老鹰哲学教出super sales

从未卖出保单 却成业务名师 蔡明敏老鹰哲学教出super sales



诊断业务DNA 看出潜力

每逢辅导业务员时,蔡明敏总一针见血地告诉来找他谘询的保险业务,「你一定听过某某某跟你说保险是一个爱心事业,但我们保险业务就是business man(生意人),」蔡明敏毫不隐讳地说,「保险很专业?对我来说,把钱收了交给公司就是专业。」保险业务对他来说,不是用几张理财或寿险的证书来证明自己专业,而是你真正有能力去找到客户,让自己赚钱的事业。





锁定有钱人 只卖退休计画






跟客户当好友 拓展人脉





The Magic of Solitude

The Magic of Solitude
By: Brian Tracy

The greatest men and women of all ages have practiced solitude regularly. They learned how to use silence to still their minds and tap into their superconscious powers for answers to their questions.

In this newsletter, you learn how you can apply this wonderful technique immediately to improve the quality of your inner and outer life.

The Magic of Solitude
Your feelings, your emotions, are the access point to your inner powers of mind. The most important part in the process of getting in touch with your feelings is to begin to practice solitude on a regular basis. Solitude is the most powerful activity in which you can engage. Men and women who practice it correctly and on a regular basis never fail to be amazed at the difference it makes in their lives.

Most people have never practiced solitude. Most people have never sat down quietly by themselves for any period of time in their entire lives. Most people are so busy being busy, doing something-even watching television-that it's highly unusual for them to simply sit, deliberately, and do nothing. But as Catherine Ponder points out, "Men and women begin to become great when they begin to take time quietly by themselves, when they begin to practice solitude." And here's the method you can use.

To get the full benefit of your periods of solitude, you must sit quietly for at least 30 to 60 minutes at a time. If you haven't done it before, it will take the first 25 minutes or so for you to stop fidgeting and moving around. You'll almost have to hold yourself physically in your seat. You'll have an almost irresistible desire to get up and do something. But you must persist.

Solitude requires that you sit quietly, perfectly still, back and head erect, eyes open, without cigarettes, candy, writing materials, music or any interruptions whatsoever for at least 30 minutes. An hour is better.

Become completely relaxed, and breathe deeply. Just let your mind flow. Don't deliberately try to think about anything. The harder you "don't try," the more powerfully it works. After 20 or 25 minutes, you'll begin to feel deeply relaxed. You'll begin to experience a flow of energy coming into your mind and body.

You'll have a tremendous sense of well-being. At this point, you'll be ready to get the full benefit of these moments of contemplation.

The River of Ideas
The incredible thing about solitude is that if it is done correctly, it works just about 100 percent of the time. While you're sitting there, a stream, a river, of ideas will flow through your mind. You'll think about countless subjects in an uncontrolled stream of consciousness. Your job is just to relax and listen to your inner voice.

At a certain stage during your period of solitude, the answers to the most pressing difficulties facing you will emerge quietly and clearly, like a boat putting gently to the side of a lake. The answer that you seek will come to you so clearly and it will feel so perfect that you'll experience a deep sense of gratitude and contentment.

Trusting Yourself
When you emerge from this period of quiet, you must do exactly what has come to you. It may involve dealing with a human situation. It may involve starting something or quitting something. Whatever it is, when you follow the guidance that you received in solitude, it will turn out to be exactly the right thing to do. Everything will be OK. And it will usually work out far better than you could have imagined. Just try it and see.

You must learn to trust yourself. You must develop the habit of listening to yourself and then acting on the guidance you receive.

Action Exercises
Here are three steps you can take immediately to put these ideas into action.

First, select a specific time and place to sit quietly and practice one full hour of solitude. Don't put it off.

Second, take small periods of silence and solitude during the day, especially when you feel overwhelmed with problems or responsibilities.

Third, take action immediately on the ideas and insights you receive while in solitude. One good idea can save you months and years of hard work. The key is trust.

The Continuous Improvement Formula

The Continuous Improvement Formula
By: Brian Tracy

Put Your Career on the Fast Track
There are many things you can do to put your career onto the fast track. You can set clear, specific goals for each area of your life and then make plans to accomplish them. You can plan your work and work your plan.

Ask For Greater Responsibility
You can accept 100% responsibility for everything you are and everything you become. You can refuse to make excuses or to blame others. You can tell your boss that you want greater responsibilities and then when you get them, put your whole heart into doing an excellent job.

Utilize Your Inborn Talents
In the parable of the talents in the New Testament, Jesus says, "Oh good and faithful servant, you have been faithful over small things. I will make you master over large things."

If you too will carry out every assignment to the very best of your ability, you will be given larger and more important things to do and you'll be paid more as a result.

Dedicate Yourself to Continuous Improvement
The key to long term success is for you to dedicate yourself to continuous improvement. If you become one tenth of one percent more productive each day, that amounts to 1/1000th improvement per working day. Is that possible? Of course it is!

Improve A Little At A Time
If you become one tenth of one percent more productive each day, that amounts to one half of one percent more productive each week. One half of one percent more productive each week amounts to two percent more productive each month and 26% more productive each year.

The cumulative effect if becoming a tiny bit better at your field and more productive amounts to a tremendous increase in your value and your output over time.

How to Double Your Productivity
Twenty-six percent more productive each year, with compounding, amounts to doubling your overall productivity and performance every 2.7 years. If you become 26% more productive each year, with compounding, times 10 years, you will be 1004% more productive over the next decade. That is an increase of ten times over ten years.

The Reason For All Great Successes
This is called the Law of Accumulation, or the Principle of Incremental Improvement. It is the primary reason for all great success stories. By the yard, it's hard. But inch by inch, anything's a cinch!

Become A 1000% Person
Make a decision, right now, to be a 1000% person. Commit yourself to continuous personal and professional development. Read, listen to audio programs and take additional courses. This process will completely transform your life.

Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do to put these ideas into action immediately.

First, make a plan to become a little bit better every single day. Learn and apply one new idea each day to help you to become more productive and effective at your work. The incremental effect will amaze you.

Second, be patient. Don't expect overnight changes or instant results. Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare. Become a little bit better each day and your future will take care of itself.

Friday, March 28, 2008






























































































































































Terminating Telephone Terror - by Wendy Weiss

Terminating Telephone Terror - by Wendy Weiss

What can strike terror into the heart of even the most successful sales professional or entrepreneur? What can crush self confidence, destroy self esteem and leave even the most seasoned quivering with humiliation and defeat? The Terror of Cold Calling.

Top Ten Tips for Terminating Telephone Terror

1. Make telephone calls.
Few things are more terrifying than the unknown. The fear you create for yourself is far worse than the reality of cold calling. Once you start making telephone calls and continue making telephone calls it gets easier. You overcome fear by doing.

2. Make a lot of telephone calls.
If you have only one prospect to pursue, that prospect becomes overwhelmingly important. If you have hundreds of leads, no one prospect can make or break you. The more calls you make, the more success you will have.

3. Prepare.
Prepare for cold calling the way you would for any major presentation. Know what you want to say, how you want to say it and how you want to represent yourself, your company, your product or service. And know the goal of your telephone call.

4. Practice.
If you are new to cold calling or uncomfortable with cold calling practice your pitch out loud. Role-play with friends or colleagues. Practice various sales scenarios. This way you will not have to worry about what you are going to say, you will be prepared and you can focus in on your prospect.

5. Start with less important leads.
It will be good practice and less stressful. Once you feel more comfortable, start working on the more important leads.

6. Stay calm.
You will for the most part be talking to people who will appreciate your call. If a prospect is rude, remember: This is not personal. They may just be having a bad day. Move on.

7. Realize your priorities and your prospect's priorities are different.
You want an immediate "yes," your prospect may want to finish a report, finish a conversation, start their vacation.… Be very careful not to read negative or extra meaning into early conversations with your prospect or prospect's secretary. If, for example, your prospect's secretary says that your prospect is "on the phone," "in a meeting," or "out of the office," that does not translate to "My prospect knows that I am calling and is avoiding me."

8. Accept some things are out of your control.
If a prospect does say "no" ultimately that is out of your control—but what is within your control is continuing to prospect and continuing to make calls. It is also within your control to improve your cold calling skills, take seminars, read books or hire a coach-then fewer prospects will say "no."

9. Play Arlene's game.
The object of Arlene's game is to focus on rejection. The goal is to reach 100 points. You get 1 point for every rejection. Give yourself 1 point for every "no" answer. If your prospect says "yes," that's a bonus! Focus on acquiring points. The more calls you make, the more points you acquire. When you reach 100—You Win! Give yourself a prize!

10. Have fun!
This is not life or death—it's only a cold call. The fate of the world does not rest on you and your telephone. You will not destroy your company or ruin your life if a prospect says "no." Loosen up, be creative, have some fun!

Winning the Toughest Customer

Free Book Summary : Winning the Toughest Customer

The Essential Guide to Selling to Women
By Delia Passi with A.B. Aronson
Kaplan Publishing, 2006
ISBN 978-1-4195-3554-3
155 pages

The Big Idea
Many sales professionals find it a daily struggle to understand women customers. The way women interpret behavior, hear unexpected meanings, take in “peripheral” information, and view the overall sales process is very different from how men do so. Needless to say, selling to women is very tough and can often make or break one’s sales career.

As a result, women’s wants, expectations, and needs are far too often misunderstood and/or are not met at the sales professional’s peril. The female market is the largest consumer market out there, and sales professionals can afford neither to ignore nor belittle it.

The New Playing Field: Today’s Women’s Market
Selling is a communication process. Communication means the transmission of ideas or information. With women, though, the communication process becomes quite a bit more complex than just making a pitch or gathering information.

Among other things, women need more input, take longer to decide, require more follow-up, and expect more attentive service than men.

It’s important to note that when selling to women, you can’t just “add pink and stir.” You have to adapt your marketing, selling and negotiating skills to suit differing values, priorities and preferences!

Getting It, Part I: Understanding Gender Talk
Women like to use more words than men do. They like telling stories, leaving longer messages, and explaining things in greater detail. Men can come across as being too aggressive, pushy, impatient and overbearing to women; and women as too emotional, too tentative, and too uncertain to men.

Men talk to make a point, to solve problems themselves, to compete and to achieve; take-charge, decision-making talk. Women, on the other hand, talk to collaborate, to get others’ inputs when solving problems, to connect, to share; it’s about feelings, context, needs; it’s more personal, less decisive and uses more nonverbal cues.These characteristics are changing now that the “traditional” boundaries that separate the sexes are becoming blurred - more and more women are becoming more decisive, and more men are becoming more participative.

To learn to talk to a woman, men need to learn to code switch. This means changing your speech style to suit the customer you’re talking to.

Getting It, Part II: Listening Techniques That Get Through
Learn to listen to them.

  • Think feelings.
  • Think relationships.
  • Think context.
  • Show her you’re listening and are on ‘her team’
  • Avoid talking down to her

Taking The Field: Ten Steps To Building The Relationship
Here’s a simple ten-point program to connect with women consumers:

  1. Welcome them with handshakes and smiles.
  2. Give her your card.
  3. Create the right environment.
  4. Make eye contact.
  5. Let her take the lead.
  6. Listen attentively.
  7. Listen attentively some more!
  8. Ask the right questions.
  9. Empower her.
  10. Go for her comfort zone.

Get On Her Team: Positioning That Works
Women see the setting as integral, not peripheral, and are always adding information.The setting for your sales pitches needs to show her that you are smart, knowledgeable, helpful, considerate, understanding, reliable and trustworthy.

Rethinking Victory: How You Close A Woman
In the end it really is all about the buy. Everyone in the business is looking for the right formula to close the sale. Women customers can be particularly frustrating in this regard, as has already been discussed.

Don’t use high-pressure tactics to close women. These work with men, but they may even drive women away as they are particularly sensitive to feeling pushed or threatened, most especially by men. Low-pressure sales approaches would work better.

Women are always very concerned with value as opposed to simple price incentives. Value must be linked to her needs and wants, not yours or anybody else’s. You have to show her how much the product or service offers for her own specific needs.

Winning For Keeps: The Added Value Of Brand-Loyal Women
You could stop after a successful sale, but you’d be cheating yourself out of even better days ahead if you do. A satisfied female customer is very likely to come back with repeat business. Women are, after all, twice as likely as male customers to make referrals. So you’ll need to continue the relationship beyond the close.

Putting It Into Play: Notes Before You Go
To recap and end, here’s a quick list of each stage of the sales process, along with a checklist of things to remember per stage.

  1. The initial encounter. Your goal is to start off winning, to make her comfortable and establish rapport.
  2. Gather information. Your goal is to capture the information necessary to position your product in her terms.
  3. Seek to understand. Your goal is to demonstrate to her that she was heard and understood.
  4. Share your knowledge. Your goal is to empower her with insight and information.
  5. Fill the need. Your goal is to position your product or service as a solution to her need.
  6. Come to an agreement. Your goal is to make her feel good about this commitment.
  7. Establish a commitment. Your goal is to get her to trust the relationship.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Powerful Presenters Close More Sales – By Wendy Maynard

** Article: Powerful Presenters Close More Sales – By Wendy Maynard **

For many professionals (consultants, designers, architects, etc.), presentations are a key aspect of the sales cycle that can't be ignored. Let’s face it, you’ve got a lot riding on how you look, what you say, and the way you answer questions. In order to get more new clients, you must become a master of the art of a quality presentation.

A successful presenter is one who comes across as confident, creative, and convincing. Here are some key features of a winning presentation:

1. Be prepared: Know your subject intimately. Be ready to answer questions and describe the benefits to your client in detail. Well in advance, brainstorm your client's potential objections and have a solution prepared.

2. Create rapport: Don’t be so focused on the presentation that you forget to nurture the relationship you are building with your clients. They want to know what type of person you are.

3. Present by objectives: With each component that you present, explain its advantages and how it will help your client achieve their specific goals.

4. Show one concept at a time: Don't place all your cards on the table. Each idea deserves special attention. If a client looks at work before it's formally presented, he or she may form negative opinions before hearing its merits. 5. Describe, then show: It's important to take it slow, giving your audience time to absorb each concept. Explain the details of each idea BEFORE you display it.

6. Let 'em hold it: Once you put something in someone's hands, they begin to feel ownership. Let your client get involved in your creative process. Encourage questions and discussions.

7. Keep it simple: Keep your description direct, clear, and concise. Don't oversell with long-winded explanations. Good ideas don't need to be pushed.

8. Leave informed: Make sure you are clear on how you will move forward. You may have to be the one to say, “So, what are our next steps?” Your client may not have a definitive answer, so be prepared to define this. For example, you may suggest a specific date for a follow-up call or meeting.

Practice makes perfect. If you aren't comfortable with making presentations, role-play with an associate or friend. You can also perform in front of a mirror. Observe your posture and mannerisms. Are you fidgeting? Do you maintain eye contact? Are you ready to persuade and make a call to action?

ACTION ITEM: Examine your presentation style by asking for a second opinion from someone you trust. This isn't easy to do, but if you use this feedback to improve your skills, you will reap the rewards.

About the Author:

Wendy Maynard, your friendly Marketing Maven, publishes REMARKABLE MARKETING, a weekly marketing ezine for business owners, freelancers, and entrepreneurs. If you're ready to skyrocket your sales, easily attract customers, and have more fun, subscribe now at

Sorting vs. Selling - Ron LeBlanc

** Article: Sorting vs. Selling - Ron LeBlanc **

In this article I want to let you in on something that the top home based business people know. It took me a while to learn it and be comfortable with it. That concept is sorting vs. Selling.

What do I mean by that? I mean that whatever home based business you are in, you must somehow contact people and communicate with them. If you are thinking that you have to find people and convince them to join your business…good luck!

If you have a business that has a higher entry level, say above $1000, you are not going to get someone who has no goals and a poverty mindset and get them invest over $1000 in a business. If you have one of the businesses with a low startup around $100 and you somehow manage to twist arms and convince someone to join in – then you should take your phone off the hook, because that type of person may think they have just won the lottery. Two weeks later when they have no results, they will be calling you to complain.

Trying to sell someone who is reluctant is like dragging someone along to a movie they don’t want to see. Not an enjoyable experience. Who wants people like that around?

The secret is sorting. If you know what to look for, then you look only for those people. As I have mentioned in previous articles, you don’t have to be a computer guru to do most home based businesses now. So what are the characteristics you are looking for? Desire and coachability. When you find that person, they deserve to hear about your opportunity.

How do you look for those things? What do they sound like? For desire, you want to hear something like “I am done with jobs I have to work for myself or else”, “I want to make $250k and I will have a vacation home.” When you hear “Yeah, money would be nice someday”, or “I don’t know I want my income to be unlimited”, or “I’m just looking for a little something extra”. Those are indicators that there is not a strong desire.

Coachability is a trait that will mean that someone will follow the business system that your opportunity has already setup. That’s important because you don’t want someone who will go outside your company’s compliance guidelines. You also don’t want someone calling you up twenty times a day because they won’t listen to a training call.

You will hear a lack of coachability as you talk to them and they ask you to cut to the chase and tell them what it’s about. People who interrupt you a lot are also not coachable.

Remember you are not serving people who have little desire and are not coachable by bringing them into your business. If they flop, nobody benefits. Your best response to them is NEXT!

About the Author:

Ron LeBlanc, PE spent 20+ years in science and engineering when woke up to his true potential and began working from home. He lives in Boulder, CO and works out of his home. He enjoys helping other people learn to do home based businesses. Get his tip-filled newsletter and some special offers at

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

如何更成功 - 陈安之


人 生就像一出戏,每个人都是主角。然而,我们不只是演出而已,更是这出戏的导演。一般戏剧总会有几个既定的结局,人生则不同,结局好坏完全是由自己一手掌 控。与其要听天由命,还不如潜心研究,如何为自己写一出剧本,演出自己最想演的角色。毕竟,在人生这出戏中,能为自己量身订做一出好的戏剧脚本的人,总比 那些被请来客串的临时演员,成就和收入都有着天壤之别的。越早动手,就越能利用每一刻,掌握自己的人生。在生命的每个脚落里,都有无限的机会在等着我们。 如果我们够努力,就能抓住机会。现在让我们一起来看看,如何将这出人生大戏演好的几个重要关键。
1. 做你喜欢做的事,然后把他做到最好。

在我的着作- 超级成功学中,总共有167个 帮助你快速成功的方法;而我将它列为第一个成功方法。这也是我从事研究成功学十多年,见过一百多位各行各业的世界顶尖大师,大部份人成功的主要因素之一。 我们所秉持的观念都很接近,并不是为了要赚大钱,或是追求名利,而是,我们都非常愿意帮助别人,乐于让别人更成功。所以,现在就请你仔细的思考,你是否和 我一样正在从事你最喜欢的工作,答案是YES的话,让我们一起努力把它做到最好,朝行业的世界最顶尖迈进。如果,你的答案是NO的话,请你趁现在赶快重新规划自己的未来,你可以参考这几周的成功信息,找出你热爱的目标与方向。

2.不要害怕犯错 ;犯错是成功的开始。

1886年的五月,定居在乔治亚州的亚特兰大市,有一名药剂师叫约翰.潘博顿 (John Pemberton), 有一天他在自家的院子调制出一锅能提神解劳、有镇静作用和减轻头痛的饮料。潘伯顿将这锅液体带到雅各药房去,指示他的助理魏纳伯,倒入一些糖浆和水,然后 添加冰块,他们俩尝过后觉得味道好极了。当他正要倒第二杯的时候,魏纳伯不小心加错二氧化碳的水,而不是普通的水。没想到,他们俩人更喜欢这个味道。他们决定不冠以「头痛药 」的名衔,而是当作一般解渴的饮料来卖。因内含古柯叶和可乐果的缘故,他们将这种饮料取名为「 可口可乐 」。



富可敌国的世界顶尖专业投资人索罗斯说 :投资理财这一行,靠的就是信息。他拥有三项别人没有的优势,因此投资人只得付钱请索罗斯来帮他们投资。

(1) 全球信息的广度

他说,事实上,大多数的信息都是公开的,只不过未被普遍使用罢了。很多人投资人读了 「华尔街日报」,便觉得自己掌握了状况。看英国 「金融时报」的人已经比较少,看意大利 「晚报」、法国 费加洛日报」和日本「 朝日新闻 」的人,或是请人读这些报纸的人更是少有。但拥有全球网络,这些媒体的重要消息便逃不过掌心,得以善加利用。

(2) 信息的深度。

有句话说 「凡值得刊登的都是新闻。」意思就是,有些新闻并不适合刊登。但谁来决定 ?记者自己便会有所取舍,报导要写的有条有理,他所知道的东西一定比他笔下的多的多。有时候编辑会对文章加以删减,让每段字句都有其道理。而今天,不论是意识型态或是财经方面,都有不同的价值判断标准。因此,找个记者来谈谈一定比看报还要多许多信息。有些新闻不适宜刊登,但不表示他没价值。在索罗斯这里不仅新闻一直进来,使用者也了解记者的立场,因此知道如何解读这些消息。

(3) 信息的处理流程。


索罗斯对自己的成功,提出了这样的解释。 我所知道的是,市场状况是反射的。我不知道未来会有什么结果,没有人能知道。我之所以能占得先机,因为我知道根本没什么可以让我们依循,未来其实都是随机而变的,因此我所反映的东西,会因为我的反映行为而改变。」他把这套理论称为 反射论」。而索罗斯的「量子基金 」的名称,也是取自物理。简易说就是,未来之所以会有变动,不是因为它本来就会变动,而是因为我们现在所采取的行动。

我对信息的渴求有时几乎到了疯狂的境界,只要是对我有帮助的信息,我一律不放过。记得,有一回我与公司的员工开完会后,正在收拾我的信息的时候,忽然听到一群员工在窃窃私语,他们说 :哇!老板也看花花公子杂志。结果我将杂志一翻开,他们都吓了一跳,里面居然有一篇-世界首富比尔盖茨的独家报导。这时候,我看到他们佩服的眼光说 怎么可能连藏在这里的信息,你都找得到 ?真是不可思议。」我就是这个样子,绝不轻易漏掉任何一则有价值的信息。有时候连一些好的书籍,出增订版,那怕只加一页,我也一定要买回来研究,看看有没有增加一些不一样的信息。我不只要求更多、更好的信息,我还要求要以最快的速度得到信息。过去我经常受邀,为成功杂志中文版写稿,所以杂志社每个月会提供免费的杂志寄给我,但寄书时间通常会慢个几天,而市面上的书局总会提前几天销售。所以每个月,当出书的第一天,我不是自己跑去购买,就是请我的助理帮我购买。因为早一天得到一些更好的信息,就多增加一点竞争优势。

曾经有一个年轻人,花了许多时间寻求智慧,正好在一处海边遇到了伟大的哲学家--苏格拉底,他非常兴奋的跑到海边问苏格拉底 ,如何增加智慧 的方法?苏格拉底不但没回答,还趁这位年轻人不注意的时候,将他的头往海里栽,使他整个头部浸在海里。任凭年轻人怎么挣扎,他都不理,直到他感受到年轻人快庵庵一息的时候,才将他拉出水面。并且说: 「年轻人,当你对智慧的渴望,有如刚才你在水中需要氧气的渴望,你自然会得到

无 论世代如何交替,人类所犯的错误,还是一而再,再而三地发生。而成功的模式,也一而再,再而三的,在许多成功人士身上不断验证有效。如果我们能预见未来, 也许就能适时合宜的计划我们的人生。然而,不经一事,不长一智;如果没有错误,我们就不能成熟,也无法面对人生的挑战。要想改进自己,就要谦卑、诚实,再 客观地观察自己,并从过去的错误中,学会如何自律。在我的第一本着作- 自己就是一座宝藏中,我曾提出一个很重要的观念,也就是世界品管大师- 戴明博士说的 【每天进步一点点 】。我认为一个人之所以会成功,是因为他不断的进步,不断的改善。只要你能够每天持续不断的改善,一天改善1%一年就有好几百%的改善,也就是有好几倍的成长,只要你能够每天持之以恒去做,你终究会成功。








  这听起来似乎会对中国经济影响很大。但是中国近几年每年的固定资产投资都在十几万亿人民币,年均增长都在25%左右。如建设全国的高速铁路网,地方机 场,大城市的地铁和城郊铁路,一批新上的核电站项目,南水北调、太湖、淮河等流域的水治理等等,一大批重大投资项目,使今后几年中国的投资增长仍将继续保持在20-25%之间。




  但在中国1500家左右的上市公司中,奥运概念股,特别是奥运股中这些较小的旅游、销售、传媒股,对整个股市的影响可以说也是非常有限的。从更大的世界范围看,近年举办过奥运会的多数国家,如西班牙、美国、澳大利亚、希腊等,在奥运后,股市都没有出现像韩国这样的明显下跌。奥运会后的股市下跌,并不是一 个普遍现象。



  这一波的股市下跌是世界性的,是由美国的次贷危机,及引起的信用危机,金融危机,和可能出现的美国经济的全面萧条引起的。但诡谲的是在这一波世界性的下跌中,经济基本面最好的,流动性过剩最大的中国股市,不仅跌幅最大,而且回升的势头最小。同样是金砖四国,巴西的股市继续上升,印度的股市跌幅只有 20%






Building Long-Term Relationships

Building Long-Term Relationships
By: Brian Tracy

If you could take everything we know about communications, put it all in a large pot, boil it and distill it down into its critical essence, it is about the importance of relationships in successful selling. Building and maintaining long-term selling relationships is the key behavior and skill of the top ten percent of the money earners in sales, in every field, selling every product and service.

The Reason for Success
Most of your success in life will depend on your ability to get along well with other people, and on the quality of your relationships. Psychologist Sidney Jourard, found that 85 percent of a person's happiness in life comes from happy interactions with other people. The reverse holds true as well: 85 percent of a person's unhappiness or problems in life comes from difficulties in getting along with others.

Sell to Lots of People
Anyone can sell to a few people, some of the time. But only the very best human relations experts can sell to a wide variety of people, and sell to them repeatedly. The only way that you can make the kind of big money that you are capable of is by selling more easily, and more often, to the prospects you talk to, and by having those prospects open doors to others through testimonials and referrals. All top salespeople build and maintain high quality business relationships with their customers and sell to them repeatedly year after year.

Decide Emotionally, Justify Logically
We are all sensitive to the quality of our relationships with other people. We are primarily emotional and we make most of our decisions on the basis of how we feel inside. We may carefully consider all of the logical and practical reasons why or why not with regard to buying a product or service, but in the final analysis we tend to go with our gut feeling. We listen to our inner voices. We obey the dictates of our hearts. We buy on the basis of how we feel about the relationship that we have with the other person. Where there is no relationship, there is no sale.

Focus on the Key Variable
Everything that you ever learned of value in the profession of selling, regarding your product or service, or personality, is only helpful to the degree to which it contributes to the building of high quality relationships with customers.

Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.

First, become a relationship expert in sales. Focus first on the relationship, above all, and the sale will take care of itself.

Second, take care of your relationships once you have built them. Never take them for granted. Tend to them as you would to a flower garden.







成功与失败的不同之处 - 陈安之



被列为20 世纪最佳运行长的通用电气公司总裁Jack Welch谈到,通用公司成功的秘诀在于不断寻找更好的方法。如果惠普现在做得更好,杰克愿意去向他们学习,如果威名百货(Wal-Mart)在某一特定 领域做得更好,他也愿意去向他们学习。如果其它公司正在获取更多的利益,杰克也将会用上几天时间来向他们学习。Jack称之为通用公司的文化,我们所做任 何一件事,都必须去寻求更好的方法去解决。我想这便是杰克排名最佳运行长的原因――努力改进和不断学习的态度。在Bill Gates之前,威名百货Wal-Mart公司的Sam是世界的首富。一次Sam去一家面临破产的商场,看见商场有一些地方做得不错,而威名百货却没有 做。Sam去问他公司的经理人员,我们为什么没有那么做?从倒闭的商场所学东西,这就是Sam Walton,这也正是他成为首富的原因所在。另一次,Sam正在商场工作,记者前来拜访他。记者看到拥挤的人群在收银处排队等待付款,他不敢相信威名百 货的生意会那么好,于是他问Sam生意怎么样?得到的回答是——很糟糕。记者难以理解他的回答,他告诉Sam,你疯了,那么多人排队购物,等着付款,你却 说生意不好,你是什么意思?Sam告诉记者,之所以说它不好是因为客人必须花太长时间等待付款,我必须去寻找更好的方法为客人节省时间。喔,又有一些东西 值得我们去学习了。



每一个人都知道我们必须计划。因此,计划并不是问题。但老实说,你的计划到底好不好呢?五年以前,我曾经有一个机会为世界第一名潜能大师-- 安东尼·罗宾在台湾筹办一个一天的研讨会。我告诉安东尼在那天会有3000人在现场。在此之前,所有人都不知道在台湾,从来没有那个演讲者有那么多的听 众。最多大约只有1500人,因此,我便开始认真重视起来,并实实在在作好计划。我写下22个计划,其中的20个失败了,最后的2个计划使我完成我的计 划。当天现场总共有3145人来参加,这是会场的最大容量。我不仅在那次事件中成功了,我也为世界第一名销售训练师TOM HOPKINS 举办了爆满的讲演。同样的,我也为世界第一名人际关系专家HARVEY MACKAY 到台湾举办演讲,使用了相同的策略。人们并不计划着失败,他们失败是因为计划不够好。


今年,我开始打保龄球,先前的几局我仅得了100 分。接下来我告诉自己,我必须为自己找一位好的教练。在两个星期内我的最高得分是235分。平均分180分并不坏,尤其是当你是一个新手的时候,我想大多 数打保龄球的人都会同意这一点。我已经训练了几个月了,我的平均得分大约是160分。一天我在练保龄球的时候,我问我自己,是什么原因阻止我得到180分 的平均分呢?我的回答是我让球脱手太快了。因此我告诉我自己,在我把球掷出之前,我必须考虑球可能会滑向哪里。通过一点时间来考虑我采取行动所要得到的结 果,一整个星期下来,我的平均得分是185分。这样的道理可以应用到很多事情当中。在你采取行动做任何事情之前,我建议你,花一点时间来考虑一下你采取行 动所要得到的结果。只要这样做,在你所做的任何事情中,你就能明显的得到更好的结果。


积极思考不错,确立目标、采取行动也很好。但是如果你曾经所考虑的那些行动没有效果,你最好的计划全部失败,你该如何做,你能处理那些最坏的情形吗?最富 有的中国香港富豪李嘉诚曾经谈到:在他购买任何东西之前,他总是问自己:我能将这产品卖给谁,他所考虑的最后一件事情就是他能花多少钱来买它。他说如果他 能游100米, 他绝对确信自己能够游300米。李嘉诚先生总是作好最坏的打算,这就是他大部分想法都能够成功的原因。因此,在你做任何事之前,一定要问你自己,最坏的情 形是什么,我能够应付它吗?它将会糟糕到什么程度?我有解决这些问题的答案吗?这个简单的思考过程将会为你节省很多精力、时间、金钱,为你减少很多麻烦, 这也将会确保你最大的成功。


生命是丰富多彩的,有时一帆风顺,有时曲折坎坷。当你处于顺境时,不要过分兴奋;在你碰到逆境时,也不要太沮丧。天晴时要准备好雨伞,下雨时要相信一定会 有雨过天晴的一天。每一个失败仅仅是使你离成功越来越近。生命中任何的坎坷,一旦你克服了,都会使你变得更坚强。在我自己面临挑战时,首先我会找一个安静 的地方沉思30 分钟,然后我设置一个短期的目标马上采取行动,短期目标使我感到安全,有信心,那些目标是我能做到并且马上完成的,这样可以让我很容易重拾信心。一旦我感 受我已经可以控制事情,那么我便会思考我的使命。我生命的目标就是帮助最多的人透过学习帮助自己更成功。我之所以愿意花费时间去做这些事的原因是其它的人 曾经帮助过我,那确实永远地改变了我的生命。

Monday, March 24, 2008

Develop A Prosperity Consciousness

Develop A Prosperity Consciousness
By: Brian Tracy

The starting point of all riches is the development of a prosperity consciousness. You must become a financial success in your thinking long before you achieve it in your reality. Both poverty and riches are the result of a state of mind, and the most important single step you ever take on the road to wealth and financial independence is the decision to change your thinking, to impress into your mind an unshakable belief that you can and will achieve your financial goals. This must happen before anything else happens.

Think And Grow Rich
When I was growing up, I was fascinated by stories of successful men and women and how they made and lost their fortunes, and then made them over again. I read about the importance of a prosperity consciousness in the book, Think And Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill, several times. But I never fully understood what it meant until about five years ago. Then it hit me and I've never been quite the same since. Every aspect of my life has improved dramatically, especially in the area of accumulating wealth, since I finally understood what is meant by a prosperity consciousness.

Two Great Discoveries
Here are two of the most exciting principles ever discovered in the long search by mankind for the secrets of health, happiness and great personal wealth.

All Causation is Mental
The first principle is this. All causation is mental. That means that everything that you are or ever will be will be a result of how you use your mind. You are merely a mind with a body to carry it around with. The entire man made world that you see is simply an expression of thought. Your entire life is an expression of your own thinking. And since the quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life, if you improve the quality of your thinking, you must, you will, inevitably improve the quality of your life.

The Law of Expectations
The second principle is what we call the law of expectations. This law says that whatever you expect with confidence, positive or negative, becomes your reality. If you confidently expect to succeed, if you confidently expect to learn something from every experience, if you confidently expect to become wealthy as a result of applying your talents and abilities to your opportunities and you maintain that attitude of confident expectations long enough, it will become your reality. It will give you a positive optimistic cheerful attitude that will cause people to want to help you, and will cause things to happen the way you want them to happen.

Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do immediately to practice these principles in your day to day life:

First, start thinking today in a positive, optimistic, confident way about personal and financial success. Continually imagine what differences it would make in your life if you were financially independent. This is the starting point of developing a prosperity consciousness.

Second, develop your own attitude of positive expectations. Look for the good in every situation. Look for the valuable lesson in every setback or difficulty. Be positive and cheerful about everything that happens and you will be amazed at the difference it makes in your life.